How to Outsource Content Effectively

Content creation is well-suited for outsourcing remotely because, unlike other occupations that you need to be physically present at work, the content output is more important to the client rather than the process of content creation. But how do you outsource effectively?  

Because of the latest technologies, most businesses can now run with its people working remotely. Businesses outsource jobs because:

  • Cost-effective. You do not have to worry about training because you will get to experienced employees to handle your work. You can also hire employees at affordable salaries.
  • Perfect for startups who want to start small and scale up fast.
  • Enhanced productivity. Save time and money and other resources by delegating tasks.
  • Managed risk during employee turnover, and the operations would continue smoothly without interruptions.

As a deeply engrossed person with content marketing and growing your business, you probably understand how much work it requires and that you need to strive hard so that your business becomes successful.

Why should you outsource your content?

If you want to establish a business out of your website, you must reach a lot of audiences. How are you going to do this? You must produce and publish content. It can be a good idea to find and pay someone who can do the things that you don’t want to do or have no time to do. 

Not yet convinced? Are you still thinking of doing all the content marketing by yourself without outsourcing? For you to execute an effective and money-generating content marketing, you must fill in different job titles and have specific skills and knowledge.  

There are 7 core roles of a content marketing team.

  1. Chief content officer 
  2. Content strategy director 
  3. Audience development manager
  4. Content traffic, project, and planning manager
  5. Influencer wrangler 
  6. Content production director
  7. Technical content manager

See how much time, work, and effort you need to execute to perform all of these duties?  

It is okay to outsource your content. In fact, many companies and also content marketing teams are already doing this. Ninety percent of all organizations use content marketing.  It keeps their reader’s attention, generates leads, improves brand loyalty, and increases direct sales.

So, how do you outsource effectively? Here are some tips that you can do.

1. Create a content marketing strategy

You need to have a solid content marketing plan if you want to engage your audience successfully. A content strategy is the management or piece of your well-planned marketing plan on how you are going to demonstrate your expertise in the industry.  

In developing a content marketing strategy, you must consider the following. 

  • Your content’s target audience
  • The problem your product or service will solve
  • What makes your brand different or stand out
  • The format of your content, e.g., video, blog post, infographics, etc.
  • Channels you will be using, e.g., social media, radio, print, television, etc.
  • Allocating your resources on who will do a specific job or task 
  • Assess your current position and identifying gaps
  • Establish a content calendar
  • Design a content marketing that will help grow your business. 

2. Choose what areas you want to outsource 

It would be best if you created a content marketing strategy first for you to determine what areas you want to outsource. You will also find out what are your content needs and skills you want your content team to have.  

Finding out what things you cannot do in-house has the potential to be outsourced. Some of the tasks that you can outsource are content creation, social media management, video creation, video editing, or illustration.

For example, content creators are highly-trained and are experts in their field. They are skilled and trained in doing research to create an expertly-created document.

3. Provide clear instructions

Miscommunication is one of the common problems in outsourcing. Be crystal clear with your instructions you give to your content creators by having a written record of all the discussion—and this is through email. This helps avoid ambiguity and will be a lot easier for you to set instructions, so your outsourced team generates content that perfectly aligns with your vision. 

4. Establish a brand style guide

As we have mentioned in our previous point, your outsourced content team should develop content aligned with your vision. To help them do that, they must have an in-depth understanding of your business.  

A brand style guide can help you channel your vision to your outsourced content team. It helps a writer, video creator, or illustrator to quickly become accustomed to the style that is distinctive to your company. You can outsource your content because anyone will be able to match your preferred writing or visual style using your brand style guide.

5. Use a project management system

If you want your outsourced content marketing to work efficiently, then you must have a project management system.

Project management involves planning, initiating, executing, closing, monitoring, and closing a team’s task to meet a specific requirement and achieve a specific goal in an agreed schedule and budget. Another purpose of project management is to foresee and predict problems and plan and control activities to be completed successfully despite any risks.

Using project management software, such as JIRA allows you to track your projects even if it is outsourced. You can set workflows that every content creator can follow, which are important when you are outsourcing content, and if you want to maintain a high level of quality.  

You can also ensure everyone is sticking with the process and stay on top of the due dates. 

If you want to have in-depth knowledge about the basics of outsourcing, Outsourcing: Save Time With Inexpensive Professionals online course will teach you how to outsource content effectively. You will also learn:

  • How to manage and oversee your virtual assistants
  • What is the hourly rate or flat rate depending on your project needs and skill level of the applicants
  • How to properly hire from different platforms
  • How to collaborate with your workers in larger outsourcing projects

This online course is perfect for:

  • Business owners
  • Online marketers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Physical and online businesses
  • Content marketers
  • Home-based businesses
  • Anyone with a product/service to sell
  • Email marketers

Recommended courses for you

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