Top 7 Skill Success Career Development Courses

Career development is an essential part of human development as it forms a person’s identity. Career development should not end even if you have already chosen a career and have been in the field for years.  

Skill Success provides thousands of online courses to help level up your skills, earn more, and become more satisfied in your career. Get the chance to live your dream and have a meaningful life by focusing on your career development with these online courses.

1. How To Find The Job You Love

Do you usually ask yourself, “Am I on the right career path?” “Do I really love this job?” If your answer is “Yes,” then you are not alone. In fact, you are part of 70% of workers who feel that they are not satisfied with their career choice. Loving your job is essential because you are able to excel more in your career and enjoy life more. A job that causes you stress is bad for you; it is a silent killer of your health and productivity.  

In this course, How To Find The Job You Love, you will learn how to gain confidence and courage to find your real purpose in your work and become the best version of yourself. You will be motivated to get up, start planning, and move up towards your dream job.

2. Discover Your Dream Job: Find Your True Meaning

We all have an ideal or dream job. The kind of job that makes us excited to wake up every morning and makes us feel awesome, valued, smart, and competent—that everyday-grind that you will be so passionate about.  

If you feel miserable in your current job or situation, know that you need a change, feel stuck, and have no idea where to start, then Discover Your Dream Job: Find Your True Meaning online course is right for you. 

You will learn the best strategies you can find to work on the right career path. Also, you will be introduced to the concept of “dream job,” its meaning, and how it will apply to you. This online course will also help you view if being employed or self-employed is the current right career path for you, and even learn how to write a killer cover letter and resume. 

3. Create The Ultimate Resume Package To Stand Out

Submitting a resume without getting a response from an employer is worse than getting rejected which might deplete your confidence, especially if you really like the job. One of the main reasons why these applicants do not get a reply is because they submitted a mediocre resume.  

well-tailored resume is your key to get invited for an interview. It is the first impression that you send to your potential employer. Thus, it is one of the crucial steps in job hunting and even for a job promotion.

Create The Ultimate Resume Package To Stand Out online course provides you a unique and professional resume package that will help you stand out and increase your chances of getting selected for an interview and job offer. You will learn how to create and improve your:

  • Career research strategy
  • Skill development strategy
  • Cover letter and template
  • Business card and template
  • Skills document
  • Experience list 
  • Skills matching document Template
  • Experience list document Template
  • and prepare for the interview

4. LinkedIn Blueprint

Linkedin has been around longer than Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It is a platform that focuses on a professional platform and career development by connecting employers, employees, and job seekers. You can create an online version of your resume, search for job opportunities, or even let jobs come to you. Other benefits of creating a LinkedIn account are:

  • Take advantage of its job board
  • Build your professional brand
  • Rank your name on Google
  • Research companies and their employees
  • Find out the latest industry trends and news
  • Build your professional network around the world

LinkedIn Blueprint is an online course that guarantees to double your visibility and get measurable results. Thus, it increases your professional connection, networking with executives, and positioning yourself as an influencer.

5. Cover Letter Mastery To Get The Job You Want

Another reason why applicants don’t get a reply from their potential employers is that they don’t have a cover letter or they have a poorly-written cover letter. A cover letter is an important part of your application because it gives you a chance to highlight your importance and give information that you have not included in your resume.  

In the Cover Letter Mastery To Get The Job You Want online course, you will learn the main problems applicants make in a cover letter and the steps on how you will write an effective cover letter. You will discover:

  • How to deconstruct a job advertisement
  • Writing styles, editing, and formatting
  • Creating an impressionable header
  • What to include in the body of the cover letter
  • The footer principles

6. Job Interview Success

Preparing for a job interview is crucial for you to bag your dream job. It will make you become calmer and feel more in control of the job interview. The Job Interview Success online course will help improve your interview performance and boost your chances of landing a job by learning:

  • The Number One Reason Why People Fail At Job Interviews
  • Stress And Negative Feelings Say Nothing About Your Qualifications!
  • Mental Preparation: The Myth!
  • Voice Exercises To Get Your Point Across In A Professional Way!
  • First Exercise – YAWN Your Way To A Job!
  • Second Exercise – Jaw Shake!
  • Third Exercise – Tongue Roll
  • Body WorX:
    • Eyes
    • Smile
    • Shoulder

7. How To Win Jobs Freelancing On UpWork

If you want to pursue a career online via Upwork and work-from-home, whether a part-timer or full-timer, then How To Win Jobs Freelancing On UpWork online course will definitely be a help.  

Many freelancers opt to use Upwork because they can find a lot of jobs that are ideal for their skills and it helps build their reputation because of their clients’ feedback and reviews on them.

This online course is your step-by-step guide on how you will set up your Upwork profile, look for a job using the platform, submit your proposal, and learn about pricing, upgrading, and closing sales.

Recommended courses for you

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