Top 10 Mobile Productivity Apps

We live in a fast-paced world, and almost every one of us wants to get things done more quickly. As we constantly fit tasks and meet deadlines, it is a good thing that we now have software and mobile productivity apps that will help us be productive. Here are the top 10 mobile productivity apps to help you boost your efficiency. 

1. Evernote

Evernote is a cloud-based software for note-taking, task management, organizing, and archiving various media files. This is an application that you can download for FREE and can be used on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Since this is a cloud-based software, Evernote keeps all of your files stored up in the cloud in your own Evernote account. Therefore, you can sync and access your saved files remotely using any devices. It also offers a lot of features which include:

  • Web Clipper – you can save web pages, articles, and PDFs
  • Multi-Device Sync – seamlessly work between devices and access your notes even without WiFi or mobile data signal
  • Search Handwriting – allows reading your handwriting on the app
  • PDF and Document Search – allows you to search and attach PDFs, office docs, and other files to your notes.

These are just a few samples of Evernote’s cool features; you can visit their website to learn more. You can also learn how to use Evernote effectively with the “The Complete Evernote Mastery Course: Maximize Productivity” online course.

2. Google Drive

Google Drive allows you to store any file, such as photos, recordings, videos, designs, drawings, and more. You can save files and consume up to 15 GB of storage for FREE with your Google Account which you can upgrade for more storage. It also lets you access your file anywhere using any device, whether it is a smartphone, tablet, or computer. You also have the option to share or invite other people to access, edit, or download your file. Most online businesses use Google Drive because they can collaborate with other people virtually using DocsSheets, and Slides apps. Discover more features of Google Drive by visiting their page.

3. Trello

Trello is a Kanban-style collaboration tool that allows you to organize and manage projects into boards. These boards are lists filled with cards, which are like sticky notes that you assign to each team member. You can also attach documents and files, add notes or comments, create a checklist, add due date, and highlight priorities to the Trello cards. You can create your own private boards or invite as many people as you want to collaborate with your board. Check out this overview to learn more about how Trello works.

You can also opt to learn how to use Trello efficiently with the “Trello For Project Management And Productivity” online course. 

4. Slack

Slack is specifically built for communication. It replaces email as the main form of communication and sharing in a company or team. You can organize communication by channel for group discussions. You can create channels for every project, discussion, or team, so all of the members in each of these channels are aligned and can share or have access to the same information. Other features that slack offers include but not limited to:

  • Team chat for business
  • Video conferencing
  • Connect Slack with other apps, such as Trello, Google Drive, Zoom, Google Calendar, and more
  • Create workflow automation with Workflow Builder by Slack
  • Search team conversations
  • Collaborative file and document sharing

5. Todoist

Todoist is a task management application that can be used by an individual or a team. It works well with all leading web browsers and devices, including Windows, Android, Apple iOS, and Mac. This application lets you organize and prioritize tasks, so you know what you need to do first and your next action. You can also track your progress and set daily and weekly goals. Todoist also has an option for you to integrate it into other applications that you use, such as Dropbox, Google Calendar, Zapier, IFTTT, Slack, and more. Get to know all of Todoist’s most powerful features by viewing their page.

6. LastPass

LastPass is a password manager application that stores your entire encrypted password online across every device for FREE. You will feel more secure to access your accounts from every computer and mobile device. What LastPass does is that it saves all of usernames and passwords and syncs those to the LastPass application. You will only have to remember one password, and that is your LastPass password. With LastPass, you will never forget another password, and this application can also help you generate a strong password to replace weak ones. If you want to know more about LastPass, visit their website.

7. HelloSign

HelloSign takes the inconvenience of signing a document by allowing you to sign electronically, and it is legally binding e-signature. You do not have to print a document that needs your signage then scan it to send back to the sender. It can also be integrated with other apps like Slack, Hubspot CRM, and other cloud storage, such as Evernote, Box, Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive. Doing so will allow you to save and access your signed documents. If you’re interested in exploring alternatives to HelloSign, you might find this resource helpful.

8. Zapier

Zapier helps you to automate and integrate apps that don’t usually communicate with each other. For example, you received an email in Gmail, you can program to automatically copy and download all the attachments from Gmail to Dropbox, and once the file has been transferred to Dropbox, you will receive a notification in Slack about the new Dropbox file. Zapier works with over 2000+ applications so you can integrate your favorite tools and customize workflows.


IFTTT came from a conditional programming statement, “If This, Then That,” also called as applets. Applets connect multiple apps to run automated tasks, just like what Zapier application does. IFTTT applications connect different applications, devices, and services to create new, seamless experiences. You can create your own applets and turn on or off an applet via the IFTTT website or mobile application.

10. Dropbox

Last but the least, Dropbox is one of the most popular cloud-based storage. You can store files, documents, photos, backup and sync data, and share files to anyone. This application allows you to store your files in a safe place and access your files from your phone, tablet, or computer. Some of the unique features that this application offers is that you can also create and edit your work, integrate Dropbox with other tools like Slack and Zoom, and create a centralized team content. Check out more of the cool features by checking out their page

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