10 Online Jobs to Supplement Your Income

An online job is a good way to supplement your income, whether it is for a short period of time or longer. In addition to avoiding a daily commute, online jobs often allow you to work on your own schedule. This can be especially appealing for individuals with a full-time job, children, or other responsibilities. Check out a few of these top online jobs:

1. Data Entry

Most companies, regardless of their industry or size, have data entry needs. They may need to transfer client records to an online database or transcribe recordings. In order to keep costs low, some of these businesses may outsource their data entry needs to remote freelancers.

The requirements to become a data entry clerk will vary from company to company. Some companies may hire entry-level freelancers who have a good typing speed and are accurate. Others may prefer to hire candidates with prior experience.

2. Search Engine Evaluators

Search engines like Google and Yahoo are constantly evaluating and updating their search engine algorithms to ensure the results you receive are accurate and relevant. They will often hire remote search engine evaluators to test results. The evaluator’s job is to review search engine results and measure how relevant they were to the original search.

In most cases, you don’t need prior experience to work as a search engine evaluator. Some companies may require candidates to have a college degree but sometimes, comfort using internet search platforms is enough.

3. Editor

Editors, or proofreaders, are always in demand as businesses increase their content output. If you have a good grasp of the native language and can easily identify errors or typos, an editing position may be ideal for you.

The requirements to work as an editor will vary. Some businesses may require previous experience, whereas others may request that you complete a writing test. Some may also have their own training program.

4. Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is someone who assists another person, usually with business or communication tasks. This position is very similar to that of a personal assistant in an in-person office, but a virtual assistant works remotely. The specific job duties will vary, depending on the business and its needs.

Work tasks might include things like making phone calls, scheduling travel, responding to emails, or creating minutes for a virtual meeting. Employers sometimes require virtual assistants to have previous knowledge in the industry in which they will be working. For example, a real estate broker may want a virtual assistant with previous experience in real estate. A business professional who travels a lot may want someone familiar with booking trips.

5. Survey Taker

Online survey takers provide businesses with data, often in the form of market research. Some businesses may be willing to pay, or offer incentives, to learn more about their customers or target customers. Survey takers receive compensation in return for responding to surveys.

While survey takers do not usually require experience, you may need to meet certain criteria to be eligible. For example, a business that sells children’s clothing may want the opinions of current parents. A travel company may want additional information or opinions from people who travel often.

6. Online Tutor

If you have good study skills, you may find work as an online tutor. Parents of middle and high school students are often willing to hire an online tutor to help their kids pass a class or to prepare for college entrance tests. If you went to college, you may be able to find work as an online tutor in your field of expertise.

Online tutors will usually need some level of education to work. Most companies expect online tutors to have some post-high school experience in the specific topics they want to teach.

7. Social Media Manager

More businesses are taking advantage of social media to increase brand awareness and ultimately, sales. Because the task of managing a brand’s social media account can be time-consuming, many businesses are willing to outsource it. 

If you are comfortable with the main social media platforms and have some creative skills, you may find work as a social media manager. You don’t usually need a degree or experience to work as a social media manager. However, some brands may request that you submit a portfolio of social media examples.

8. Chat Agent

Many businesses today offer customer support virtually. The tasks are similar to what a phone representative will do, including answering customer’s questions and tracking orders. The difference, however, is that you will primarily communicate with customers on the internet in the form of a live chat.

Depending on the company, you may need previous customer service experience to work as a chat agent. You may also need specific experience in the industry in which you want to work. You may find chat agent jobs with many online businesses including travel sites, home services, or retail companies.

9. Language Teacher

Language teachers virtually teach language skills to students in other countries. You may work with children, teens, or even adults. You may create lesson plans and teach students how to speak and write your native language.

You will usually need a minimum of a college degree to work as a language teacher. Some employers may also require that you have teaching experience.

10. Graphic Designer

If you are artistic and good with using popular graphic designing programs, you may find work as an online graphic designer. Graphic designers take client visions and turn them into website designs, marketing materials, infographics, and logos.

While most employers do not require that you have a college degree, some experience with graphic designing is usually a requirement. Some employers may also request that you have specific experience using certain graphic design programs, or creating certain types of graphics.

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How to Avoid Work-At-Home Scams

While there are many legitimate online jobs, there are also scams designed to take advantage of people who want to earn an income from home. As you begin to search for online jobs, it is important to know how to recognize legitimate companies.

Here are a few tips to avoid work-at-home scams:

  • Never pay for a job: You should never pay to work for someone. If an employer demands payment up-front, it may be a scam.
  • Ask questions: Any position you consider should be willing to answer your questions. Create a list of questions you have about the position.
  • Learn more about the company: You can find information about most companies online. Look up reviews from previous customers and employees.
  • Evaluate the communication from the company: Most companies are willing to communicate with you during business hours. If you find it hard to contact someone or communication is non-existent, it may not be the best company.

When you keep these tips in mind, you can narrow down your list of online jobs to one that is legitimate.

Whether you’re looking for a side job to make a little extra money or you want a steady way to increase your yearly salary, online jobs offer many benefits. Learn how to find online jobs.

Ready to land your next online job? Click here to get started.

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