How to Make the Most of Online Course Videos

The world progressed to a stage where learning can happen outside a physical classroom. Students and teachers no longer need to meet face-to-face and simultaneously for a class to occur. All of these things are possible thanks to online live training.

After the pandemic, online learning has become a more significant part of regular life. This trend will continue due to online learning’s growing market value. By 2025, the online learning industry will be worth at least $325 billion

Students should make the most out of their online classes regardless of level and type. Learning how to navigate online class tools, especially course videos, will be critical in any academic endeavor.

Students watching recorded lecture with professor talking from tablet

What are online course videos?

Online course videos refer to videos containing lessons about a particular subject. Creators format said videos using audio and visual tools to explain topics efficiently. Often, the course creators insert their voices as audio backgrounds of video clips.

Most of these videos have high production value. Besides being educational, online course videos also have entertainment value to keep listeners engaged as they finish each clip. 

Typical online course videos are one-way communication tools. Course creators communicate their thoughts and insights through the videos, but listeners cannot respond to them at the same time. However, since everything is pre-recorded, students can replay the clips whenever.

Benefits of online course videos

The recent Google search rate for online courses blew up to more than 70%. This overwhelming trend reflects modern learners’ want for and dependence on online course videos. 

Its popularity is not the only reason for the high demand for online course videos. Watching ready-made courses digitally also offers the following advantages:

  1. You can watch the videos anytime, anywhere.
  2. You can replay clips for clarification and review.
  3. Most online course video platforms are capable of mobile-friendly streaming.
  4. Students can adjust the pace of their learning experience.
  5. Online course videos typically come with certifications that students can add to their resumes.

10 Tips in making the most out of online course videos

Learning through online course videos can be fast, easy, and flexible. However, this experience can make students too lax, leading to unproductivity. Avoid this tendency and make the most out of the course videos. 

There are ways to take full advantage of online learning. Have a look at these tried and tested tips:

Tip 1: Organize a study plan

Setting a study plan is the most common yet essential tip in taking online courses. In its simplest form, a study plan is an activity timetable that sets activities learners must undertake to accomplish a course. It serves as the backbone of learners’ routines and goals.

It is not enough that you create a study plan. It is also necessary to keep your timetable realistic. Allot time allowances and anticipate interruptions. Refrain from assigning too many tasks within a short span because it will only create unobtainable expectations.

Having a clear timetable helps with stress management. When you have a study plan, you can avoid cramming. While cramming, learners haphazardly watch videos in a chaotic order. It ensues stress and lowers one’s ability to absorb information.

It is ideal to allot a specific number of hours per course video. Calculate the time for each lesson according to importance and difficulty. Relevant and more complicated videos may take longer to finish than others.

Tip 2: Watch course videos routinely

Unsupervised students, both young and adults, have difficulty accomplishing course curriculums when left to their own devices. Students need something to guide them from start to finish to avoid procrastination. Establishing class routines would be an integral piece of successful remote learning.

Watching course videos as part of a routine will help students finish a program at a more predictable rate. It is uncommon for learners to drop a course because of its length. To resolve this problem, learners may segment a course to make the entire duration seem more doable.

It will also be easier for learners set time for study, leisure, and other activities. Knowing when to watch the webinars would foster a better life balance for learners. Not setting specific times for study and rest will increase the risk of burnout.

Moreover, watching course videos routinely will build learners’ momentum for learning. Maintaining this drive will sharpen focus and dedication. Focused and dedicated learners have better chances of finishing a course.

Tip 3: Be strict on time management

Since you are learning by yourself, develop some sense of accountability. Avoid being lax because it will only open opportunities for procrastination and, worse, non-completion. One effective way to keep yourself in check is mastering the art of time management.

Statistics show that 87% of learners can do better if only they are better at time management. Besides knowing when to study, time management also involves using time wisely. For example, watching a course video past someone’s bedtime will prevent a person from giving full attention and energy to the course. In this instance, the learner is not using time practically.

Refrain from breaking time management schedules. Doing so means you are setting yourself up for failure. Here are tips that can help you stay on track:

  • Start and end on time
  • Limit the number of breaks
  • Remove distractions while watching videos
  • Only watch one video at a time
  • Make up for missed schedules
  • When watching online, ensure that your connection is always stable

Tip 4: Try new ways to motivate yourself

One of the disadvantages of e-learning is that students often lose the motivation to attend classes and learn. It is a natural occurrence, but losing motivation should not be permanent. Explore different ways to reinvigorate your will to finish a course video.

The motivation of online learners can be fragile. It is challenging to try learning through videos without active intervention from teachers. However, as a learner, taking responsibility for one’s actions is equally important. Therefore, everyone should be willing to watch every video to finish the lessons.

There are many ways to regain or rebuild one’s motivation to finish a video course. Not many know these tactics, but they are effective:

  • Affirm yourself
  • Find something interesting in the video you are watching
  • Shorten your watching time
  • Rest, when needed
  • Rewatch the video when in a better mood

Remember that motivations come and go. Even if one regained motivation at one point, it is possible to lose it again. Whenever that happens, never discredit yourself.

Tip 5: Find your learning style

65% of the population are audiovisual learners. It means that more than half of humans rely on their eyes and ears to absorb, process, and retain information. But besides audio and visual learning, there are other learning styles. The other core learning styles are reading and writing and kinesthetic.

Reading and writing learning style relies on the power of words. Learners prefer using words as an expression of understanding concepts. On the other hand, the kinesthetic learning style combines perception, experience, and practice to grasp concepts. Learners of this type may need to interact with physical things to make sense of a lesson.

While watching videos, a person may combine the other two styles. For example, one may choose to take notes as they progress through video chapters. Use whatever combination feels most natural for you.

There is no right or wrong way of using learning styles. Learning style preferences may even change from time to time. Find the style that helps you understand the video contents without needing to rewatch them too many times.

Tip 6: Organize an effective learning space

A study confirms that a good study environment shapes positive student learning. A space makes learning effective when a student experiences autonomy, competence, and relatability. Combining these three factors fosters a continuous and engaging learning flow.

Everybody’s ideal learning space is different. Some people prefer to watch videos alone, while others find comfort knowing that somebody else is with them. No matter your preference, never allow a learning space to be distracting for you. Instead, the said space should be nurturing as you absorb data from course videos.

Besides being comfortable and free from distractions, a learning environment should also feel safe and stable. Focusing on videos already takes a lot of energy. The mind might feel pressured if a learner also worries about their environment. The stronger the pressure becomes, the more prone the brain will experience burnout.

Tip 7: Evaluate yourself

Learning through videos is an individualistic activity. Although you are following the instructions of the course author, everything else depends on your volition. How you perceive, process and store information will be up to you.

Self-assessment encourages students to take more active roles in learning and developing metacognitive skills. Watching videos is too passive, especially in an e-learning setup. Instead, individuals should evaluate themselves according to reliable metrics to measure their growth.

After self-assessments, learners should also give appropriate feedback according to the results. Learners should be constructively critical of themselves to identify areas that may require improvement. But other than that, learners should also appreciate the areas in which they excel. Identification of both strengths and weaknesses should inspire holistic growth.

Tip 8: Study like you are in a physical classroom

Physical classrooms often have teachers, co-students, and a serious environment, making learning more compelling. If you imagine yourself in this situation, e-learning might feel more natural. Refrain from feeling too comfortable because it might break your focus.

There are times that lessons would feature physical objects. Whenever possible, replicate the tool or gadget that the video uses to make learning engaging. Get as much hands-on learning as possible, even though the instructions are only transmitted digitally.

Tip 9: Engage with other students

There are a handful of ways to interact with co-students while learning through video courses. One notable way of doing so is communicating with others as you watch the videos. For example, you may ask each other about common experiences and observations. 

Another way to interact with co-students is by visiting online forums. Somebody may have already accomplished the course you are watching. Their feedback can help learners have a more intricate understanding of a particular subject.

Tip 10: Explore varied online courses

When watching videos to learn, it is important to be resourceful. What you see in a particular source may not be enough to have a detailed understanding of a subject. For your holistic growth, find other video courses.

Comparing different videos will help you generate a more in-depth view. Whenever you are learning after college, it is a priority to learn subjects from various disciplines. This way, you can cross-refer materials and create stronger commentaries.

Where to find the best online course videos

Finding online course videos will take no time, but ensuring they are top-tier quality is another story. So instead of spending hours and dollars trying every e-learning platform on the Internet, go directly to Skill Success.

Skill Success is one of the most trusted when it comes to e-learning. We have over 3,000 courses and counting. To ensure that our course videos are never subpar, we always partner with seasoned professionals in creating our content.

Also, we want that our selections remain up-to-date and relevant. As a subscriber, you can expect dozens of new courses each week. You will never run out of new things to learn at Skill Success.

Maximize your online learning experience

Online learning is more than just flipping through one module to the next. Get the most out of every course video by immersing yourself fully in the subjects. The above-listed tips and tricks should give you a widened perspective of what can be done to become a more thorough online learner.

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