Developing Coding Skills and Why It's Important Nowadays

Globalization and digitization are fast becoming an essential element to every industry nowadays. So it is no wonder why coding has become a fundamental skill in today’s job market as well.

More and more companies are now embracing digitization and other innovations in tech. Whether they are from the tech industry or not, it has become apparent that businesses have become more reliant on tech in their everyday life at the office.  

That said, we further discuss why it is important to develop coding skills in today’s digital world.

Lucrative Coding Jobs

Though the above reason might not compel you to learn more about coding, these data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics would probably help.

Despite the country experiencing a decline in employment, programming and coding job openings remain steadily rising. The Bureau of Labor Statistics even predicted that about 9,700 jobs would be generated for programmers every year for the next 10 years.  The median annual pay for programmers is about 89,190 dollars last May 2020

As for coding jobs (e.g. Software Developers, Quality Assurance Analysts, and Testers), the government agency predicted that there would be about 189,200 job openings each year over the next decade. The median annual pay for jobs like these is about 110,140 dollars for the same year as well.

close up of programmer typing codes on laptop

Core Skill and Specialization

Coding is not necessarily a one-size-fits-all skill, and it requires continuous learning and improvement. While there are other soft skills that are often associated with coding, studying specialized areas and mastering specific coding languages is essential to succeed in this career path. To enhance your coding skills and knowledge, reading the best coding books can be a valuable resource. But make sure you research and go through reviews, like App Academy School reviews, before choosing any resource.

As with any industry, specialization gives you a one-up over other candidates. It not only increases your viability of getting hired but also increases your productivity in the workplace. Given that you already specialized in your chosen field, it would be much easier for you to do your everyday work at the office.

It is also worth noting that coders or programmers have several subspecialties as well. That said, finding a specialization should not be that difficult. There are varieties of jobs from different coding and programming skills such as web developer, application programmer, analyst, software engineer, and many more. You just need to find where your passion lies and then acquire the specialized skills needed to enter that subspecialty.

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Transferable Skill

As we have mentioned earlier, more and more companies are now embracing digitization. To that end, coding and programming have never been more present in different industries today. No matter if it is a tech industry or not, businesses nowadays need professionals and experts who can help them in this arena.

Take for example the marketing and advertising industry sector. Most businesses in this sector now rely on coders and programmers to pull off any successful marketing campaign. Given that their audience turns to digital platforms for content and updates, they need the expertise of these coders and programmers in order to connect better with their audience.

Even the government sector now relies on the expertise of these coders and programmers for a more efficient public service. Day-to-day office work and other public administration duties are now done digitally with the help of machines and computers.

So with all that said, developing coding skills would open up opportunities in other industries as well. You would not only be confined to work in the tech industry, but you also have a chance to try something different and work in an industry outside your comfort zone.

Improves Cognitive Abilities

Several studies have proved the advantage and benefits of coding and programming in our cognitive capabilities. While these studies are mostly centered on coding for kids, learning how to code is also beneficial to adults or working professionals.

Learning new skills such as coding is not only a great mind exercise, but it would also condition you to think more critically and logically. Considering that coding touches other subjects like syntax, conditionals, and logic, you would acquire other soft skills that you can use at work as well.

On top of that, you would also learn to be more persistent. Since learning how to code means going through several trial-and-error processes, you would learn how to solve any problems more efficiently and effectively.

woman sitting while programming

Gear up for the future

As we progress and continue to innovate in the digital world, coding has become a new literacy for the 21st century. From our daily routine at the office to our everyday life, almost every tech that we use requires some sort of instructions or lines of code. So it is no wonder why jobs for coders and programmers have steadily increased over the past few years.

Tech has now become a driving force for almost all businesses today. They use it to streamline their workplace, manage their inventories, increase their staff productivity, and many more. Seeing as these techs are powered by codes and programs, all of these things would not be possible without the help of coders and programmers like you.

Getting started is now easy

Fortunately, acquiring and developing these coding skills are now made easy. If you do a quick Google search, you would find several learning materials, explainer videos, and demos about coding and programming.

There are also tons of online courses and programs you can avail yourself of. So whether you prefer self-paced learning or one-on-one lessons with a professional, you can guarantee that there is a learning program fitted for your proficiency level, needs, and even schedule.

Tons of developers and programmers have also made apps and software to make the learning process a lot easier for you. Rather than learn coding through the old and traditional way, you can now learn the basics and even master a few coding languages through video courses, apps, games, and software.

All in all, you have no excuse not to get started. The resources and materials are now at your fingertips. You just need to find ways on how to stay consistent and stick with it until the end.

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