8 Nonprofit Training Courses for Your NPO

Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs) are only as good as their leaders and staff members. If the personnel lack pertinent skills and experience, the organization will struggle to handle nonprofit resources and its affairs. The best way to resolve this problem is to require said leaders and staff members to undergo NPO training.

NPOs should invest in capacity building. Training leaders and staff members will help NPOs cope with changes and become more resilient amid challenges. Besides being competent, NPOs should prepare to be sustainable.

The challenges relating to nonprofit management are never-ending. The best way to survive is to raise members’ leadership qualities and seize every opportunity to grow. 

Challenges of NPOs with Nonprofit Training

NPO training is necessary, and no organization should forgo this opportunity to grow. However, implementing it can be challenging for many NPOs. A handful of reasons exist why NPOs struggle to facilitate said training regularly.

Nonprofit training is time-consuming

Typical face-to-face NPO training can happen within weeks, even months, depending on the featured topics and competencies. NPOs have to be hectic with time management to avoid disturbing organizational activities for too long.

Nonprofit training is inconsistent

Trainers often assign participants into smaller groups and conduct training at different instances. They do this to avoid overcrowding, which could cause distractions and decrease learning efficiency. Trainers will cover the same topics and activities, but every session will be different. Attendees may not receive the same level of information and training depending on how well each session went through.

Nonprofit training is expensive

NPO training can be expensive. The bulk of the costs is mostly on trainers’ fees, their accommodations, and venue rentals. 

Most of these challenges center on the need to invite trainers over to a specific venue and conduct training. Thankfully, there is a way to address this problem without excessively consuming a learner’s time, experiencing inconsistent training, and paying high prices. E-learning platforms like Skill Success offer digital courses that can substitute traditional NPO training. 

Learners can plot better schedules because they can choose when to undergo training. Inconsistency will not be an issue because the training will be pre-recorded and standardized. Lastly, these courses are relatively cheap. NPOs do not have to spend much to afford quality training.

Tips on training for nonprofit organizations

NPO training should be as hassle-free as possible. It will encourage leaders and staff members to undergo the activities seriously. Are you on a hunt for tips that will facilitate a more orderly NPO training? Please keep on reading.

Streamline the training needed

NPOs should specify what training their members should undergo. It will help eliminate unneeded activities, shorten the training period, and reduce costs. 

Conduct a poll

NPO training should also align with the participants’ existing competencies. Know what leaders and team members need to improve by asking them directly. Conduct a poll, then propose a list of training activities most practicable for everyone.

Measure results per activity

Set performance indicators per training activity and gather results after the accomplishment of each segment. Through staggered assessments, NPOs can immediately estimate whether an activity would contribute positive results or not. Should NPOs detect negative findings, they can readjust upcoming activities to ensure better results.

Offer incentives

Effective leaders choose to incentivize training activities. This way, participants will be more willing to attend and give their full attention to the program. 

Choose asynchronous learning

Asynchronous learning is a practical choice for training NPO leaders and staff members. Participants do not have to set aside their pre-existing workloads to undergo training. Most of the time, asynchronous learning happens remotely through digital platforms. E-learning hubs like Skill success enable participants to complete their NPO training anytime, anywhere.

8 Nonprofit training courses for your NPO

Course Rating

73% of NPOs have suffered severe revenue loss because of the pandemic. But despite its challenges, the pandemic revealed that going online offers a wide array of growth opportunities for NPOs. If you plan to invest in nonprofit training, one critical subject to learn right now is the virtualization of NPO strategies. 

The Virtually Nimble Nonprofit is a comprehensive course that helps NPOs succeed in their virtual activities. Within one hour and two minutes, you will acquire professional tips and training for implementing virtual programs, engaging online communities, securing developmental resources, and so much more.  

The course designer, a virtuoso in managing profit and nonprofit organizations, compressed her years of practical experience into this all-in-one learning tool. Prepare to master the secrets of online nonprofit management.

"This was very in-depth and straightforward. I love how simply everything is broken down."

Chrissy Arlena
Course Rating

NPOs need sponsors to finance their projects. However, many managers and administrators fail to maximize their resources leading to a decline in output quality. One of the best ways to avoid worst-case scenarios is by learning this course.

Securing Your Special Event Sponsorships For Nonprofits is a webinar for managing, rating, and ranking sponsorships. This course will explain how you should handle sponsors and make the most of their contributions. Since it is only a fifty-three-minute guide, you can breeze through everything without spending too much time.

This course is beginner-friendly, but you can expect professional-level information on strategizing NPO sponsorships throughout the curriculum.

"Great and relevant info. Data gathering is crucial for strategic plans."

Kasi Darnell
Course Rating

A professor from the Harvard Business School explained that organizations should experiment with their nonprofit resources and improve how they manage them to survive the pandemic and its aftermath. Of the varied aspects to improve upon, NPOs will gain better leverage if they get better at drafting a case for support.

Craft A Winning Case For Support In Nonprofits is a staple course for anyone undergoing nonprofit training. You will learn how to build a case, market its components, and raise funds for nonprofit causes. The webinar provides a thorough guide with every lesson making it easier for everyone, even beginners, to learn the technical details. 

Master this course if you are trying to improve your skills in creating a nonprofit business plan.

Course Rating

Forbes explained that nonprofit entities should embrace digital strategies in the Post-COVID era. NPOs must improve their digital competencies to attract new sponsors and continue their advocacies. 

How To Use Digital Strategies In Nonprofit To Acquire New Donor Prospects is the perfect course to keep up with the changes in NPO trends and necessities. You can acquire crucial communication skills to establish versatile digital NPO strategies. As you progress with the course, you will gradually realize what metrics matter most when assessing nonprofit management.

The course also features a “multichannel approach” that opens NPOs’ views on sponsor engagement. You will gain skills and techniques to bolster your chances of building lasting relationships with sponsors. This one-hour webinar contains numerous pivotal information, but it remains engaging and digestible.

Course Rating

Equality, diversity, and inclusion are key themes of nonprofit activities. Regardless of your focus as an NPO, it is essential to understand these topics by heart to render genuine services to intended beneficiaries and their communities. 

An Introduction To Equality, Diversity And Inclusion revisits discrimination and the other sensitive factors that contribute to its continuity. Understanding the core of this webinar allows members of nonprofit management to tap into the internal struggles marginalized and economically challenged individuals experience daily. This course will redefine the meaning of the words equality, diversity, and inclusion.

The success of incorporating equality, diversity, and inclusion into NPOs relies on inclusive leadership. As an inclusive leader, you should understand the adverse effects of discrimination and how modern society overshadows the real problems. Ultimately, this course urges listeners to learn from historical mistakes and support a more unified future for everyone.

Course Rating

If you have completed the previous course, An Introduction To Equality, Diversity And Inclusion, this course is a necessary follow up. Managing Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion creates a more broad understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion as values and their intricate connection with social problems.

This course is divided into multiple sections to emphasize crucial subjects that every interested leader should know. One of the sections, “Making It a Reality,” explores feasible options for promoting equality, diversity, inclusion, and other related values in various settings. Overall, this short program encourages viewers to utilize language as a tool for a better personal cultural and structural analysis.

Course Rating

Volunteer handbooks are some of the most “basic” nonprofit resources. This document summarizes the core functions of an NPO and the responsibilities that volunteers exercise while promoting specific advocacies or beliefs. 

This course is a must-have for current and upcoming NPO leaders. Becoming an NPO head figure should master volunteer development boards, people management, and donation management. 

Nonprofit Volunteer Handbooks – How To Put Them Together is a beginner-friendly course. Every section has a simplified guide for a more straightforward but in-depth understanding of every topic. Finishing this program should train anyone to develop a high enough proficiency and confidence to draft an excellent volunteer handbook.

Course Rating

This recommendation list ends with a course on how nonprofit entities can put up an impressive major gifts portfolio. Like the other recommendations, this course caters to the needs of both beginners and experienced leaders.

Building Your Major Gifts Portfolio In Any Size Fundraising Shop is an instructional course to create successful gift portfolios. Leaders should know how to interact with donors, manage contributions, and manage a system to optimize any fund given. This course offers a sweeping review of everything gift portfolio-related. 

Learners can expect to be more efficient in starting and maintaining a gifts portfolio at the end of this course. After going through all sections, you will be pleasantly surprised by the array of other lessons you will learn.

Whenever improving any aspect of your NPOs, browse Skill Success‘ compendium of skill-building resources. Our professionally-made courses can impart valuable insights to NPO leaders and staff members. Every lesson offers something different, so you do not have to worry about wasting your money on something redundant.

Learning about NPOs does not have to be boring. We prepared a selection of exciting and relevant courses for you.

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