5 Soft Skills and 5 Hard Skills That You Need To Succeed In 2022

A significant shift in employment trends is going to change hiring processes forever. In 2022, more companies and HR experts are concentrating on skills-based hiring

Skills-based hiring is about setting recruitment standards based on practical skills and professional background. Instead of strictly looking into academic and other formal requirements, hiring managers will be more interested in the applicants’ most competitive and trained skills.

The post-pandemic era strengthens the surge of skills-based hiring. After losing jobs, 89% of American employees are willing to reskill to land a job. Notably, the skills they will learn do not necessarily align with their diplomas or previous positions.

Because of the intertwining between the companies’ keenness on skills-based hiring and the applicants’ willingness to learn new and niched skills, the job marketplace is becoming more competitive. 

If you are finding a job or planning to get a new one, look at your skillsets. Study if they are up-to-date and responsive to modern workplace demands. And if most of your skills revolve around old-school tools and non-digital systems, perhaps it is time for a skill refresh.

Most job-related skills are either hard skills or soft skills. Having a fair share of both will make your resume attractive to companies.

What are soft skills?

If “soft skills” do not ring a bell, you might know them as interpersonal, essential, or noncognitive skills. These skills are vital for employees to do their respective jobs, build relationships with others, and maintain order in the workspace. In addition, soft skills help employees make wiser job-related decisions and perform better.

Improving soft skills will raise an employee’s overall competency. Since these skills support hard skills, a professional can have a deeper understanding of their position and how they impact others. Overall, soft skills make an employee more adaptable to changes without compromising the degree of professionalism expected from them.

What are hard skills?

Compared to the generic nature of soft skills, hard skills are more specific. They cover abilities that professionals acquire to accomplish a particular task or event. Hard skills prove a person is a master or expert in a certain field.

All jobs require employees to learn and possess technical skills. Some companies regularly test employees’ hard skills to know if they are still on par with minimum standards. 

Professionals may acquire hard skills through training or education. For example, an accounting class may teach a person how to use Microsoft Excel and balance the cash flow of a year’s worth of transactions.

What’s the difference between hard and soft skills?

In simpler terms, hard skills refer to technical skills, while soft skills are about people skills. Most of the time, hard skills require certification and training. However, that is not always the case with soft skills. People can practice their soft skills by observing and interacting with others.

Another critical distinction between hard and soft skills is their mode of measurement. It is appropriate to measure hard skills with quantitative criteria while soft skills with qualitative scales.

Trends can change which one between hard and soft skills is more popular with employers. However, employees should possess both skills to be well-rounded professionals.

Man and wooden cubes on table management concept

What are the top 5 hard skills you need to succeed in 2022?

Hard skills are often job-specific and responsive to the existing technicalities of a specific era. As jobs and said technicalities change, the type of in-demand hard skills will change too.

The post-pandemic world needs a brand new set of hard skills. If you are planning to expand your technical expertise, it is best to learn the following:

1. Technological literacy

In this day and age, every professional should be proficient in using modern technology. Besides that, they should also possess the knowledge that complements the said proficiency. Technological literacy has evolved into a tool that allows professionals to shape more than just a market but the entire society too.

Most of the time, technological literacy covers knowledge and experience using computers and computer programs. As everything is almost digital now, professionals should find ways to do their jobs in digital format. This way, it will be easier and more cost-efficient for them to connect with clients and colleagues located far away.

2. Data analytics

As a discipline, data analytics is about processing raw data to produce well-studied insights. Many types of data analytics exist. The primary types include descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. Some companies use multiple kinds at once to create a more comprehensive understanding of a particular subject.

The demand for data analytics is attributable to the rise of Big Data technologies. Companies and other entities are now more intentional with their use of data. As they surf information worth billions of kilobytes daily, they need talented people who can simplify said information and identify the most appropriate solutions to existing problems.

3. Computational thinking

Computational Thinking is the usage of cognitive processes to mobilize computational tools in creating solutions. It is not only about computer programming because it also requires high-level problem-solving skills. Professionals with this competency can debug, organize, and execute computer programs.

Computational Thinking can be relevant in other disciplines, even outside the computer science field. Through it, professionals can learn how to take advantage of computers and their systems in simplifying tasks and making projects more efficient. Moreover, as work environments modernize, Computational Thinking is turning into a minimum skill that every employee should possess to keep up with job responsibilities.

4. Marketing skills

Marketing skills are not only relevant to advertising teams. However, professionals who do not belong to this field can find purpose in learning this in-demand hard skill.

In the strictest sense, marketing makes products and services visible to a target audience. Professional marketers create collaterals to build engagement with products and services. Eventually, the momentum they built can help turn leads into sales. 

But other than making sales, marketing is about persuasion. Having superb marketing skills will make a professional more convincing at making proposals and closing deals. Marketing does not have to involve other products and services. You can advertise yourself to forward any agenda.

5. Design skills

Having design skills means that a professional is high in creativity and problem-solving skills. Designing is more than just making a pretty visual arrangement. It is more on the intentional usage of graphics and other visual tools to deliver specific results.

Most design skills are usable in creating infographics, marketing materials, and reports. In addition, professionals with good design skills have an extra outlet to express their ideas in a non-verbal way.

Design skills are also visible in organization and management. Nowadays, professionals must be creative in using whatever resources they have to satisfy clients’ needs. Having an easy time thinking out of the box is a sign of advanced design skills.

Man and wooden cubes on table management concept

What are the top 5 soft skills you need to succeed in 2022?

The quantity and quality of an employee’s soft skills reflect their professional potential. Therefore, if you possess an impressive list of soft skills, hiring managers will be more likely to take an interest and set you for an interview.

In 2022, most employers will look for a handful of soft skills in candidates. Here are some of them:

1. Communication skill

In 2022, good communication asks for more than clarity, organization, and impact. Surveys suggest that 96% of professionals prefer a more empathetic approach when interacting in workspaces. As a result, the modern definition of good communication now includes emotional sensitivity.

Work environments are becoming more employee-centered, so most employers try to be as considerate as possible with the needs of employees. Failing to consider the human side of work negatively affects employees, especially their productivity and efficiency.

Employees who possess this top-tier soft skill have a high chance of getting along with others. They are also less likely to get into conflict because they put a lot of consideration into the possible emotional responses of others.

2. Problem-solving skill

Problem-solving skill is one of the most crucial skills for professionals. It is usable at any rank but most especially so by senior-level professionals. Problem-solving pushes for new ideas to improve old processes and avoid recurring problems. Because of it, companies or teams can have more practical options while doing their tasks.

Problem solvers are jacks of all trades. They are thinkers, observers, judges, and implementors. They can be present at any stage of the work and contribute something. 

Because of their abilities, professionals with this skill often assume high-ranking leadership roles. The higher-ups think that they can create holistic decisions that bring the most benefit to all.

3. Teamwork skill

37% of workers believe that teamwork is critical for all professionals. Some circumstances force people to work with others to achieve common goals or projects. The mere fact of working in the same company also calls for the need to collaborate with others.

Workspaces call for task distribution and autonomy but never the lack of teamwork. Modern ideologies preach the value of sharing the burden of one task to engage team members and avoid funneling stress into one or a handful of people.

In connection with technological literacy, professionals should take the initiative to learn about computer tools that facilitate teamwork, especially in remote settings.

4. Time management skill

Multi-tasking is a myth. Doing multiple things at once is not only physically impossible but also takes a heavy toll on a person, causing extreme stress and anxiety. The skill needed to accomplish multiple things within a shorter period is time management.

The beauty of modern workspaces is that most tasks are categorized into specialties. However, the downside is that workers may need to work on many things simultaneously. The solution to this problem is enhancing one’s ability to organize tasks and assign specific deadlines. Professionals should also learn to commit to every timeframe and deliver results without missing the schedule.

5. Leadership skill

Leadership is a timeless skill, but the post-pandemic work environments encourage professionals to be more proactive. Regardless of position, modern workloads require employees to make independent decisions to ensure efficiency in specific processes. 

Although a person leads a group in name, the group’s responsibility should fall on every member’s shoulders. This modern perspective also pushes members to be more accountable for others. As a result, they will mutually coordinate regarding existing tasks to avoid delays and mistakes.

Building one’s leadership skills is an excellent way to prepare for career development. Nowadays, employees should look beyond their current position and aspire to climb higher on the corporate ladder.

How do you list soft and hard skills in your resume?

Before listing any skills in your resume, filter only those relevant to the role you are applying for. Bombarding your application with unnecessary skills will only make your resume unruly. Moreover, since it is distracting, it can create a negative impression on hiring managers.

Be organized in making your list—separate soft skills from hard skills. Observe equal spacing per bullet point and look out for typographical errors. Keep everything as clean as possible.

Also, provide one-liner descriptions when listing hard skills for resumes. Choose information with numerical details representing your contribution to a given position. For example, hiring managers would know you are a top-class marketer when you drove 10% more sales after implementing a new strategy.

How do you use soft and hard skills in an interview?

Hiring managers criticize applicants’ soft and hard skills during interviews. Thus, if you are vying for a job, demonstrate the skills you claim upon meeting the interviewer. Failure to do so will severely affect your chances of hiring.

The best way to hint at interviewers you possess high-caliber soft skills is by maintaining rapport with them. Stay engaged during the conversation and never miss your connection with them. On top of that, observe proper etiquette at all times. 

It is tricky to measure hard skills during the interview stage because the chances of demonstration are limited. The most that you can do is express familiarity with your craft. Convince the hiring manager you are a first-rate employee by answering with precision and technicality.

Fit in to any job description

Skill-based hiring also makes some job positions more flexible to job seekers. As potential employers look beyond academic requirements, more professionals can fit various job descriptions. Thus, learning new hard and soft skills will improve your chances of landing a satisfactory job. 

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