10 Science-Backed Benefits of Drawing

Drawing might be one of the most basic forms of art, but its intricate benefits extend to physical and mental health. Strokes and shadings can do so much for human development. The best part about it is that you do not have to be Picasso to enjoy its benefits.

Medical practitioners have long implemented drawing as a therapeutic tool to help confined patients since 1942. While at sanatoriums, patients with tuberculosis rely on drawing and other art activities to relieve themselves from perceived and real isolation.

Drawing has drastically evolved from being a mere creative process. Today, science-backed proofs exist claiming that the simple act of drawing holds extensive health benefits.

Person's hand sketching beautiful drawing with charcoal stick on white surface Free Photo

How drawing helps you

The positive effects of drawing are mind-blowing. Whether or not you identify as a creative person, the act of drawing enables anyone to have a wonderful time. Treat it like a personal ritual fueled by imagination. Connect with your inner artist, and you can find a world of healing and inner peace.

Listed below are research-based benefits of drawing. Just a little warning, realizing its effects on everyday life may trigger an impulse to start drawing. So, prepare a pencil and a blank sketch pad while you are at it.

1. It helps release stress

A study found that drawing for at least 45 minutes lowers cortisol levels effectively. Cortisol is a naturally occurring hormone in the body. It is a stress alarm that helps the brain stay alert during fight or flight situations.

While drawing, you can funnel your attention to creating strokes and shades. Since the brain is free from other distractions, it instinctively relies on drawing as a grounding mechanism. As you become more comfortable, your cortisol levels will lower.

2. It uplifts self-esteem

Creating drawings is a natural self-esteem booster, especially among children. A 2019 research shows that children who regularly draw or conduct other art activities have significantly higher self-esteem than those who do not.

While practicing art, children often garner positive feedback and validation from their parents. This dynamic may work on adults too. A simple butterfly drawing guide for beginners may significantly improve your child’s perception of things and help you grow closer to your youngster. Even a professional artist would feel good after receiving compliments from spectators

3. It triggers positive emotions

Acts relating to creativity, like drawing, help people feel good about themselves. When a person draws, it signals the brain to increase blood flow toward the prefrontal cortex. In effect, the body identifies the act of drawing as a trigger for happy and pleasurable emotions. 

Besides drawing, there are other fun activities you can rely on to experience positive emotions. Consider exploring lifestyle courses that help develop skills but still fit your interests.

4. It sharpens focus

According to Harvard, drawing helps the brain let go of unnecessary loads. After unloading psychological stress and other distractions, the mind gains more space for other mental activities. By then, it would be easier to concentrate and perform critical thinking.

Some drawing activities demand high-level concentration that may further heighten the mind’s focus. For example, learning how to draw a garden teaches about depth perception, perspectives, and being attentive to details.

5. It enhances memory

A study proves that drawing is an effective means to boost memory performance. It can even generate similar results for others regardless of a person’s drawing skills. Strategically repeating drawings can be helpful in training the brain to remember more vividly.

Casually creating drawings can also sharpen human memory. Artists have to be fully aware of their subjects and ideas to create art. They undergo rigid mental stimulation before they can deliver results.

6. It strengthens cognitive abilities

Drawing involves a lot of visual-spatial thinking. As a person draws, the brain keenly identifies the details projected by the eyes while coordinating fine motor commands with other body parts like the hands, wrists, and fingers. 

So, drawing more means more visual-spatial thinking. The brain would then gain more opportunities to polish cognitive skills like long-term memory, visual processing, and problem-solving.

7. It boosts creativity

The process of being more creative begins with awareness. High awareness of one’s creativity and art will help a person discover ways to harness creativity. Since drawing forces artists to concentrate on their work, they often become more aware of what they create and how they do it.

Drawing and creativity piggyback off each other. The more a person draws, the more they become creative. Likewise, the more creative they get, the better they become at drawing.

8. It empowers self-control

Drawing inspires self-control. Drawings do not suddenly appear on a paper without artists spending time and effort creating them. Some endure hours of hard work and other difficulties before they can produce satisfactory art.

Drawing is in itself a form of self-discipline. You can have a better grasp on it the more you practice. Explore new ideas on how to improve your drawing skills.

9. It improves fine motor skills

According to WCSU psychology professor Tara Kuther, one of the health benefits of drawing is more advanced fine motor skills. It can enhance creativity and strengthen muscles in the hands, wrists, and fingers during early childhood. At the same time, it supports hand-eye coordination, which will allow children to have better finger grip.

Upon reaching adulthood, fine motor skills are more relevant for work-related purposes. One field that requires this skill, in line with the ability to draw well, is cartoon drawing.

10. It bolsters communication skills

Drawing can also refine one’s communication skills. Research suggests that drawing is an outlet for communication that represents a fraction of a person’s character. Drawing relies on symbolism to express affection and build a sense of trust with others.

To people with poor communication skills or those suffering from communication barriers, drawing can be a saving grace. These individuals could use scribbles on paper to communicate without words.

In another study, drawing facilitates expressive language among children with autism. Children who suffer from this disorder struggle with verbalizing their thoughts and feelings, making them more challenging to understand.

Best drawing courses for you

If you are interested in practicing drawing on a more intensive level, Skill Success has a handful of online course recommendations. These programs will not only upgrade your artistic skills but also introduce you to nouveau drawing ideas.

Grab a pencil and paper because things are bound to get busy!

Unlike what many people purport, drawing is a learned skill. There are people born with the talent to create magnificent sketches, but it does not mean that others cannot improve and become full-fledged artists.

The Art And Science Of Drawing: Basic Skills is a course that will teach you how to become a better artist one day at a time. It contains step-by-step and easy-to-follow instructions that even beginners will have no problem keeping up.

If you are looking for an introductory class on how to draw, this course will be perfect for you.

If you already have experience with painting and other art forms but are still a beginner at drawing, Drawing Masterclass For Absolute Beginners would be an excellent choice for you.

This master class is compact but still beginner-friendly. It contains discussions and demonstrations of basic drawing principles and techniques. Specifically, it explores methods of drawing shapes and shading techniques.

We recommend this course for people who experience difficulties with observational drawing. This webinar is packed with tips and tricks which could elevate your drawing capabilities. You will discover a lot of valuable art-related information in more or less 3 hours!

Drawing is also a meditative art. Through specific techniques and activities, one can turn simplistic strokes into a visual language that promotes mindfulness.

You should check out How To Use Drawing To Become More Mindful when you want to enjoy drawing without critical thinking. It is a 44-minute webinar that trains your body and body soul. You will learn to pay closer attention to finer details that can eventually lead you to nirvana.

Both newbies and experienced artists are welcome to this course. As you thread further, you will explore how to do Mandala Drawing and Mindful Mountains.

Creating art can be your outlet

Learning the benefits of drawing may have helped you realize that this art form can be your creative outlet. Whether you are looking for stress relief or a boost in self-esteem, you can always rely on drawing to unload negative emotions.

Besides drawing, there are other disciplines of art to explore. Each of them promises unique experiences and positive effects on your well-being.

Learning new artistic skills can take time and require you to meet a live teacher, but not with Skill Success. Through our video-based courses, learners can go through varied art courses in one seating. You can enhance your creativity any time, anywhere.

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