4 Ways To Drive Your Revenue By Making Videos In 2023

With video becoming the focus of the internet, there’s no better time for you to find ways to drive your revenue by making videos. 

This is because you can reach your target users more effectively and let them know about your products in an engaging manner. Statistics show that internet users spend an average of 2.5 hours a day watching videos, up from 1.5 hours per day in 2018.

Compared to other types of content, video quickly captures the interest and attention of users and makes it easy to understand the subject matter.

The attention span of online users has also been declining, and as such, they prefer content formats that deliver the intended message quickly, and video fits right in.

The other thing that I believe makes video a great marketing tool is the fact that it can be used throughout the customer journey. From generating customer interest to driving conversions, there are many ways to use videos for brand growth

In this post, I will share four ways to drive your revenue by making videos.

But first…

What makes video a great asset for generating more revenue?

Before we take a look at the different ways to drive your revenue by making videos, let’s start with why. Video has so many benefits, and that’s why 86% of businesses use it as a marketing tool.

ways to drive your revenue by making videos
Image via Wyzowl

Here are three reasons why video is a great asset for your business.

1. It’s versatile

It doesn’t matter what you do or what industry you are in, there’s always a video type you can use to engage your target users. With customers preferring video over any other type of content, there’s no reason not to use video content to grow your business. 

Some of the video ideas you can use to engage your customers include:

  • Explainer video
  • Demo videos
  • Product videos
  • How-to videos
  • Customer testimonials

There are numerous other video types such as animated explainer videos, lyric videos, and live videos—apart from the ones mentioned above that you can create to drive engagement and revenue for your business

2. It allows you to showcase your product

Customers will always be skeptical when shopping online because they don’t get to hold the product before making a purchase. Of course, you can alleviate these doubts with product images, but videos do a much better job. 

TULA shares product videos on its online store to give users peace of mind when purchasing. It helps them drive conversions.

tula effective ways to drive revenue by making videos
Image via TULA

3. Has SEO benefits

Videos can play a major role in improving your website’s SEO.  Publishing a video on your blog or homepage will increase the time visitors spend on your site. This tells Google that your website has valuable content for visitors. As a result, you will get a higher ranking on search results since Google prioritizes websites that meet the users’ needs. 

Additionally, when you add the video to your website, it’ll start ranking on the video page as well. This can further increase your reach and traffic. You can easily track whether you’re listed on the videos page or not by leveraging a tool like Semrush.

Effective ways to drive your revenue by making videos

Here are four foolproof ways to drive your revenue by making videos. 

1. Tell your brand story

One of the most effective ways to drive your revenue by making videos with special effects is through storytelling. Consumers buy from brands they trust, and video is a powerful medium that will help you earn their trust. 

Think through some of the popular brands you know, such as Apple and Coca-Cola. These companies use a lot of video content to tell their stories and share their values. 

This has helped them generate interest in their products, earn loyalty from their customers and manage business expenses. You can achieve the same success with video marketing.

By creating personalized videos that appeal to your customers, you can create an emotional connection with your target users. It’s this connection that can get them to buy from you.

2. Educate customers about your products

All different ways to drive revenue by making videos place customers at the center of your marketing strategy. When you give customers what they want, they reciprocate by purchasing your products and recommending you to their friends. 

And guess what? One of the most important things customers want before buying is information. They want to know why they should buy your product and how it’ll help them solve their problems. 

By creating a how-to video, you can educate customers about your product and show them how to use it effectively. How-to videos are easy to create as you only need to talk about the utility of your products or services and explain how to use them. You can find TikTok influencers and make collaboration with them to create and share these videos. You can use any video converter to convert VOB to MP4, MOV to MP4, WebM to MP4 or any type of video.

To take things to another level, you can use QR codes in your videos that link to your product pages to drive sales. You can easily track these QR codes and see how the videos are driving sales for you too.

3. Attract new customers with testimonials

Social proof is a valuable currency in today’s business world. This makes testimonials one of the most effective ways to drive your revenue by making videos. 

Customers want to be sure they’re making the right decision, so they check out customer testimonials before making a purchase. Recent statistics show that 79% of people have watched a video testimonial to learn about a company or product.

If these many people are seeking testimonials, then it makes sense to have them on your site. Collect customer details through online webforms and then reach out to them to ask them to record their testimonial videos once they’ve purchased from you.

Remember that your goal is to make video reviews that drive conversions, so consider writing a loose script for your customers to follow. This ensures they hit all the key points you want them to discuss.

Publish the testimonials on specific product pages and social media to reassure your customers that the product is worth buying.

4. Create online courses

Online courses can be great revenue streams for your business. As a successful founder and entrepreneur, you have valuable skills you can sell to interested users. 

The growing e-learning market makes selling your knowledge easy as you can get one of the best online course platforms and start creating your courses.

The course could be a singular revenue stream for your business based on your skills. Alternatively, if you’re selling products or services, you can create courses related to them too. This can open up an additional revenue stream for you.

Key Takeaways

In the dynamic world of marketing, video has established itself as a dependable form of content that brings real results. If you can create videos well, there are numerous avenues through which you can use them to drive your revenue. 

So, get started with video marketing and take your revenues to the next level.

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