11 Killer Video Content Ideas to Nail Your Video Marketing Strategy

Video marketing has become even more powerful in this social media age. With billions of online users, it’s easy to capture the audience’s attention when presenting a catchy video promoting your brand. While having a video marketing strategy is not a new concept, you need to generate fresh content ideas to pull in more conversions and garner positive results.

Video marketing refers to the utilization of video content to market a brand, product, or services. These videos aim to appease to the target market, promote the brand, engage with customers, and retain loyal buyers. With proper strategy, video marketing can catapult any business to success. 

Why marketers love video marketing

Videos offer so much competency in promoting anything. Apart from its digital advantage in this era where everyone has access to any digital and online device, it brings in the following benefits:

  • Effective in engaging audience
  • Easy to digest
  • More likely to gain trust
  • Cross-promotion across various platforms like social media, TV, and digital billboards
  • Higher ROI due to multiple platforms
  • Accessible for both online and offline consumption
  • Google rewards video contents in SEO
  • Mobile users prefer watching videos than reading
  • Videos encourage sharing 

How to create a video marketing strategy

In a previous article, we broke down how you can create a killer video content strategy, and let’s have a recap of how to create one successfully.

  • Identify what your goals are.
  • Know who your target audience is.
  • Provide a core message you want to tell in your video.
  • Understand the 8-second rule for the human attention span.
  • Decide the right length of your video.
  • Consider your budget limit.
  • Use the appropriate content for your video.
  • Ensure quality in your rendered videos.
  • Choose a reliable platform or video cms.

Killer video content ideas to employ in your marketing strategies

Figuring out what kind of video to make is crucial in your overall marketing strategy. Depending on your goals, you might find your team scrambling to decide which video type will appeal more to your audience. That said, here’s a round-up of effective and catchy content ideas to employ in your video marketing strategy:

1. Commercials

Yes, it’s not new, but it is the most traditional for the right reasons. It is effective and has countless reach since it caters to both online and TV advertising. Commercials production don’t come cheap, especially for TV airing. That’s why in 15-30 seconds, brands must be efficient in injecting the right message in their content. To enhance efficiency and streamline the commercial production process, many brands now turn to tools like Veed, which offer powerful video editing capabilities with an inbuilt video trimmer function and help create engaging content swiftly.

Video commercials are best when you want to introduce your brand or a new product. It can be rolled out across several streaming platforms, social media, and TV advertisements. You can also place it on your home page as a part of your marketing campaign

2. Product videos

A product video is the promotion of a specific item a brand offers in the market. Its main hero of the video is the product itself—highlighting its functions, benefits, ingredients (if applicable), or pricing. The main objective of product videos is to introduce/re-introduce a specific product to leave good impressions on viewers. 

It is crucial to feature not only the aesthetics of your product but also its functionality to pique viewers’ interest. Remember, most of the audiences are still getting in the know about this product, and you want to show them that yours is “the one.” This is where a free online video maker tool comes in handy, as it allows you to create a high-quality and attention-grabbing product video that can effectively showcase your product’s unique features. Typically, a product video lasts for 30 seconds and is an excellent way to generate interest in your product, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales.

3. How-to videos

How-to videos are great when you want to explain how your product functions. This applies to products that require the elaboration of functionality, like innovative items. Instructional videos are effective in helping people understand how your business or products work. These videos can even be used by sales teams when working directly with potential customers as an explainer. The best way to create how-to videos is whiteboard animation. You can even use AI to create the whiteboard animation videos.

4. Testimonials

If you want a quick way to gain trust from your leads, testimonial videos are the ones to go for. Firsthand feedback matters to any potential buyer as it implies how effective the product is. According to studies, a vast majority of consumers rely on their buying decisions from reviews they see online. If you take this opportunity to compile or interview users who are advocates of your brand, you can hit the sweet spot of those doubting your credibility. Luckily, you can use one of the top tools like Testimonial.to or its alternatives that simplify the whole video testimonial collection process.

You can make these videos from 30 seconds to two minutes to feature happy and satisfied customers. The key to nailing this is being genuine and avoiding to seem forced and fake. 

5. Social media content videos

These videos are solely made for social media distribution since some videos may be used for other platforms. The difference between making a social media content video and any regular video is that brands ensure the fun, playful, and relatable approach to encourage engagement in the former. Social media have reactions, comments, and share buttons that play an advantage in boosting engagement.

These videos are preferable if they are under 30 seconds. Make them engaging and relatable to exude good vibes

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6. Animated videos

Using animation in your videos strikes an eccentric yet catchy feel in your content. Animated videos are versatile and can accommodate any kind of content you want to feature—from the product, explainer, how-to, testimonial, and more. Since video animation cost has seen a decline, more and more businesses are starting to use this concept to explain more complex information about their brand.

It appeals more to the audience since it breaks down complex concepts that cannot be done in traditional videos. Animated videos also provide nostalgia for childhood—capturing people’s emotions. 

7. User-generated content

Quite similar to testimonials, user-generated content is gold in marketing. When customers share their own good feedback through self-made videos, you can take that chance to share these with other customers. Some good concepts include honest reviews and customer explainers about your products. These, at times, appeal more than presenting a demo video produced by your own brand. 

8. FAQs video

Potential customers have a lot of questions in mind before making the buying decision. Use this angle to create a video that solely addresses all concerns that the majority of leads should know about. You can create an animated video for this or have someone from your team speak for the product to answer those questions.

9. Influencer collaborations

One of the hottest marketing strategies right now is collaborating with popular influencers who appeal to the same target audience as your brand. These online personalities have a huge following and can influence others to try out what they promote. Most of them are YouTubers who regularly create vlogs, where your products can be featured.

10. Unboxing videos

Do you ever wonder why unboxing videos are so satisfying to watch? That’s because viewers feel the same excitement of opening a box filled with new things to explore. Unboxing videos are among the most popular types of content YouTube viewers watch, making it an excellent video marketing strategy for your brand.

If you do your own version of unboxing, you can make it more enticing by using a familiar face in the video. You can go for influencers, celebrities, experts in the field, or anyone with credibility. 

11. Expert interview

There is nothing more effective in proving credibility and authority over the field when you include an expert interview. When these leaders in the industry personally vouch for your brand, your brand will quickly gain public trust. The advocacy of an expert manifests how suitable your product is in the industry.

To ace this video content, interview an industry expert and ask related questions where your product is most beneficial. Ensure that you throw in questions that can be solved with the use of your product or services. 

Need more content ideas for your video marketing strategy? Here’s an online class to break down other successful video marketing concepts to help your brand stand out: Video Marketing Strategies for Your Business.

Ready to nail your next video marketing strategy? Click here to get started.

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