Top 3 Personal Finance Online Courses That Matter

Hitting the age where you handle your own finances could be one of the first signs of officially becoming an adult. As we grow older, our scope of responsibilities expands—and that means no more relying on parents. Saving money and managing your own finances are not easy tasks, and they often demand someone else’s advice. But you won’t be needing to if you have immersed yourself in a personal finance online course that can help you out.

According to the Invest in You Savings Survey by CNBC ad Acorns, 75% of Americans manage their own finances and only 17% of them have financial advisors to guide them. Seeing these figures call for the need to educate oneself in properly setting financial goals.

Some people see the need to be guided by professional financial advisors, but if you see this as another additional load to your finances, your best option is taking personal finance online courses that fit your needs.

The Importance of Personal Finance

Personal finance is the management of your funds through planning, overseeing, and maintaining the financial engagements you have. It consists of employing personal finance strategies to make sure you meet your financial goals—whether short-term or long-term.

Handling your own finances comprise of a broad scope of responsibilities you have to deal with—you are managing your expenses, monitoring your various income streams, saving up funds for different purposes, building a strong credit score, and most importantly, assessing your overall financial stability.

When you have successfully rolled out a financial plan, you are one step ahead to reaching financial fulfillment where you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You are giving yourself the financial freedom that everybody aims for.

Some of the purposes of your responsible personal financing may include the following:

  • Saving funds for emergency, educational plans, travels and leisure, and retirement
  • Paying off all debts accumulated over the years
  • Establishing a good credit reputability
  • Investing in good resources to help you sustain financial stability
  • Starting a business to add an income stream
  • Adding more assets and decreasing liabilities

The Best 3 Online Courses for You

Surely, getting professional guidance from a financial advisor will help you advance your skills in proper finance management, but you can definitely wing that on your own. Beginner or not, online courses will provide you with tons of tips and knowledge you can only get from experts. Taught by reputable instructors, these online programs are your easiest path to practicing financial freedom.

Whatever your needs are at this point, you can find your perfect match at Skill Success’ roster of quality personal finance online courses. To give an overview of what they offer, here’s a comprehensive guide on each online course you might want to enroll to:

1. Personal Finance Strategies for Beginners

This online course aims to teach its students to become financially independent, pay off debt, plan personal savings, understand investment methods, and establish a good credit score.

So if you are a total beginner who is on the lookout on immersing himself to responsible financial planning, this is perfect for you. You will learn the following aspects in personal finance:

  • Calculating your net worth
  • Computing your hourly wage
  • Creating a monthly budget
  • Devising a scheme to pay off debt
  • Planning personal savings
  • Understanding investment strategies
  • Knowing how credit score works
  • Learning how to build a credit
  • Increasing your credit score
  • Buying a car with minimal contact, negotiations, and stress

To know the structure of the content if it truly matches your needs, here is the complete course content of this online course:

Section 1 – Personal Finance Calculations

Section 2 – Saving for Retirement

Section 3 – Building Credit to Buy a Home

Section 4 – Personal Finance Guide for Beginners

2. Personal Finance for Beginners: Ultimate Guide to Mastering Your Finances

If you are looking to breeze through the basics of personal finances, you might want to try this program. This beginner-friendly course offers a lifetime opportunity of learning to handle your finances with utter discipline, set to help you achieve financial freedom.

If you are down to skipping all the complexities and just diving deep into the simplest path to learning all the aspects of personal finance, this is your best pick! Here are the expected learnings when you take up this course:

  • Planning your budget
  • Understanding what health insurance is
  • Getting ready for retirement plans
  • Identifying the different kinds of personal accounts
  • Learning the scope of investment
  • Building and maintaining your credit
  • Computing with a financial calculator
  • Knowing what loans are and its functions
  • Buying your own car
  • Setting up what you need to buy your own home
  • Paying mortgages

To give you a glimpse of its content, here is the complete course curriculum of the course:

Section 1 – Creating a Budget Using a Spreadsheet

Section 2 – Health Insurance

Section 3 - Retirement Accounts and Planning

Section 4 – Personal Accounts and Investing

Section 5 – Make Your Credit Cards Pay You & Building Credit

Section 6 – Using a Financial Calculator

Section 7 – Loans and Repayment Methods

Section 8 – Your Next Car

Section 9 – Your Next Crib

Section 10 – Closing Lecture

Section 11 – Bonus Lecture

3. Personal Finance: Master Your Finances in 30 days

If you are seeking to understand the whole concept of financing—from the fundamentals down to the strategies that you will instill to attain financial security—this is the best course for you.

The methods shared in the course are personally utilized by its instructor so you can make sure they are effective in your own journey to redeeming financial freedom.

In this course, you will learn the following concepts:

  • Becoming money-conscious
  • Analyzing your financial statements
  • Understanding how each financial decision you make affects your financial statements
  • Analyzing macroeconomic trends and utilizing the right financial strategies for them
  • Creating and implementing an asset allocation model
  • Implementing the Beta Investment Strategy
  • Assessing and acquiring various classes for your model: cash, real estate, stocks, bonds, and bitcoins
  • Incorporating investment alternatives to embattle fragility
  • Mastering your finances in 30 days

Not for the faint-hearted, this online course is for aggressive learners who want to take the plunge in personal financing at a short period of time. Here is the complete course content to help you decide if it fits your needs:

Section 1 – Financial Freedom Begins With a Mindset      

Section 2 – What is Money?

Section 3 – Maximize Capital; Minimize Crap

Section 4 – Macroeconomic Trends

Section 5 – Building Wealth

Section 6 – Putting It Together

Section 7 – Financial Escape Velocity

Section 8 – Conclusion

With these three hand-picked options laid out for you, you have the liberty to decide which personal finance online course will work best for you. You can even take all of them to ensure a full understanding of your personal finances. Once you have figured out how you are going to manage your finances responsibly, financial freedom will be within your reach.

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