Learning Valuable Business Skills from an Education in Science

While the role of Chief Science Officer is becoming more common in a variety of industries, If you have a background in scientific studies, you will have learned a number of transferable science skills and methods that can be very effectively applied at any level in the business sector.  A science education can help to improve communication skills, encourage collaboration and teamwork and nurture innovation and creativity in problem solving.  As well as providing you with the expertise to undertake a career in medicine, engineering or IT, a degree in science can equip you with valuable soft skills that you can highlight during interviews for jobs in marketing or finance or put into practice as a successful business entrepreneur. 

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Developing Good Communication Skills

The precise nature of science means that all calculations, research and presentations must be communicated accurately and unambiguously. Formulae should faithfully represent real world reactions while complex data must be presented correctly in order to avoid serious errors in a range of industries.  Studying agreed conventions of writing scientific equations and data, and presenting them clearly in a written research paper, will help you to develop the soft skill of good communication which is so essential for business. Learning hard skills such as how to draw the Lewis dot structure for HCl in chemistry or explaining the results of research in experimental biology, will enhance your ability to share information clearly and concisely in emails, video calls or visual presentations in a business setting

Collaborating with Colleagues

Science often requires you to work in a team with colleagues and as a student you will learn the importance of collaboration and sharing expert knowledge that results in the testing of new hypotheses and faster progress in research and development. Joining forces in a team leads to the generation of more ideas and solutions than if you are working as an individual, and these same collaborative working methods are also employed very effectively in the business sector. Here, they can be used to predict potential problems with supply chains, collate disparate customer data or generate prompt feedback on marketing projects. 

Creative Problem solving

Working successfully in a team can also enhance problem-solving, a useful tool that can be used to encourage creativity. There are two types of problem-solving both of which are employed in science and business environments.  Simple rational problem-solving could mean working out a calculation in math or taking action on a defined issue in business. At the same time, the process of creative problem-solving can be applied in the same way in both science and business where open-minded questioning and brainstorming can lead to new discoveries and creative solutions to complex issues.

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Overall, studying science provides a good opportunity to develop transferable skills that are highly useful in business. Communicating information precisely, creative problem-solving and collaborative teamwork will all enhance your career whether you are looking to progress within a company or starting out on your own.

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