Intuition, by definition, means your ability to understand and know something right away based on your feelings, not facts. It’s an unexplainable energy that somehow guides you down the right path.
Some define intuition as their own inner voice or higher consciousness, while others refer to it as their gut feelings. But, no matter how you describe intuition, it is there to act as a compass to help you with any decision-making process.
Even if the rational mind solves many problems, some challenges may require you to look deep inside to find the right answers. So if you’re feeling lost, take inspiration from these 20 intuition quotes to reach higher consciousness.

20 Intuition quotes to reach higher consciousness
Your intuition is a sacred gift where you can find a deep and powerful source of knowledge. Your mind stores and collects data from past experiences so you can better prepare for similar situations you will encounter in the future. Thus, your reaction becomes automatic.
Have you been in a situation where there’s a strong feeling in the pit of your stomach about something, and you can’t shake it off? The sensations were so overwhelming that you couldn’t simply ignore them. It’s more than likely your intuition talking to you. If you still find it hard to trust your own intuition, here are some expert insights that can make you think otherwise:
“People often tell us to ignore our intuition in favor of a more “rational” approach. However, our intuition evolved in a way to help us make quick, safe choices. It’s informed by our experience, observations, and interpretations of our environment in our subconscious minds.”
Chris Tompkins, TEDx Speaker, Author & Associate Psychologist at Theresa
“I’ve made many decisions in my life based on intuition alone, and one of them was deciding to quit my job and start my own business. Quitting a safe, well-paying job is never an easy decision to make, but I knew that there was something else for me out there.”
Chelsea Cohen, Co-Founder of SoStocked
“To me, following my intuition often means following a hunch and making a decision that shouldn’t objectively work but that ends up bringing about an even better result and outcome than I was aiming for!”
Kirsten McKinley, Founder of Wedding & Brides
“Following your intuition is important because it is saying “yes” to yourself. Life is loud, busy, and often overwhelming, but when we listen to our intuition, we can quiet the noise and hear ourselves clearly for the first time.”
Emily Palacios, Founder of Cycle Chats
“Your intuition acts as an internal compass. It helps to ensure that you are living a life that aligns with your personal values and definition of success. Without a strong connection to your inner compass/intuition, it’s easy to end up chasing other people’s blueprint for success accidentally. I’ve used it to inform business decisions, to help me decide whether or not to move countries, and even helped me reach a point of clarity and confidence in proposing to my now-wife nearly 6 years ago.”
Declan Edwards, Author, International Keynote Speaker, & Founder of BU Coaching
“I’ve learned to trust that my intuition is a valuable source of input in my decision-making. While rational decision-making gets a lot of praise, I know that making choices only from a cognitive perspective misses out on the additional richness of accounting for my emotions.”
Stephani Jahn, PhD., Licensed Mental Health Counselor and National Certified Counselor, & Founder of A Pathway to You
“Following your intuition is important because it allows you to connect with your inner wisdom. Start with small decisions and see how it goes. The more you practice, the easier it will become to trust your intuition. And eventually, it will become an essential part of your decision-making process.”
Deniz Efe, Founder of Fitness Equipped
“Our intuition is something that we build up over years of experience and lessons learned. It’s a basic response that we have based on past experiences, which in a way, allows us to envision how something will happen.”
Rachel Eddins, Therapist, Career Coach, & Executive Director at Eddins Counseling
“Our intuition steers us in the right direction even when pressure paralyzes us. Listening to those intuitive hits means learning to trust yourself even when the path ahead seems foggy.”
Charlotte Kirsten, Trauma Psychotherapist, Metaphysical Practitioner, & Founder of Typically Topical
“Following your intuition is important because its guidance often comes from a deeper source than our rational or logical brain. Intuitive guidance often helps someone feel ‘tapped in’ to a greater force of knowledge that logic can’t explain.”
Celeste Labadie, Founder of Celeste Energy, LLC

“Intuition saved my life in September 1986, when I was a legal intern at Douwe Egberts in Paris. I had planned to go shopping at Rue de Rennes after work. But at the last minute, I changed my mind. This was highly unusual for me. I am not usually a very spontaneous person. However, I found out later that day that a bomb went off at the precise time and place I would have been having I followed through with my initial plans. Since then, intuition shaped my confidence to seek a request for an autism diagnosis for my son and pitch my podcast to an influencer, which was a success.”
Ange de Lumiere, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Business Visionary, Podcaster, & Author of Ange de Lumiere
“Most people don’t realize how important it is to follow their intuition. It’s something that’s often overlooked or ignored altogether. But the truth is, intuition is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. It’s a direct link to your higher self and can guide you to making the best choices in your life.”
Peter Kubele, Founder of Shikshac
“Following your intuition eliminates guesswork from your decision-making because it gives you this strong urge to do something. It forces you to question what your brain is saying to do.”
Evan Cruz, Founder of Join the Island
“Intuition can often bring to light facts or knowledge that you may not have access to otherwise. Heeding intuition and gut instincts gets better with practice. Often, we dismiss these skills as unimportant because they don’t appear to be empirical decision-making methods. But your gut instinct will never lead you wrong.”
Chloe Ballatore, Founder of Chloe’s Consciousness Training & Author of How to Live: Find Love and Keep It
“For those still stretching their intuition muscles, start with small, low-stakes decisions. For example, try something new when you’re out to eat. Take a different route home. Spend your Saturday afternoon a different way. Then keep track of little nudges you feel and what happens when you follow them!”
Mandie Brice, Creative Entrepreneur & Author of Destination: Dream Life
“Your intuition makes you sensitive to people’s emotions, non-verbal cues, and subtle body language signals. Without it, we lose the very thing that makes us human.”
Tim White, CEO & Founder of MilePro
“Learn to trust yourself. Your intuition is the gateway to your Higher Self and best self; it’s always with you, and it always has your back.”
Hilary DeCesare, Author, Executive Coach, Member of Forbes Coaches Council, & Founder of The ReLaunch Co.
“Intuition is our connection to the world around us. It sends biological or physical signals that help us determine whether something is good or bad for us.”
Alice Eve, Marketing Director of Cinicinia
“To people still doubting or learning to tap into their intuition, learn to translate the signals of nature. This will strengthen you enough to face unknown fears and improve your decision powers with intuitive thoughts.”
Dr. Michelle Xia, Psychologist & Founder of Growheart
“By listening to your intuition, you allow yourself to be flexible enough to follow and build upon success, even when it is unexpected. No two success stories are the same, so there is no easy road map to follow. Giving it a gut check and doing what feels right can be just as good of an indicator that you are going down the right path.”
Michael Ayjian, Executive Producer & Co-founder of 7 Wonders Cinema
Featured course
Awakening and Understanding Your Intuition
There’s power in your intuition. However, if you repeatedly second-guess it, you may not receive its abundance. Discover what your life would be like on the other side of fear.
This course will take you down a journey that will awaken your inner knowing through guided rituals, meditation practices, and chakra balancing. Doing these sacred energy practices can help you reconnect and strengthen your intuitive mind.
The universe has a subtle way of communicating with you. And that is through your Clair senses. Here you can learn how to tap into them on your way to higher consciousness because they can reveal what the universe is trying to tell you.
Some say that dreams are the bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind which offers great value when delving into your intuitive self. It provides essential clues about your life that haven’t happened yet. So this course will show you how to expand them to see the bigger picture of your potential.
Intuition is the universe speaking to you
There are a hundred ways the universe is speaking to you. But often, hundreds more are drowning its frequency. So if you find yourself lost in translation, listen to your heart and trust your intuition, as they usually have the answers to questions you dare not ask.