How to Start a Small Business from Your Kitchen Table

Starting a small business from your kitchen can be easier said than done, although it is pretty easily achievable! As many others have, you can also create a small business from your kitchen table. 

Have you ever considered starting a smallish business from your kitchen table? Well, look no further; you have come to the right place. Starting a small business from your kitchen table or empty bedroom in your home can be as easy as 1, 2, 3!

how to start a small business desktop computer on home desk

Be ready to face numerous tasks 

Starting a small business can involve many new responsibilities, like taking on a company's tasks! If you think about it, you are the HR, the project and asset manager, customer service, the janitor, and everything involved in any company, big or small! 

Things will not be perfect for a while when starting a business. In your first stages of building a business, you will mess up and make mistakes; it is inevitable. All you are able to do is accept that errors will be made and take the process step by step. 

Focus on the critical tasks before the smaller, less essential tasks. Focusing on the smaller jobs can take up too much of your time and put you behind in the more critical things. Never hesitate to ask for a bit of help with something you lack from those that you trust. 

Budgeting is key to a successful business

Budgeting and keeping track of your expenses and income is necessary legally and will benefit you in many ways! It may be tempting to go and spend lots of money on fancy business cards, marketing, and exciting tools, but don't! Spending unnecessary money in the beginning, can set you up for failure. 

Ensure you do not go overboard with spending, as this can cause havoc in your small business, ultimately ending your company. Overspending has put many companies under in the past. One fundamental rule you should remember is to ask yourself: Do you undoubtedly need it? 

Start small with your company, build up from the bottom, and do as much budgeting as possible! No such thing as too much budgeting! Building from the bottom only lets you build up instead of failing.

If you do not absolutely need it for your business to function, then you don't need to spend money on that particular thing yet.

Know your target audience

One of the first things you should know about your company is: who is your target audience? You are trying to sell a product to who? Knowing your target audience is crucial if you want to sell your product effectively.

You need to know if your targeted customers will even buy your product, the more likely they are to buy without persuasion, the better. 

A startup company, by definition, is a company in the first stages of its operations of searching for the perfect product market fit. Identify what your consumer needs so harshly that they will pay money for it. Essential things like hair products, soaps, toothpaste, laundry detergent, home decor, or furniture are all things everybody needs in their home!

When you have found your target audience, always ensure to listen to feedback and opinions. Though there are no correct opinions, this will help you to know what to change involving your product.

Create a suitable office space

Having a space dedicated to your productivity can be very beneficial in starting a business. This space does not have to be big, shiny, or an eye-catcher.

You merely need a dedicated space where you can work on your company. This space could be your kitchen table! 

Although you can just as easily start a business from your kitchen table as an empty bedroom in your home or a local coffee shop, an office would be efficient. Again, this doesn't have to be flashy by any means. You can have a simple bedroom with a desk and chair where you can shut the door and work on your business.

Create photo calendars using print on demand technology

One of the main factors of being productive is having the right tools for productivity.

Things that may help with productivity could include: 

  • Time-tracking tools. 
    • Calendar. 
    • Clock. 
    • Log for your hours.
  • Note-taking tools. 
    • Pens. 
    • Pencils. 
    • Notebook. 
  • Productivity apps. 
  • Laptop. 
  • More. 

That said, there are many popular themes for a personalized calendar that you can purchase. Not only are they a perfect holiday gift, but they will also give your office space a bit of productivity and your personality. 

Calendars can be perfect marketing for your brand awareness as well. Calendars are inexpensive to buy in bulk and can quickly be sold as merchandise, depicting who your company is.

Talk to those who can help

Many people in your shoes are also trying to start a new journey, business, or company. Startup business owners can be a massive help when asking questions or for advice, as well as experienced business owners. Entrepreneurs that have been in your shoes at least once can significantly help. 

Talk with people around you, such as your spouse, siblings, parents, or friends, and ask them for their opinions. Asking your friends and family for their views can help your business grow and give you more inspiration! 

Talking with your spouse is always a good idea before starting a new journey that could impact both of you. 

A few other people you may want to connect with can include but are not limited to: 

  • A banker
  • An accountant
  • A lawyer, just in case you may need one
  • Potential investors to your company
  • A business coach
  • A mentor


In summary, starting a small business from your kitchen table is very sensible and can be reasonably easy to achieve. Starting from your kitchen table rather than a big, shiny office will significantly impact your company. Remember to be prepared for many tasks, budget consistently, create an office space, and have the correct productivity tools! 

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