10 Motivational Skills That All Leaders and Managers Need to Develop

So you have just added some of the most talented people to your team. The next step is to motivate them and ensure that they are happy working with you. Motivating your employees is the surest way to retain them. When your staff is motivated, they are happier and more productive. Here are a few motivational skills that all managers and leaders must develop.

office people teamwork motivational skills for leaders

1. Improve the work environment

Nobody likes to spend hours in a dull, dark, or unpleasant area. Workplaces that are aesthetically pleasing, well-lit, and practical make work more enjoyable. The first step is to check that everything is in good condition and that your tools are up to date.

Another thing is to also make sure that the work environment promotes productivity. A good example is space utilization sensors. They provide real-time data on space usage, enabling businesses to optimize their work environment for productivity and employee well-being. By identifying underutilized areas and informing workplace design decisions, businesses can save on operational costs and make the most of their existing space.

This entails replacing your old computers and giving the walls a fresh coat of paint. Additionally, you can declutter the office spaces and add a few décor items. Go with options that add aesthetic appeal without taking up much space.

You don’t need to spend much money to improve your office. Consider putting up art from local artists or purchasing unique furniture from a nearby thrift store. Your staff will find these small details to be quite engaging. Your customers will love them too.

2. Offer room to grow

Giving your staff room to grow within the firm is a significant motivator if your organization is expanding quickly. Yes, there is the enticing promise of more pay, but there is also the psychological benefit of feeling trusted and respected for the job.

If you plan on opening a new branch, consider employees that would be a good fit for managerial positions. If a member of staff has been managing inventories particularly well, you could give them the chance to take over vendor relations. Giving your top employees room to grow changes their perspective from “this is just a side job” to “this could be my entire career.”

3. Offer some food

Is a good meal the secret to retaining your best employees? It could be. After all, nobody does their best work when they are hungry. A mid-morning or late-afternoon snack can boost your staff members’ morale and productivity all day long. In fact, studies have shown that having free meals available at work can boost employee happiness by 11%.

It is apparent that food plays a significant role in many workplace cultures. After all, 60% of workers rate meals and snacks among the top three office benefits.

Offering food gives the impression that you care for your employees as people and not just what they can do for the company.

4. Transparency

Having knowledge of how the company is doing increases your employees’ investment in their jobs. Make it a point to regularly communicate important information with them.

You can share information like:

  • The number of new clients
  • The number of returning clients
  • The ROI from your marketing campaigns

Communicate this by sending out daily, weekly, or monthly sales reports. Access to all of this information not only gives your staff a sense of importance inside the company but also identifies opportunities for improvement.

5. Recognizing great work and rewarding it

Sometimes your employees simply want a ‘thank you’ for their efforts. Don’t hesitate to give an employee kudos if they have been working really hard on a project or if they went above and beyond to assist a fellow employee.

It’s not just about the act of acknowledgment; it’s also about the idea that if people believe their efforts are valued, they will be motivated to put up even more effort.

Organizations with incentive and recognition programs have a 31% lower employee turnover rate. They also have 14% greater staff engagement, productivity, and customer service.

Therefore, you must express your gratitude to diligent workers. It could be as simple as highlighting their contributions in a meeting, mentioning them in a staff email, or simply sending them a private message. Use rewards and recognition software to identify the most deserving employees and present them with recognition awards for their outstanding performance.

People will stay with your company for as long as you give them a good reason. Consider coming up with an incentive program to maintain staff motivation. Offer the following rewards to your deserving employees:

  • A quarterly bonus
  • Sharing profits
  • Private healthcare
  • Paying for their extra qualifications and credentials

Employees are more likely to perform well and stick around to see things through if they know they will be rewarded for a well-done job.

office people working around desk motivational skills for leaders

6. Flexible schedules

Technology has had a major impact on how employees work and organizations run. The change became more visible in the COVID period. Working from home has become the norm, and your employees will love the flexibility.

If you are targeting top talent, you should aim to have various scheduling options. You will stand out from the competition by offering work-from-home or flexi-time opportunities.

7. Stay honest, supportive, and respectful

While it might seem obvious, poor management is one of the leading causes of employees leaving their jobs. The principles of good management include respect, integrity, and open communication. There is plenty to do if you hope to become a mentor or leader that motivates your team.

Effective management, like any other skill, requires research and practice. You would be wise to read a few books and talk to your mentors if you’re curious about the subject. If you are a good boss, loyal employees will always follow you.

8. Promote healthy competition

A little healthy competition can go a long way in motivating your employees. Encourage staff members to take part in challenges or competitions since they are fun and can foster a sense of camaraderie. Friendly rivalry between teams promotes participation and staff engagement.

Emphasize on teamwork even as you promote rivalry. Create a sense of openness by removing any hierarchy or bureaucracy. This way, it is easy for employees of all levels to collaborate.

9. Invite all ideas

A good leader is willing to accept all ideas. Since everyone is unique, your employees will always have different opinions on different things. While some of their ideas may be different from yours, you should never ignore them. Be open to proposals and suggestions, no matter how absurd they may seem. A seemingly foolish idea might turn out to be brilliant.

10. Don’t leave room for boredom

Do not let your employees get bored at the workplace. Some staff members have short attention spans. It would be best if you continually came up with ways to excite and encourage them to keep working. There are a few ways to make your workplace fun, from weekly happy hours to monthly bake-offs. When unsure, consider getting suggestions from the team.

Employees are critical to your business, and you must do all you can to boost their morale. Luckily, motivating your staff is easier than ever. Modern employees are clear about their expectations, and you can easily make them happy if you pay attention. Finding the right motivators for your team requires you to pay attention to them. You may need to experiment with a few suggestions before finding methods that work.

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