How to Release Deep Emotional Pain

Do you find yourself suffering from your emotional pain? Does this significantly affect many different areas of your life? Follow these steps to cope with emotional pain in a healthier way. 

Understand your emotions

One of the most effective ways to get rid of negative emotions is to accept and feel your emotions fully. We are all human, and we all feel plenty of emotions. We sometimes feel happy when we are having fun and sad when someone or something hurts us. In short, we all have feelings, and emotions are part of human nature. 

As we grow up, we build emotional awareness and improve emotional intelligence. This helps us become more aware of our emotions. We become more skilled in identifying our emotions, put it into words, and figure out why we feel that way. 

It would be a good thing if everyone can be more aware of their emotions. Develop Your Self Awareness With Emotional Intelligence online course by Skill Success will help you discover and become aware of yourself, values, strengths, and weaknesses.

Another thing that you must be aware of is that emotions come and go. According to a study: 

Sadness is the longest lasting of all emotions taking on average 120 hours to pass. 

Hatred is the second most enduring emotion followed by joy, which lasts an average of 35 hours.

Thus, regardless of what your negative emotions you are feeling right, it will only exist or be present for a limited time. 

Move your body

Any type of physical movement can help you release emotional pain. So instead of turning to eating excessively or to alcohol to numb your feelings, why not turn to better options to cope with your emotional pain. 

Exercise has positive effects physically and psychologically. It can help improve your mood and can ease the symptoms of anxiety and depression. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, it is a natural brain chemical that triggers a positive feeling in the body. It also enhances your sense of well-being. 

Physical activities can also help take your mind off your worries. You shift your focus on your body rather than on your mind. You will experience the same benefits of mediation, such as calmness and clarity, when you focus your mind on the rhythm of your body’s movement.

Find a new hobby

Hobbies are a great way to take a break from stress and everyday monotony. When we think of a hobby, most people associate it with fun and games, such as doing crafts or sports. There are lots of other hobbies that are fun and, at the same time, will give a sense of purpose and productivity. This can be learning a new language, writing, or reading.

Research shows hobbies help diminish stress, depression, and poor mood in people. Spending time on other things that you love will increase happiness and satisfaction with life. This will have a positive effect on your work performance and relationship with loved ones and other people. 

The key to finding a new hobby that you will love is by being open-minded in trying new things. You can start by enrolling in online classes, such as those in Skill Success, or join a friend or a family member on the hobby that they enjoy. 

Start journaling

Journaling is not just for teenagers; anyone should write in a journal and enjoy its benefits no matter what age or gender. In fact, writing in a journal can be good for your emotional health. 

A journal is a place where you can reveal without hesitation your fears, struggles, and confessions. You will feel good afterward when you get out of all of those thoughts and feelings on paper. No one is going to judge you, and you will understand your thoughts and feelings more. 

You can also identify the causes of your emotional pain, stress, and anxiety and how you can overcome them. This is because you are able to track and recognize triggers and identify your negative thoughts and behavior. 


If you want to cry, do not fight back your tears. Let your tears go with your emotional pain. Crying releases stress and stimulates the production of endorphins, the feel-good hormones. Emotional tears heal your heart and detoxify your body. This is because emotional tears contain stress, hormones, and other toxins. 

According to research by Dr. William H. Frey, "Crying is an exocrine process. That is a process in which a substance comes out of the body. Other exocrine processes, like exhaling, urinating, defecating, and sweating, release toxic substances from the body. There's every reason to think crying does the same, releasing chemicals that the body produces in response to stress."

Start taking the Mental Freedom From Pain To Power online course

This online course is designed for those interested to learn the basics of dealing with your emotional pain, how to unleash your hidden potential, and ways to overcome anxiety and depression. You will discover how to free yourself from the past and have mastery of how you will release emotional pain and frustration.

Ready to improve your health and wellness? Click here to get started.

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