At the start of 2023, it’s expected that a quarter of all North American jobs will be remote positions. The Covid pandemic led to an increase in people working from home, and it looks as though many companies aren’t turning back! If this is to be the future of careers, it’s vital that everybody gets on board. Learn more about how to prepare for an increasing number of remote positions in the year ahead to ensure you don’t get left behind.
The demand for remote work is growing
The ever-growing number of people pursuing a remote career is the driving force behind remote work fever. Whether employers want to be on board or not, they have to be! According to a McKinsey report, around 87% of US workers want to work from home, enjoying the flexibility and productivity perks it comes with.
As the months and years go by, this isn’t expected to slow down. So now’s the time to get ready for remote positions, ensuring that you’re the best candidate for every job available.

Start by tackling remote interviews
Before a remote job comes a remote interview. For some people, not having to meet a manager face-to-face is a relief, whilst for others, it only increases their nerves. Whichever category you fall into, make sure you prepare for the challenges of remote interviews with these top tips.
Find somewhere quiet
You’ll want to find somewhere peaceful and free of distractions for your interview. If you’re at home, make sure you’re in a room alone, and everybody around knows not to disturb you. This is by far the best option, but if your household isn’t the right place to conduct your interview, find a quiet cafe or co-working spot where you’ll be able to hear/be heard easily.
Dress for the occassion
Just because it’s a virtual interview doesn’t mean there isn’t a dress code! Wear a smart shirt, blouse, or dress, and ensure your hair is neat and tidy. Don’t make the mistake of wearing a smart top with sweatpants; you never know when or why you’ll have to stand up in your video chat.
Take notes as you go
Taking notes not only helps you to remember what’s been said throughout the interview but also shows that you’re engaged. Let the interviewer know you’ll be taking notes at the beginning of your conversation and only jot down key information. You don’t want to be scribbling away throughout your entire conversation!
Failsafe your connection
Your interview relies on your internet connection. Make sure yours doesn’t let you down by connecting to a reliable and strong WiFi connection. If you don’t have one at home, try heading to a co-working space. It’s also a good idea to have data on your phone as a backup so that you can hotspot if you need to.
How to prepare for working remotely
Once you’ve nailed the interview, it’s time to get ready to work remotely. Here are some ways to make the transition into working from home a whole lot easier.
Get to know your colleagues
One of the biggest challenges of remote work is the lack of social interaction. When you begin your job, make an effort to get to know your colleagues. Engage in small talk, accept invitations to team scavenger hunts, and put yourself out there! By getting to know your coworkers, your remote working experience will be a lot more enjoyable.
Create a dedicated workspace
It might be tempting to work from bed, but try not to! Having a dedicated workspace, be it a home office or a simple desk in your living room, is a must to help you get in the zone. When you’re at your desk, you know it’s time to work.
Set boundaries with your family
If you live with others, it’s vital you set boundaries. Let your family know that during work hours, you’re not to be disturbed unless it’s an emergency, and they should act as though you’re not at home. When you have breaks or slow days, you can let them know, but it’s vital they don’t distract you when you need to be productive.
Dress for work every day
One of the best ways to get in the zone and help your mental health is by getting dressed for work every day. It sounds simple, but it can make a huge difference! Not only will it help you stick to a routine, but it can also improve your productivity and maintain structure in your life.
Understand the tech
Remote work is reliant on digital tools. Get to know the software your company uses before you start, including the platforms you’ll use to create and share files and how you’ll communicate with your co-workers. If you’re unsure of anything tech related, speak to your senior staff and ask for help.
Final words
There’s no doubt that remote careers are on the rise, and we all need to be prepared! Hopefully, these tips will help you feel ready to pursue a work-from-home career when the time comes.