10 Easy Steps to Make an AI from Scratch

Creating an artificial intelligence (AI) system from scratch is an ambitious but rewarding endeavor. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re a budding developer, an entrepreneur eyeing the burgeoning AI market, or a technologist keen to explore AI’s possibilities. Understanding the essential steps in AI development and learning technology courses is critical.

This article covers 10 key steps to build AI, including tools, types, challenges, applications, benefits, best practices, and its effect on earnings and jobs.

Why Develop an AI and What to Expect

Developing AI can revolutionize industries, enhance efficiency, and create personalized user experiences. 

Salaries in AI development vary widely, with entry-level positions in the United States starting from $80,000 to $120,000 annually, and experienced professionals in senior or specialized roles such as machine learning architects or natural language processing experts potentially earning between $120,000 and over $300,000. 

Factors influencing these figures include geographical location, industry demand, and the individual’s expertise and role. Leadership positions in AI can command even higher compensations, often reaching into the high six figures, reflecting the booming demand for skilled AI talent and the strategic importance of AI technologies in transforming industries and creating innovative solutions.

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Steps on How to Make an AI

1. Define your objectives and use cases

Before diving into AI development, clearly define what you aim to achieve. AI applications can range from simple task automation and data analysis to complex problem-solving in healthcare, finance, and beyond. Understanding the specific problems you wish to solve and identifying your target use cases is crucial.

“Creating effective AI begins with a clear problem definition. Based on your problem and data type, choose tools like TensorFlow or PyTorch. Remember the importance of data preprocessing and continuous model training to improve results. Lastly, iterate and refine your AI by testing and using community insights. With these steps, you can confidently dive into the world of AI!”

Maksim Muravev, DevOps Engineer, Proton

2. Understand the types of AI

AI can be broadly classified into three types: narrow or weak AI, general AI, and superintelligent AI. Most current applications involve narrow AI, which is designed to perform a specific task (e.g., voice recognition, image analysis). Understanding these types and focusing on the one that best suits your objectives is vital.

3. Acquire and prepare your data

Data is the lifeblood of AI. The quality and quantity of the data you collect directly impact your AI’s performance. Data acquisition can be challenging, involving issues like access rights, privacy concerns, and the need for diverse datasets to avoid biases. Once acquired, data needs to be cleaned and structured appropriately for training your AI model.

4. Choose the right tools and technologies

Several tools and technologies are available for AI development, ranging from programming languages like Python and R to frameworks and libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras. Select tools that align with your project’s needs and your team’s expertise.

5. Design your AI model

Designing your AI model involves selecting the right algorithms and neural network architectures. This step is crucial and requires a deep understanding of machine learning (ML) principles and how different models work for various tasks.

“In order to make an AI, you need to have a broad understanding of the technology involved in it. For example, you need to have skills in machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing etc. The more proficient you are with these concepts, the better AI model you can construct.”

Harrison Tang, CEO, Spokeo

6. Train your model

Training involves feeding your AI model data and allowing it to learn and improve its accuracy over time. This process requires substantial computational resources, especially for large datasets or complex models.

7. Test and refine

After training, evaluate your AI’s performance using a separate test dataset. This helps identify any issues or areas for improvement. Iteratively refine your model based on test results to enhance its accuracy and reliability.

8. Address ethical concerns

AI development raises significant ethical considerations, including privacy, bias, and accountability. Ensure your AI respects user privacy, incorporates fairness, and includes mechanisms for transparency and accountability.

9. Deployment and integration

Deploying your AI involves integrating it into the target environment or application. This step requires careful planning to ensure that your AI operates efficiently and scales effectively.

10. Monitor, update, and maintain

Post-deployment, continuously monitor your AI’s performance and update it to adapt to new data or changes in the operating environment. Regular maintenance helps ensure long-term effectiveness and relevance.

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AI Development Insights by Siona, Straits Research Analyst

Siona, a seasoned research analyst at Straits Research, delves into the burgeoning world of artificial intelligence (AI), a field rapidly gaining traction for its transformative potential across various industries. She begins by highlighting the critical first steps in AI development: identifying a core problem and establishing clear objectives. “The initial step in developing AI involves identifying the problem and setting well-defined goals,” Siona explains, underscoring the importance of direction in the nascent stages of AI projects.

The journey continues with the meticulous process of collecting and preparing data, a foundational element that Siona emphasizes for its role in training robust AI models. “Collecting and preparing data ensures that only top-quality data is used for training models,” she states, pointing out the cornerstone of successful AI development. The selection of appropriate tools and platforms follows, a decision Siona marks as pivotal. With a preference for popular Python libraries like NumPy and pandas for data preprocessing and TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn for machine learning tasks, she outlines the technical toolkit essential for navigating the complex landscape of AI development. Moreover, cloud platforms such as Google Cloud AI Platform, Amazon SageMaker, and Microsoft Azure ML are lauded for their ability to simplify and enhance the development process from training to deployment.

In the realm of programming languages, Siona shines a light on Python, C++, and Java, noting, “Python is highly sought after due to its extensive use in machine learning and its availability of AI-specific frameworks like TensorFlow and Keras.” She also acknowledges C++ for its speed and efficiency in high-performance applications, and Java for its vast ecosystem and comprehensive AI toolkits, illustrating the diversity and richness of the tools available to AI developers.

Drawing on Straits Research’s extensive surveys, Siona shares compelling statistics to underscore the widespread adoption and optimistic future of AI technologies. 

She cites that 47% of companies have embraced at least one form of AI technology, and in the healthcare sector, 66% of providers are leveraging AI for predictive analytics, with an impressive 91% planning to increase their investment. The automotive industry is not far behind, with projections indicating that 75% of new vehicles will feature built-in AI by 2025. Retailers, too, stand to benefit significantly from AI integration, potentially boosting their operating profit by 60%, as 68% of them believe AI can provide deeper insights into customer preferences and behaviors.

Through Siona’s narrative, it becomes evident that the journey of AI development is not just about technological advancement but also about realizing the potential for significant societal and economic impacts across a spectrum of industries.

More Expert Insights on How to Make an AI

1. Darryl Stevens, Founder & CEO, DIGITECH

Starting my AI project, the initial step was crystal clear: figure out the problem I wanted to solve. Gathering top-notch data was next on my list since the AI’s smarts depend on it. I ventured into using tools like Chainer for its dynamic computation graphs and Apache MXNet for its scalability and speed across hardware. The process was a true test of trial and error, constantly refining the models for better outcomes. Importantly, I made sure to weave ethical considerations into every step, aiming for technology that benefits everyone.

2. Stefan Van Der Vlag, CEO, Clever Messenger 

I would suggest starting with building a strong foundation in programming languages like Python and R, as well as understanding the basics of machine learning. It’s important to have a solid understanding of data structures and algorithms, as they form the core of AI development.

I would recommend familiarizing yourself with popular open-source tools and libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, or sci-kit-learn. These are powerful tools that help you build and train your AI models.

My advice is to start small and focus on specific tasks or problems, rather than trying to create a fully functioning AI from scratch such as a chatbot or autonomous vehicle. This will help you learn and improve your skills gradually.

My best tip is to stay updated with the latest advancements in the field of AI and attend workshops, conferences, and online courses. My idea is to surround yourself with a community of like-minded individuals who can also be a great source of inspiration and support.

3. Travis Taborek, Content Marketer/ SEO specialist in the B2B SaaS space

  1. Have a goal in mind: Be really specific about what you want your GPT to achieve. Custom GPTs are meant to fulfill a specific purpose, unlike regular GPT-4 which is an all-purpose tool.
  2. Give context:  The “configure” setting when you create your own GPT lets you add documents and files to refer to for its knowledge base: resumes, web pages, etc. Give it as much information as it needs to fulfill the purpose you have in mind for it.
  3. Fine-tune it: Train your GPT and give it feedback based on its output. If you’re not happy with what it gives you, guide it towards what you want.

4. Dmitrii Ivashchenko, Software Engineer, MY.GAMES

Creating an AI involves several steps. Firstly, determine the purpose and goal of the AI system and gather the necessary data. Next, select a programming language and framework such as Python and TensorFlow respectively. Then, use machine learning algorithms like deep learning or reinforcement learning to train the AI model with the collected data. Finally, evaluate the performance of the AI model and fine-tune it as needed. Additionally, resources like libraries, tutorials, and online courses can be helpful in the development process.

Common Pitfalls When Making an AI 

  • Underestimating data quality: Neglecting the quality of the data can lead to inaccurate AI models, as the model’s learning is heavily dependent on the data fed into it.
  • Overfitting your model: Designing a model that is too complex for your data can make it perform well on training data but poorly on unseen data, reducing its practical applicability.
  • Neglecting user privacy: Failing to protect user data can lead to ethical and legal issues, undermining trust in your AI application.

Best Practices in Developing an AI 

  • Use version control: Implementing version control for your code ensures that changes are tracked, facilitating collaboration and debugging.
  • Conduct thorough testing: Testing your AI model across different scenarios ensures its reliability and robustness before deployment.
  • Stay informed: Keeping up-to-date with the latest AI research and ethical guidelines helps in building responsible and effective AI systems.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Which programming languages are best for AI development?

Python is widely regarded as the best language for AI development due to its simplicity and the extensive libraries available, such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. Other languages like R, Java, and C++ are also used.

What are the types of AI?

AI can be categorized into narrow (or weak) AI, designed for a specific task; general AI, which has understanding and learning capabilities like a human; and superintelligent AI, surpassing human intelligence.

How important is data in AI development?

Data is crucial for training AI models. The quality, quantity, and diversity of the data can significantly impact the performance and reliability of the AI system.

What tools are essential for AI development?

Key tools include data processing and machine learning libraries (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn), cloud services for computation (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud, Azure), and version control systems (e.g., Git).

What are common pitfalls in AI development?

Common pitfalls include underestimating the importance of quality data, overfitting models to training data, and neglecting ethical considerations like privacy and bias.

Key Takeaways 

As you delve into this challenging yet rewarding journey, it’s crucial to arm yourself with a thorough understanding of the essential steps involved, be aware of common pitfalls, and adhere to established best practices. This approach will not only enable you to navigate the complexities of AI development with greater confidence but will also ensure that your efforts contribute meaningfully to your field, paving the way for innovation and problem-solving. Investing time and effort into honing your AI development skills is indeed invaluable in our increasingly digital world, where technology continuously reshapes how we live and work.

To further enhance your expertise and ensure success in your AI projects, consider the Skill Success All Access Pass. This platform offers a wide array of resources and courses designed to elevate your understanding and capabilities in AI development. By leveraging this comprehensive learning tool, you gain access to the latest insights, techniques, and best practices in AI, empowering you to achieve your objectives with excellence. Embark on your AI development journey with Skill Success All Access Pass today and unlock your full potential in this exciting and ever-evolving field.

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