How to Find Your Inner Happiness

Inner happiness generally means peace of mind or inner peace. People who have inner peace remain spiritually and psychologically calm despite the potential presence of stressors in their lives. Inner happiness is also associated with the notion of life satisfaction. For you, what you have is enough to keep you happy and going through all types of situations. You also know yourself well and are confident in your capabilities. 

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Finding inner peace is important because it allows you to relax. It also gets rid of your negative thoughts, stress, unhappiness, and lack of satisfaction. According to an article published by NBC news, Americans are unhappier today than they’ve been in nearly 50 years. 

Here are some keys to help you find peace, calmness, and inner happiness in your everyday life.

Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude increases inner happiness. This is because you are acknowledging the goodness you are receiving in your life. Your thankful approach to life gives you more positive emotions. In fact, there is a study proving that gratitude enhances a sense of well-being. 

There are many ways on how you can cultivate gratitude. But probably the most effective way is by counting your blessings. 

When you count your blessings, you take note of the wonderful things you have in your life. This helps you appreciate what you have and shows that you are grateful for these blessings. Sometimes, we are not appreciative of the blessings that we have and take them for granted. So, before your day ends, remind yourself all of your blessings and give thanks even for the small ones.

Ways to Practice Gratitude

If you want to experience the great benefits of practicing gratitude and find inner peace and happiness, here are some simple ways to be more appreciative every day.

  • Start a gratitude journal and make it a habit to write occasionally. Studies show that writing at least once to thrice a week is more effective in boosting happiness than journaling every day.
  • Let the people you care about know how grateful you are for them. It will make people feel valued. You will not only make people feel happy but yours as well. It will change your mood and outlook as you focus more on the brighter things.
  • Say thank you even to the little things people do for you.
  • Complement people genuinely.
  • Think about a thing or someone you are thankful for when you wake up.    

Breathe, Accept, and Let Go

There are a lot of people who have trouble letting go of the pain and unpleasant emotions in their past. However, replaying your past won’t change anything. It will only hold you back from moving forward.

To find true inner happiness, you must learn how to let go of these unpleasant emotions and thoughts. You stop whatever gloomy things happened in the past and focus on today and what you can do that you will not regret tomorrow. 

You must also let go of toxic and unhealthy relationships that take control of you. This can be your family, friends, or significant other. 

Lastly, you must learn how to forgive and let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge.

Tips on How to Let Go and Free Yourself 

  • Practice self-care and set healthy boundaries.
  • Show yourself kindness and compassion like how you would treat your friends.
  • Stop suppressing your feelings. Acknowledge it.
  • Accept that you need to let go of the past.

Disconnect to Connect

Are you also one of those people who lurk on social media to check someone else’s life? Research shows that how you use social media significantly affects your mental health. It can cause depression, anxiety, poorer sleep quality, lower self-esteem, inattention, and hyperactivity.

Social media also has a negative effect on a person’s well-being. There is a new study showing that social media can cause depression and loneliness. One of the co-authors of the new study, Jordyn Young, stated that using less social media causes that qualitative shift in your well-being. It can actually help you become less depressed and less lonely.

Disconnecting means disconnecting from your social media and your thoughts, and actually reconnecting with yourself and the important people in your life. Connecting adds meaning and value in our lives, especially if you surround yourself with people that make you happy.

How to Disconnect from Social Media and Connect with Life

  • Save yourself from a lot of distractions by turning off all your push notifications.
  • Completely hide your phone from your sight.
  • Refrain from using your phone one hour before you go to bed and in the first hour of your day.
  • Give yourself 30 minutes to one hour each day to respond to important messages on your social media.

Accept Yourself for Who You Are

Inner happiness starts with accepting who you are. Accept your flaws which cannot be changed. When you accept who you are, you believe in yourself. You will not feel unworthy and feel less as you let go of the idea that you are not enough.

Start the process of acceptance by stopping judging yourself negatively. You are damaging yourself emotionally and damaging your self-esteem. You can prevent the self-judgment habit by not comparing yourself with others and focusing on the positives about yourself. 

Becoming more positive and accepting about yourself will help you love yourself more. And this will lead you to inner happiness.

Ways to Accept Yourself

  • Stop denying your reality and practice honesty.
  • Focus on your strengths and acknowledge and improve your weaknesses.
  • Embrace your imperfections.
  • Use positive self-talk.


People can increase inner happiness by increasing positive thinking. And one way of boosting your positive mental attitude is by meditation. 

Meditation is a type of complementary mind-body medicine. It also involves awareness, relaxation, and focusing on a single point. There are a lot of good things that happen to our brain during mediation and its effect. When you meditate, you concentrate on focusing your attention on a single object or activity and being aware of your mind when it drifts.  

If you can’t stop your mind from wandering or are confused at which meditation method you should be practicing, then the “Meditation For Beginners: Practice Over 7 Ways To Meditate!” an online course is right for you. You will learn over seven different ways to meditate, with step-by-step guided meditations for each style, so you can know exactly what to do and focus on.

Get Rid of Negative Energy and Become Positive

Negative energy can affect us physically, mentally, and spiritually. Having negative energy trapped in a person’s body is the reason why a person feels off. As a result, a person experiences restlessness, foggy mental state, mood swings, out of control emotions, anxiety, unhappiness, and depression.

There are simple yet effective activities that you can do to get rid of your negative energy. Here are some.

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Spend time with nature
  • Surround yourself with people who make you feel happy
  • Clean out clutters
  • Say good things about yourself
  • Take a relaxing bath
  • Have a massage
  • Physical activities and exercise

Develop a Sense of Humor

To become genuinely happy, you need to develop a sense of humor.  It’s impossible to be angry or upset when you see the fun or funny side of things. Allowing yourself to be funny will help you see the lighter side of things. 

People who have a sense of humor laugh a lot and are happier. This is because a sense of humor helps build resilience to stress and improve your overall health. Laughter also helps boost your immune system since you are less stressed. There are different studies verifying that laughter is the best medicine. It helps boost mood, release endorphins, diminishes pain, makes you mentally healthy, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress.

There is evidence as well, suggesting that humor has a contribution to success. Effective use of humor can increase the joke teller’s status by boosting the perceptions of confidence and competence. It gets people to listen and aids in communicating the messages they need to impart.

Take the “How To Find Your Inner Happiness” online course

Sometimes, we need guidance in finding inner happiness. In this online course, you will learn to find your inner happiness, peace of mind, and remain in a good mood. You will also learn how to be happy in stressful situations and create happiness in your life.

Another edge of this online course is that you will be able to help people around you such as your loved ones to also find inner happiness.

Ready to find your inner happiness? Click here to get started.

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