How Freelance Designers Work from Home

Website designers freelance because design and freelancing are like a match made in heaven. It’s like the perfect arrangement for this type of profession. More and more website designers freelance and work from home nowadays.


Why freelancing works for designers

There are several reasons why freelancing is an ideal work setup for designers.

Work around your creative schedule

When creating designs, you need to rely on your creative flow. It’s difficult to force creativity to come without much inspiration or motivation. That’s why website designers freelance.

We all have our peak schedules when it comes to brain activity and energy levels. If you work at a regular nine-to-five, you have to force yourself to be productive within that time frame. Unfortunately, this setup is not optimal for creatives, such as designers.

If you are freelancing, you can work at your own pace and choose a time when your creative juices are flowing, and your energy levels are at its peak.

Choose your projects and clients.

Another reason why website designers freelance is the option to choose projects. Different people have different strengths and interests. The same principle applies to designers. 

If you are a freelancer, you have the luxury of choosing the projects you would like to work on. You can choose which projects you think inspire you the most, and which ones you think you’ll do great at.

Additionally, you can also choose which clients you want to work with. You can choose to cater to clients whose values and creative vision aligns with yours. Most of all, you can choose clients that you know won’t stress you out.

Match your hustle with your earnings

Working a regular full-time office-based job means earning a fixed income. No matter how much work, effort, and creativity you put in, you will still receive the same salary at the end of the month.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you earn a whole lot more whenever you put in more work or take on bigger projects? With freelancing, this is possible.

Take your work with you.

Sometimes, you may feel like you need to take a break to gather some inspiration. However, you get limited vacation days with a regular job, so you might go on a trip just once or twice a year.

If you don’t want your job to hold you back from traveling, freelancing is a great option. You can simply pack up and take your work with you wherever you go. An additional benefit is that the ideas you generate are a lot fresher since your inspiration is real-time and not just a memory of a yearly trip.

How designers establish themselves as freelancers

Website designers are able to freelance by first building a portfolio to prove to prospective clients that they are capable of the job. Here are a couple of ways you can establish yourself with a portfolio of designs.

Your own website

One of the best ways to build a portfolio is on your own website. However, it may take some know-how in website development, or a bit of an investment if you pay someone to do it for you.

Several websites, such as Behance, allow artists and visual creators, such as photographers and designers, to create their own portfolio and upload their work.

Your social media

Your social media account is already an opportunity for you to build a portfolio. Some budding artists upload their work in their personal accounts, but it is best if you have a separate account or page solely dedicated to your works.

The great thing about using social media is that you can do it entirely without cost if you want. Although it may appear less professional than a website, more and more clients now recognize social media’s validity in viewing portfolios.

Temporarily work for minimum pay.

This prospect may be unappealing to you, but getting someone to trust you and your work’s quality is not easy. Working on small projects at the beginning of your freelancing career will not only allow you to earn. It will also help you build your portfolio and gain the trust of a real client who can attest to the quality of your work and your work ethic as a freelancer.

Create in your spare time

If you’re having difficulty finding small-time clients for your first exposure, push yourself to create nonetheless. Creating, even without a project, just for yourself, can further hone your skills while growing your portfolio. Think of it as your own project for yourself. 

This is also a great way to safely transition from corporate to freelance work.

Recommended courses for you

How to land a gig

There are several ways you can find work as a freelance designer. We have previously published an article discussing where you can find clients as a freelancer.

Freelance platforms

Nowadays, since freelance work is getting more popular among creative and administrative workers, freelance platforms have grown. You have several options to choose from, such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer, and  FreeUp. You can even create accounts under several of these platforms to get more exposure.

Job Hunting platforms

Platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor don’t just post office-based full-time jobs. Some companies go to these platforms to outsource freelancers as well. 


If you feel that you have already established yourself as a sought-after freelance designer, you can do self-promotion instead. Think of yourself as a business and your skill as a product that you are offering to clients. For this, you will need a website or at least a social media business page.


Sales and Marketing for Freelancers is an online course designed for freelancers to help them market themselves more effectively and hook in clients in no time.


How to sustain the freelancing life

When working as a freelance designer, you have to keep control of this type of working arrangement’s downsides. Sure, it can be great if you want a lot of flexibility, but it also means that you have to be extra responsible when it comes to your career.

Never stop looking for new clients and projects as you can’t always tell how long a working relationship will last with a client. Make it a habit to check-in at least once a day to ensure you are not missing any deadlines or deliverables. 

Finally, make sure to communicate clearly and often with your clients. Give them updates on the progress of the work and any hiccups you may have encountered. They will greatly appreciate you for this.

Ready to become a freelance designer? Click here to get started.

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