Expert Resume Writing Tips for 2023

In 2023, writing a resume isn’t just about using templates you find in design tools. Technology has changed how employers hire, and this year brings some new things to know when creating your resume. Let’s talk about the latest resume writing tips for 2023 and how learning from career development courses plays a big role.

Your resume needs to tell a story about you. It’s not just a list of jobs and skills – it’s a way to show who you are and what you’ve achieved. Instead of following the same old patterns, experts suggest making your resume a unique reflection of your journey.

I reached out to experts for their insights, and they shared some valuable tips for resume writing in 2023. Let’s now uncover the best practices in writing a resume and understand how taking charge of your career path can make all the difference.

a woman writing resume on her PC

Resume Writing Tips That Will Help You Get Hired

Adding Credibility with Quantifiable Achievements

Incorporating quantifiable achievements adds a layer of credibility to your resume, showcasing your real impact. This approach resonates well with employers who are seeking tangible evidence of your capabilities and the value you can bring to their team.

Huzaifa Ghayas, Head of Marketing at Moneygeniustips, shares:

"To boost your credibility, back up your claims with quantifiable data that demonstrates your achievements. Utilize numbers and metrics to showcase the impact of your previous roles. For example, highlight revenue growth percentages, successful project numbers, or the size of teams you managed. Employers highly value tangible results, and this approach allows them to gain a better understanding of your abilities and the value you can bring to their organization."

Huzaifa Ghayas, Head of Marketing at Moneygeniustips

For instance, consider stating that you led a marketing campaign that resulted in a 25% increase in website traffic or managed a team of 15 members during a successful product launch. These specifics communicate the scope and scale of your work, making it easier for potential employers to gauge your potential fit within their organization.

Here are some tips for adding quantifiable achievements to your resume:

  • Highlight specific achievements: Rather than just stating your responsibilities, emphasize key achievements that demonstrate your impact.
  • Tailor to the role: Customize your resume for each job application by focusing on achievements relevant to the position.
  • Quantify whenever possible: Whenever you can use numbers to illustrate your achievements, do so to make them more compelling.
  • Showgrowth: If applicable, showcase how you’ve grown in your career by mentioning promotions, new responsibilities, or skills acquired over time.

Strategically Listing Competencies

A modern approach involves highlighting your key skills in a dedicated section of your resume. This strategy serves a dual purpose: it helps both human recruiters and applicant tracking systems (ATS) quickly identify your qualifications, ensuring you stand out as a suitable candidate.

Matthew Magnante, Content Writer & Strategist at FitnessVolt, shares his insights:

"Make sure to showcase your most relevant abilities in a separate part of your resume. Many organizations utilize applicant tracking systems (ATS), thus it's important to use keywords from the job description."

Matthew Magnante, Content Writer & Strategist at FitnessVolt

ATS are computer programs that scan resumes for keywords that match the job description. One of the most common resume mistakes is not incorporating the right keywords or having formatting that ATS cannot recognize. If your resume doesn’t have the right keywords, it may not even be seen by a human recruiter.

That’s why it’s important to strategically list your competencies in a way that will be picked up by ATS. Here are a few tips:

  • Tailor your skills: Customize your list of competencies for each job application to reflect the role’s requirements.
  • Utilize keywords: Incorporate industry-specific keywords from the job description to increase your chances of passing through ATS filters.
  • Be concise: Keep your list of competencies focused on the most relevant skills, avoiding overwhelming the reader.
  • Show examples: When possible, provide examples of how you’ve applied these competencies in previous roles.
  • Prioritize relevance: Highlight skills that directly align with the job’s responsibilities to create a strong connection between your abilities and the role’s demands.

Optimize for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

In today’s digitally-driven job market, understanding how Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) work is essential. An expert-approved modern approach involves optimizing your resume to pass through these systems efficiently.

Dr. Edna Skopljak, MD and Medical Advisor at Health Reporter, shares:

"I've seen how Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) can filter out resumes that are not formatted correctly. To ensure your resume gets through these systems, use a traditional, single-column format without graphics or logos. This will make your resume easier to read for both ATS and human recruiters."

Dr. Edna Skopljak, MD and Medical Advisor at Health Reporter

An ATS-friendly format enhances the scanability of your resume, making it more likely to pass through automated filters. This formatting tactic eliminates potential barriers that could prevent your qualifications from reaching human eyes.

More Tips for Crafting an Effective Resume:

  • Prioritize text: Avoid using text boxes, tables, or complex formatting, as ATS might struggle to interpret them.
  • Use relevant keywords: Include industry-specific keywords that align with the job description.
  • Use standard fonts: Stick to commonly used fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri to ensure compatibility.
  • Avoid uncommon symbols: ATS might misinterpret symbols or special characters, so it’s best to stick to standard punctuation.

LinkedIn Integration

A modern approach suggests seamlessly integrating your LinkedIn profile into your resume. LinkedIn is a professional networking site that allows you to connect with other professionals in your field. It’s a great way to show potential employers that you’re active in your industry and that you’re connected with other people who can vouch for your skills and experience.

Charlie Bitson, Hiring Manager at, shares his perspective:

"Include a link to your well-maintained LinkedIn profile. A professional online presence can provide a more comprehensive view of your qualifications."

Charlie Bitson, Hiring Manager at

Here are some tips for including a link to your LinkedIn profile in your resume:

  • Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and accurate: Include your latest work experience, education, skills, and accomplishments.
  • Customize your LinkedIn URL: Personalize your LinkedIn URL to make it clean and professional (e.g.,
  • Highlight key achievements: Use your LinkedIn profile to expand on specific accomplishments mentioned in your resume.
  • Keep it professional: Ensure your LinkedIn profile aligns with your resume’s tone and portrays a consistent professional image.
  • Engage with the community: Actively participate in industry discussions on LinkedIn to exhibit your knowledge and commitment. Improve your online networking skills.

Showcase Your Tech Fluency

In the modern job market of 2023, a robust grasp of technology is an asset that transcends industries. A contemporary approach to resume writing involves showcasing your tech fluency. This proactive approach demonstrates your adaptability and eagerness to engage with the evolving digital landscape.

Danilo Godoy, Founder of Wahojobs, shares his insights:

"In 2023, an understanding of the digital landscape is almost universally valuable. List relevant tools and technologies you're comfortable with, even if they're not explicitly required for the job."

Danilo Godoy, Founder of Wahojobs

For example, if you’re applying for a social media manager position that emphasizes expertise in platforms like Hootsuite and Facebook Insights, expand your toolkit. Highlight your familiarity with graphic design tools such as Canva or Adobe Spark, showcasing your capability to create engaging visuals for social media content. This comprehensive tech proficiency aligns well with the modern expectations for social media managers.

Here are some tips for listing tech fluency on your resume:

  • Be specific: Don’t just say “I’m familiar with Microsoft Office.” Instead, list specific programs and applications that you know how to use, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.
  • Be up-to-date: Don’t list technologies that are outdated or no longer in use. Make sure to list the latest and greatest technologies that are relevant to your field.
  • Be honest: List only the tech skills you’re genuinely comfortable using. Don’t exaggerate or misrepresent your abilities.

Showcase Your Remote Work Skills

Remote work has taken center stage. Given the prevalence of fully remote or hybrid work setups in many companies today, showcasing your readiness for remote work can be a game-changer.

Danilo Godoy, Founder of Wahojobs, again offers his insights:

"Highlighting remote work experience and skills, such as time management, self-discipline, and adaptability, can be a game-changer. Many companies are now fully remote or hybrid."

Danilo Godoy, Founder of Wahojobs

Mention concrete examples of your ability to manage time effectively while working remotely, your practice of maintaining communication and productivity, and instances where you’ve demonstrated adaptability to changing remote work dynamics.

Here are some tips for highlighting remote work skills on your resume:

  • List your remote work experience prominently on your resume: This will show potential employers that you have experience working remotely and that you’re comfortable with the arrangement.
  • Describe your remote work skills in detail: Don’t just say that you’re a good time manager. Explain how you’ve used time management skills to succeed in your previous roles.
  • Get certified in remote work skills: There are many different certifications available that can demonstrate your skills and experience in remote work.

Add a Portfolio

A portfolio is important because it can help you stand out from the competition and show potential employers your skills and experience in a more visual and engaging way.

Shawna Tregunna, CEO and Chief Strategist at Acclivity Agency, shares:

"If I have to choose between a resume and a portfolio I’ll take a portfolio every time. Job seekers in knowledge-based or creative industries should strongly consider augmenting their resume with a portfolio (deck or website) or replacing their resume with a portfolio altogether."

Shawna Tregunna, CEO and Chief Strategist at Acclivity Agency

If you’re applying for a graphic design or content creation role, consider crafting a portfolio that showcases your past projects. An accompanying personal website or a presentation deck can provide an in-depth look at your expertise and style.

If you’re considering including a portfolio in your resume, here are a few tips:

  • Make sure your portfolio is well-organized and easy to navigate: Potential employers should be able to easily find the work that is most relevant to their needs.
  • Highlight your best work: Don’t include everything you’ve ever done. Only include your best work, and make sure it’s work that is relevant to the jobs you’re applying for.
  • Keep it concise: A portfolio should be no more than a few pages long. Potential employers don’t have time to read through a long portfolio.
  • Keep it updated: Regularly refresh your portfolio to reflect your most recent and relevant work.

Essential Soft Skills: What Employers Seek

In today’s job market, employers recognize that technical expertise is only part of the equation. Soft skills – those intangible qualities that shape how we interact, communicate, and problem-solve – hold immense value. While the specific soft skills in demand may vary based on the position or industry, certain traits consistently stand out as highly desirable. Tailoring your resume to highlight these soft skills in a specific and effective manner can significantly boost your candidacy.

The prominence of certain soft skills can vary based on the role and industry. It’s essential to research the specific skills most relevant to your desired position and weave them into your resume accordingly.

Emotional Intelligence

Employers value candidates who can understand and manage their emotions while navigating complex interpersonal dynamics. Showcasing emotional intelligence on your resume involves providing examples of how you’ve effectively communicated, resolved conflicts, and fostered positive relationships.

Leadership Skills

Even if you’re not applying for a leadership role, employers appreciate individuals who exhibit leadership qualities. Highlight instances where you’ve taken initiative, guided teams, or influenced positive outcomes, demonstrating your potential to lead and inspire.

Critical Thinking Skills

Problem-solving and analytical thinking are highly sought-after skills. Present scenarios on your resume where you’ve tackled challenges with a thoughtful and innovative approach, showcasing your ability to make informed decisions and adapt to changing circumstances.

Creativity and Innovation

In a rapidly evolving world, creativity and the ability to think outside the box are assets. Share instances where you’ve proposed fresh ideas, contributed to novel solutions, or helped drive innovation within projects or teams.

Project Management Skills

Effective project management involves proper initiation, implementation, and monitoring. If you possess this skill, present instances where you’ve successfully coordinated projects, met deadlines, and maintained a high level of organization.

Cultural Intelligence

In a globalized workforce, cultural sensitivity and adaptability are essential. If you’ve worked in diverse teams or navigated cross-cultural environments, highlight these experiences to demonstrate your ability to collaborate across different backgrounds.

Communication Skills

Clear communication is vital in any role. Your resume should reflect your proficiency in articulating ideas, collaborating with others, and tailoring your communication style to various audiences.

Remember, while these soft skills are universally valued, their emphasis can differ based on the job. Research your desired role, industry, and company culture to tailor your resume effectively.

a man writing resume on his laptop

Frequently Asked Questions about Writing a Resume in 2023

What’s the biggest mistake to avoid on my resume?

Neglecting to tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for. Customize your resume to match the job description and highlight relevant skills and experiences.

How long should my resume be?

In most cases, aim for a concise one-page resume. However, if you have extensive experience, a two-page resume can be acceptable. Prioritize quality content over excessive length.

Should I include personal information like my address and marital status?

Modern resume trends lean towards omitting personal information like addresses and marital status. Focus on your professional qualifications and relevant skills instead.

Is it necessary to include references on my resume?

References are typically not included on a resume. Instead, create a separate reference list that you can provide when requested during the interview process.

How do I showcase remote work skills on my resume?

Highlight your proficiency in remote work tools, time management, self-discipline, and adaptability. Mention specific instances of successful remote work experiences.

Can I use a creative resume template?

While creative templates can catch the eye, ensure they don’t compromise readability. Many Applicant Tracking Systems struggle with complex formatting, so prioritize clarity.

Is it important to include a LinkedIn profile link?

Yes, integrating your LinkedIn profile is recommended. It adds credibility and offers employers a more comprehensive view of your professional background.

Can I list skills that aren’t directly related to the job?

It’s beneficial to include transferable skills that can enhance your candidacy. Emphasize skills that align with the job description or demonstrate your adaptability.

Should I include a cover letter with my resume?

While not always required, a well-crafted cover letter can provide additional insights into your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position. Use it to complement your resume.

Key Takeaways

Resume writing in 2023 is not like before. It’s changed, and we need to adapt. The experts in this article have shared valuable tips that can make your resume stand out.

Use their advice to your advantage. Pay attention to things like remote work skills, ATS formatting, soft skills, and creating a portfolio. These things matter in today’s job market.

And there’s more. You can learn even more with Skill Success All Access Pass. This gives you access to lots of courses, including ones about making great resumes, improving your LinkedIn profile, and acing job interviews. It’s a way to level up your skills and boost your chances of success.

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