5 Crypto Books That Each Student Must Read

The best way to learn about something new is probably to read books. And as crypto is one of the hottest topics right now, it makes sense to be aware of the technology and be prepared for what the future of the internet will be.

Although, there are thousands of resources available online about crypto. But if you want to go deeper, and learn things like how to buy bitcoin cash or where to search future exchanges in a systematic way, then getting a book is definitely the best idea.

Like for example, having crypto savings accounts is a great way to earn interest on your crypto assets. However, it is important to understand the risks involved before opening an account. There are a growing number of books available on the topic of crypto savings accounts. These books can provide valuable information on how to choose a crypto savings account, how to deposit and withdraw funds flexibly, and how to earn interest on your crypto assets.

So the question is, what are the best crypto books that each student must read? Well, here are a few recommendations:

5 Crypto books that each student must read

1. The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order

At first, there was The Age Of Cryptocurrency. It is one of the best books about crypto available out there. The book is written by Paul Vigna, who is a journalist for The Wall Street Journal. He reports on equities and the economy and writes blogs about money or crypto.

This is a great book that gives you an overview of the history and nature of Bitcoin. It talks about how Bitcoin became an overnight buzzword and how it can be used for purchasing things and managing money.

It also explores the definition of money and explains the dramatic impacts that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin will have on the economy and the world at large.

In the book, Vigna and Casey both the writers, explain cryptocurrency and its origins, its function, and what you need to know to navigate a cyber-economy. The digital currency world will look very different from the paper currency world; The Age of Cryptocurrency will teach you how to be ready.

Although, the book doesn’t give you a tutorial on how to use Bitcoin. But it explains how it can impact the economy at large.

2. Digital Cash: The Unknown History of the Anarchists, Utopians, and Technologists Who Created Cryptocurrency

The next book that you can read is Digital Cash. The book is written by Finn Brunton, who is an associate professor in the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University.

In the Digital Cash Book, the author explained how technological utopians and political radicals created experimental money to bring out their visions of the future: to protect privacy, bring down governments, prepare for the apocalypse, or launch a civilization of innovation and abundance that would make its creators immortal.

The book is filled with amazing stories, characters, and ideals. It’s A book that is an absolutely engaging and accessible account of the strange origins and remarkable technologies behind today’s crypto explosion.

It talks about the incredible story of the pioneers of cryptocurrency. It talks about banks running to ideal coupons, from time travels in a San Francisco bar to the pattern securing every twenty-dollar bill.

Overall, the book has a lot to offer, and it has gotten some great reviews from the top media houses. And it will surely give you a deep idea about cryptocurrencies.

3. The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains: An Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and the Technology that Powers Them (Cryptography, Crypto Trading, Digital Assets, NFT)

Next, there is The Basics Of Bitcoins and Blockchain. It is also one of the best crypto books that each student must read.

The book is written by Antony Lewis, who blogs about cryptocurrencies and blockchains. The book helps you to understand Bitcoin, Blockchains, and cryptocurrency.

The best part of this book is that it gives a clear guide about crypto and the technology that powers it. Unlike other resources, this one is pretty simple to understand and helps you get enough ideas.

It talks about various cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum development, and many other cryptocurrencies. Also, you will get to gain an understanding of a broad spectrum of Bitcoin topics, including the history of Bitcoin, the Bitcoin blockchain, and Bitcoin buying, selling, and mining.

You will also learn how payments are made and how to put a value on cryptocurrencies and digital tokens.

The book also gives you an idea about the workings of the cryptocurrency market, the evolution and potential impacts of Bitcoin and blockchains on global businesses, and more.

4. Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain

Up next, there is the Mastering Bitcoin. This book is written by Andreas M. Antonopoulos who is a British-Greek Bitcoin advocate, tech entrepreneur, and author.

The book is a perfect way to get a heads up about cryptocurrency. No matter if you are building a crypto app, investing in a startup, or are simply curious about crypto, this book is there to help you out. It helps you with essential detail to get you started.

The book contains a broad introduction of Bitcoin, and its underlying blockchain tech, investors, and business executives.

The book also gives you an explanation of the technical foundations of bitcoin and cryptographic currencies for developers, engineers, and software and systems architects.

Moreover, you will also be getting details of the decentralized bitcoin network, peer-to-peer architecture, transaction lifecycle, and security principles.

5. Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps

Lastly, you can check out the Blockchain Basics book written by Daniel Drescher. This is a great book for anyone who is looking to get a general idea of what blockchain technology is, how it works and how it will increase potential change in the financial system.

The book offers 25 concise steps in which you will get to learn the basics of blockchain technology. It doesn’t offer you any mathematical formulas, program code, or computer science jargon to explain things.

Also, you don’t have to have any previous knowledge in computer science, mathematics, programming, or cryptography to understand the book.

Instead, the book explained all the terminologies through pictures, analogies, and metaphors. The book aims to fill up the gap that exists between purely technical books about the blockchain and purely business-focused books.

It does so by explaining both the technical concepts that make up the blockchain and their role in business-relevant applications.

Overall, through the book, you will learn about what blockchain is, why it is needed and what problem it solves, why there is so much excitement about the blockchain and its potential, and so on.

Final words

So those were some of the books that each student must read about crypto. Now go ahead and check these books out, and their reviews, and see which one you like the most.

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