Agile Project Management Training

Your company’s goal is to come up with the latest innovation your customers have yet to see, and you’re in charge of it all. But with great excitement and expectation, you wonder how to deliver a realistic outcome as early as possible.

When it comes to managing projects, you have many options to choose from, along with many opinions on how to do it. You can’t avoid people telling you what to do and what not to do. But it shouldn’t matter because it all boils down to what’s right for you, your company, your team, and most importantly, your customers.

Agile project management may hold the key to producing an expertly-crafted end product. Because let’s face it, in today’s fast-paced business, you need to keep up with the shifting priorities.

Instead of spending months developing a product, it would only take you a few weeks to release it while continuing to make updated versions over the course of a year—the aftermath, useful and relevant final output. So taking agile project management training is an investment you make to make this achievable.

What is Agile project management?

Nearly every work in this day and age uses some form of agile method. The reason for its popularity is its adaptive processes. Project managers can marry stakeholder and customer feedback to come up with a final deliverable.

Agile project management is a results-oriented process that focuses on continuous improvement and cross-team collaboration to develop a valuable end product. This requires Agile teams to be flexible enough to adjust to the changing needs to deliver new products or service features faster while eliminating waste.

Think of it this way, when you can be the first to solve customers’ problems while integrating your stakeholder’s visions, you keep both parties happy.

Rewind to the time of Agile project management’s conception; there was the Waterfall methodology. This method required teams to document every step of the process. But documenting this wasn’t simple either. It was long and comprehensive. There was also a long wait to mitigate problems businesses face. So a group of experts came up with a solution to meet the shortcoming of Waterfall, and the Agile Manifesto was born.

Agile project management means differently to different companies and is open to interpretation. You can apply Agile principles to any project you wish, as it takes care of any complex project, especially software development, with good governance and control.

Project Management Training Clipboard Pie Chart Pen

Why do you need an Agile project management certification?

The Agile approach to project management and software development made companies successful in more ways than one. It has enabled project managers to break down projects into bite-size pieces so an Agile team can focus on delivering value in a project’s lifespan. This means no bottlenecks or delays in their workflow. That is why more and more people are learning Agile project management.

Having a certification in Agile project management can turn your life around. Companies are looking for certified people who can quickly adapt to change and efficiently manage resources. While some organizations don’t require a certification, you increase your credibility if you have one.

Here are some reasons why you need an Agile certification:

To open career advancement opportunities

Employers are constantly searching for agile-certified professionals who can provide them with value. But there’s a catch. To work productively in Agile projects, everyone must be on-board. If one member doesn’t understand how it works, your project can fall apart.

As a growing number of companies are willing to pay for project managers with an Agile certification, so is the demand for Agile project management courses. According to Project Management Institute, professionals in the project management industry will grow to 33% by 2027. That’s about 22 million new jobs. So investing in your professional development now will give you a head start.

People realize they can have a substantial income jump by undergoing an Agile project management certification program. According to Glassdoor, you can earn up to $140,000 a year if you pursue this career path.

Becoming certified helps you practice Agile frameworks such as:

  • Lean
  • Kanban
  • Scrum
  • Extreme programming (XP)
  • Test-driven development (TDD)

So if you’re ready to climb the career ladder, agile courses are the best and fastest way to go about it. In addition, you can use your Agile project management certification to prove to employers that you understand how an Agile environment works.

To improve your Agile skills and knowledge

Even if you’re not an Agile project manager, having a set of Agile project management skills knowledge in your toolbox can help you navigate the changing market environment. You can run a business with ease when you have a deep understanding of Agile methodologies.

Learning on the job is a good idea, but it can take months to grasp everything. Besides, Agile project management certifications are relatively easy to come by.

What you’ll learn from Agile courses are:

  • Agile values
  • Agile principles
  • Project roadmap
  • Agile product development roles

You’ll have a head start in your career when you have the expertise to encourage your team to deliver a prototype despite the shifting priorities.

To gain practical demonstration

Each Agile team member plays an important role in developing a product successfully. Whether you’re the product owner or a Scrum master, having an Agile certification gives you the knowledge to implement Agile practices in an organization.

Since clients expect you to address challenges in Agile projects, taking an Agile course will teach you strategies to develop innovative solutions even before a problem happens. As a result of your quick thinking, you can save time and resources.

The certification you need will depend on the role and career path you want. But Project Management Professional (PMP) is a widely recognized certification, while Certified Scrum Master (CSM) is ideal for entry-level professionals new to the Agile Scrum framework.

To boost your credibility

An Agile environment is effective when project team members can cross-collaborate with other departments productively. This requires the entire Agile team to know how to adapt project management processes to meet the expectations of stakeholders and customers. Additionally, every product development role must have transparent communication during regular or daily stand ups to discuss their responsibilities’ status.

Because of the sudden workspace change brought about by the pandemic, Agile adaptation skyrocketed from 37% in 2020 to 86% in 2021. So having an Agile project management certification proves your credibility that you can support a business shifting from traditional project management to Agile development.

Project Management Team Planning

Top 8 Agile project management training on Skill Success

The job market is fierce. So anything that will give you an edge to stand out from other applicants counts, no matter how small it is. As an Agile project manager or practitioner, any project management training course will help you towards your career goals.

Yes, a certification is not similar to a degree. But it’s still a document that guarantees employers that you’re knowledgeable in managing projects until its final completion. So if you’re short on time to gain supplementary education on Agile project management, Skill Success‘s online courses ensure you can finish your lectures at your own pace.

Here are the top 8 Agile project management training courses on Skill Success:

1.International Consortium for Agile Certified Professional – Part One to Five

This comprehensive 5 part course will take you on a learning journey of Agile methodology’s origins, where you’ll discover how to apply its values in your organization. Then Part 2 concentrates on team involvement and how you and your team can reach your highest potential in cultivating solutions for a common goal.

Moving to Part 3 where you’ll have a deep understanding of Agile best practices when delivering value to projects in increments. Part 4 focuses on involving your customers in the early stages of product development processes and categorizing their feedback in your product backlog. Finally, Part 5 is all about project planning, adaptation, and estimation to meet the needs of customers and stakeholders.

What you’ll learn from Part 1:

  • History of the Agile Manifesto
  • How to embody the Agile mindset
  • The similarities of Agile methodologies
  • Applying the knowledge you learned in your Agile journey

By the time you finish this course, you’ll know how to create a sustainable Agile change in your organization.

Who should use this course:

Those who are new to the Agile environment, curious learners, and ambitious students are the best candidates for this course. However, they must have some experience in software development, testing, or project management to understand this video lecture fully.

What you’ll learn from Part 2:

  • How to encourage Agile teams to become more self-organizing
  • Effective methods to promote cross-team collaboration and teamwork
  • Benefits and techniques of communication in and out of your team or department
  • How to support team members in an organizational shift to Agile adaptation

When you finish this course, you’ll have the knacks to transform your team into a high-performing unit.

Who should use this course:

Anyone who is part of a growing Agile team and is ready to take on more responsibilities for managing a project can take this course. But those who want to take this lecture must finish the previous course International Consortium for Agile Certified Professional – Part One.

What you’ll learn from Part 3:

  • The purpose and best practices of delivering continuous value to Agile projects in increments
  • How to structure your project based on the value it provides
  • Building a backlog to ensure consistent quality in your product’s development
  • How to consistently deliver better versions of your product without inefficiencies

By the end of this course, you’ll know how to structure your project to deliver value to your customer without compromising high-quality standards.

Who should use this course:

This course is ideal for project managers, Scrum masters, or those involved in software development. But it’s best to take Parts 1 & 2 of this self-paced course before diving into this one.

What you’ll learn from Part 4:

  • Differentiating customer roles and interacting with them professionally
  • Creating your primary customer personas
  • Involving your customers and gathering their feedback to enhance your product
  • Categorizing feedback into product backlogs and prioritizing them accordingly

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to integrate your customer’s feedback into your product development as you move forward into delivering value back to them.

Who should use this course:

Those involved in product road mapping and creating customer journeys can take this course. However, to make this lecture impactful in anyone’s career, anyone interested in this course must watch Parts 1, 2, & 3.

What you’ll learn from Part 5:

  • The Agile processes in planning a project from idea to end product
  • How to use the Agile approaches in estimating resources and staying within the budget
  • How to report the standing of your project to stakeholders
  • How to make your team adaptable to the changing needs of your project

When you finish this course, you’ll have the Agile skills to create a plan, estimate resources, and communicate amongst your organization to meet project needs.

Who should use this course:

This lecture is curated for Agile professionals and top-level executives who want to know how to build an Agile environment and are looking into taking a leadership role. But it’s essential to take Parts 1-4 before taking this course.

2. Learn the Strategies for Transitioning from Waterfall to Agile

The Scrum framework is complex. Many organizations tried but failed, so they reverted to their old patterns. This course is a step-by-step guide to shifting your organization into the Agile Scrum framework as painlessly as possible.

Here you’ll discover the differences and similarities between Agile and Waterfall. Knowing its contrasting processes allows you to easily modify your strategy while curating an ideal approach that works best for your Scrum team. What makes this course unique is it shows you the things that you can avoid to create a successful organizational change.

By finishing this course, you can establish small trial runs of the Agile methodology to iron out the transition.

Who should use this course:

An Agile coach made this course for people without any Agile experience who want to learn about Scrum, Agile, and software development quickly. Moreover, project managers or senior executives who believe in Agile concepts and wish to promote it across their teams can also benefit from this course. Fortunately, there are no formal

3. Scrum Certification Prep Training + Agile Scrum Training

Manage complex projects like a pro by applying the Agile Scrum approach, ensuring your team delivers on time. This course will only take you less than two hours to learn the specific aspects of Scrum roles, events, and artifacts to gain confidence in taking the exam. Here you don’t need to spend a lot of money to know how to get certified online.

What sets this course apart from others is it’s updated using the newest v 2020 Scrum guide, ideal for the 2020 Scrum Guide exam preparation.

Who should use this course:

Anyone who wants a complete overview of Scrum based on facts and those preparing for the Scrum certification can use this course to find better job opportunities. Also, experts can benefit from this course because it can strengthen their knowledge of Scrum.

4. Agile Project Management: Scrum Step by Step with Examples

Manage projects more efficiently through a series of planning where teams report what they completed, identify requirements that support the project goal, and tasks that may hinder them from moving forward.

Here you’ll go through various development events such as daily Scrum, sprint planning, sprint retrospective, and sprint review to mobilize your team. It covers theories and examples of how you can use them in your organization.

This course is different from others because it’s based on real-world experience, teaching you the fundamentals of Scrum and how to use them without attending a classroom setting.

Who should use this course:

This course is for Scrum masters, project managers, product owners, and team members wondering how to apply Agile Scrum in real-world situations.

Project Management Training Project Manager Presentation

5. Kanban: Productivity and Efficiency for Agile Lean Project

Maximize time and efficiency by using the Kanban system. It’s an excellent approach for busy teams looking to improve their workflow for continuous development. This complete overview of the Kanban method will cover its roots and how to use the Kanban board to prioritize tasks according to their importance.

This course guarantees that you gain a solid grounding experience to overcome challenges through a systematic approach to tracking the team’s work while highlighting development opportunities.

Who should take this course:

This course is perfect for those who want to enhance their business acumen regardless of their position in a company. Or anyone interested in improving their daily routine.

6. User Stories for Agile Scrum: Product Owner and Business Analysis

Use a tool to better your product from a user’s point of view. The user story is the simplest to facilitate planning and discussion. This strategy will allow you to focus on providing value and delivering early investment returns.

Each section of this course features an overview of how you can leverage user stories in your business that you wouldn’t find in other video lectures. Here you’ll learn why user stories are a powerful technique for capturing requirements in complex projects and why they’re more flexible than requirements specs.

By the end of this course, you’ll feel confident in writing user stories for any type of project. You don’t need any prerequisites for this course because everything is covered.

Who should use this course:

This course is for product owners, IT specialists, Agile business analysts, or any Agile Scrum team members looking to debunk the misunderstood points about user stories.

7. Product Management: Agile Requirements Using Product Backlog

A way for you to approach software development that focuses on iterative improvements until its successful completion. That’s Agile. And the Scrum framework is part of it. It’s a systematic approach to managing projects that deliver constant upgrades and revisions. You can learn all that in this course, specifically on maximizing your product backlog and user stories.

You can keep your team up-to-date with the latest workflow while taking proactive steps in prioritizing items in your backlog. This helps gauge the time each task or item each team member can accomplish to maintain the development of the product.

Who should use this course:

Anyone with a keen interest in product development and the desire to manage and assist the project manager as part of a team can take this course.

8. Agile Retrospective: Continuous Improvement and Kaizen with Scrum

In less than 90 minutes, you will understand and be able to apply sprint retrospectives to discuss with your team the improvements, achievements, and other processes needed for the project’s development. You can do away with hours and hours of training to wrap your head around this topic.

This course will provide you with a complete overview of retrospectives to boost productivity within your team. Learn the exact way the experts use for holding sprint retrospectives in their industry and how you can emulate the same with yours.

Who should use this course:

Anyone who wants a concise refresher course on retrospectives and individuals who are new in the Agile workspace can benefit from this lecture.

Learn Agile project management on Skill Success

Agile project management can do wonders for your organization. It encourages failure but ensures that you and your team have the right tools to get back on track despite the mistakes. Having the courage to move on and innovate the ideal solution based on data-driven decisions will bring you success.

Taking your Agile training with Skill Success guarantees that you will have the right knowledge and skills to tailor Agile to your project’s needs.

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