5 Programming Languages You Should Learn This 2020

The technological advancements that we enjoy today are the fruit of the hard work of our various programmers and developers. Can you imagine life without gadgets, computers, mobile apps, social media, and more? It’s unthinkable, really. And as they continue to create such modernizations with their choice of weapon—several programming languages—we can’t really see that happening in the future. 

Programming languages are the tools used to communicate with computers. Programmers and developers use these to give instruction in creating programs, software, apps, and more technological needs. Computers are not functioned to understand our language—they have their own.

Top 5 programming languages you should check out this 2020

Currently, there are 256 programming languages, and this number continues to balloon. This 2020, beginner or not, you will want to know which programming languages are worth your time to be a polyglot. Be it for market demand, functionality, and level of difficulty, you should know what your best options are. Here, we break down the five among the best programming languages you should learn this year.


Python is considered a high-level programming language that is also object-oriented. It allows programmers and developers to use its wide collection of functional libraries. It is a well-loved programming language as it is easy to learn and read with its simplified syntax. In addition, it is open-source—free for use even though it is object-oriented. 

Python is being used today for more recent technologies like artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning, backend development, and many more! These several functionalities make it a top choice for both tech companies seeking to hire and programmers and developers looking to learn. 

Here are the highlights of why you should invest your time learning this programming language:

  • Competent community support
  • Easy to learn and readable
  • Flexible
  • Open-source
  • Object-oriented
  • Scripted and not compiled
  • Asynchronous coding design
  • Cross-platform solutions
  • Access to modules
  • Wide job demand

To kick start your Python training, here’s a Python training course you can take to learn the language in one hour!


Java is one of the most used programming languages to cater for server-side application development. It was once wired to become a “write once, run anywhere,” but went to run everywhere over the course of time. It holds a big market for mobile games and application creation for Android and other enterprise web developments.

The wonderful thing about Java is that it can be used for a project of any complexity. It has the technology tools and community for that. You can use it to develop mobile apps, server-side apps, big data apps, embedded apps, enterprise-level apps, cloud computing, robotics, and more. 

The highlights of Java on why it is a top choice to learn are the following:

  • Competent community support
  • Wide job market
  • Easy to  access
  • Usage for various kind of applications
  • Can run on various platforms

Now’s the time to learn Java, here’s the basics of Java you can start with to start your coding journey. 


Inspired by Java, JavaScript became prominent by riding the fame of the former. It is an object-oriented language that is famed for its speed—it immediately runs within the browser without the need of the client-side to compile. 

This programming language doesn’t develop stand-alone apps. It is limited to running on browsers to make it interactive. It is also used to change and update HTML and CSS. Plus, it has access to several frameworks such as Angular, Reactjs, Ember.js, Aurelia, Node.js, Vue.js, Three.js, and Backbone.js

As Javascript became one of the most popular languages, many companies are looking for javascript developers for hire. Here are some JavaScript development services highlights that’ll convince you to learn the language ASAP!

  • Wide job demand
  • The core of front end web development
  • Rapid growth
  • Competent community support
  • Swift and simple
  • Interface versatility
  • Interoperability

Ready to code with JavaScript? Here’s an online course to take up to learn the language in no time!

Recommended courses for you

C and C++

C is considered the oldest programming language—making it the root of the likes of C#, Java, and JavaScript. Most programmers started out with learning C and C++. Any developer or programmer who is adept at these displays a point of advantage over others who don’t. Why? Well, because C is the most preferred language used in programming. 

On the other hand, C++ is the enhanced version of the C programming language. Some skip learning C, but learning C++’s predecessor is reasonable as it lays down a foundation for the latter. Both C and C++ are used to develop applications where performance is a critical issue. These include client/server applications, game development, drivers, system software, application software, and embedded software.

The highlights of C programming languages include the following:

  • C is the basic language for starting programmers
  • C++ offers total control as opposed to other languages
  • High-performance
  • Most used languages
  • Easily transportable
  • Both used in computer science and programming

Master the C programming language now with this perfect-for-beginner C programs for practice you can take. 


PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor is an open-source and general-purpose language mainly used for web development. It is used to embed codes from the server-side into HTML codes. Most commonly used in drawing data from the web page database, PHP is now considered to be in-demand for the coming years.

What makes this programming language efficient is the variety of PHP development tools available. It promotes swift web application development through its straightforward frameworks and basic structuring. Some of its frameworks include Laravel, Codeigniter, Symfony, and more. Its three main scope includes server-side scripting, command-line scripting, and writing desktop applications.

Here are some of the highlights of learning to code with PHP:

  • Open-source
  • Extendible
  • Supports large sum of databases
  • Platform independent
  • Reliable and cost-effective
  • Compatible with most servers including IIS and APACHE 

Start adding PHP to your programming arsenal, take this PHP Programming online class to expand your programmer’s skills. 

Take your pick, or better yet, pursue them all! Remember, being adept in more programming languages brings you more opportunities in web development. Don’t settle for a few. Instead, maximize your resources to know each in-demand programming language in the job market this 2020. This way, you are opening lots of doors in your career. 

Ready to move up in your career? Click here to get started.

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