The Ultimate Guide To Selling on Tiktok with Shopify [Beginners Special]

TikTok in itself is a self-contained social media or internet of its own—everything you need is on TikTok. tikTok has drama, joy, passion, profession, sales, and a whole community. Shoppers will find several opportunities to sell products.

It is currently the highest-worth and used social network globally, with 800+ million active users. TikTok is a promising marketing app that can help merchants boost their sales. Two years ago in October, Shopify and TikTok partnered to enable sellers to promote and sell their products through reels.

Two giant platforms in their respective fields have integrated their systems so merchants can sell through Tiktok. This article will discuss the importance of promoting products on TikTok and how you can make your store successful through TikTok.

Let’s dive in and learn everything you need to know about TikTok and Shopify.

Shopify and Tiktok for Business

What is TikTok?

Tiktok is not a new word to anyone; almost everyone worldwide is aware of this app and its applications. Even if you don’t use the app, you must have come across TikTok reels somewhere on your feed.

It is a social network where users can share short and entertaining clips, and people share these videos on different social networks such as Instagram, Reddit, or Facebook. Especially among teenagers, Tiktok has gained popularity—as 10 to 30 seconds videos catch their attention span and convey the message without boring them out. You can search people on Tiktok such as influencers and enjoy their content.

TikTok for business

In June 2020, TikTok launched a Business tool—a platform where merchants can find notes, tips, and links to Tiktok’s other platforms. It generates valuable data through market research and analysis to help merchants get a better grip on the market and Tiktok’s use in the best way for their ad campaigns.

TikTok and Shopify’s alliance

Four months after launching business tools, in October, Shopify announced a collaboration with TikTok for Business and became a part of the hashtag challenge #Shopblack—a hashtag to support black-owned startups.

Also, during the partnership, Tiktok released a channel on Shopify App Store, allowing merchants to post content on Tiktok. Tiktok x Shopify is currently only available in the US, despite the news of the US’s planning to ban Tiktok.

Through the Tiktok x Shopify channel, merchants can have their Shopify store featured with Shopify stores to monitor the performance of their marketing campaigns. 

Designers have included creative tools such as transitions and short videos to make it effortless for everyone to create TikTok content. 

As if this wasn’t enough, Tiktok is also giving $300-worth of credits to store owners to check Tiktok’s advertising campaign before investing their money.

Tiktok and Shopify Logos

How can you sell your products on Tiktok?

Choose your niche

Undoubtedly, Tiktok has the largest user base, mostly teenagers and people aged 20-29 and around 30-39. There is already a lot of information to help you pitch your marketing campaign, as Tiktok will help you reach almost everyone. 

However, you should familiarize yourself with Tiktok and its communities to have a better grip. For instance, if you want to sell a reading lamp. You should check hashtags that target bookworms, such as #BookTok, and analyze those videos to check which content book enthusiasts are engaging in and posting.

By learning about your audience, you will be able to contact and communicate with them more organically. Or you hire someone to build a shopify store from Clickysoft according to your business requirements.

Launch your store

Once you have complete knowledge about Tiktok, it is time to set up your TikTok account for success. Whether you already have a TikTok account or are starting from scratch, you will have to make a Tiktok for Business account, and you can easily switch from a regular account to a business one.

When your TikTok account is done, your page will have the TikTok Shopping tag with a display of your products. You have two integration points to pick from—one is where you can have the entire retail experience with Tiktok, or you can use it as a CTA for your site, where the final transaction will occur.

Create engaging content

There is no point in a Tiktok sales channel if you just sit there and do nothing. Creating a lot of content is the only way to thrive on this platform. Unlike other platforms, at Tiktok, quantity wins over quality.

However, the important thing to remember is that you do not want to be too “Salesy”. Tiktok users can detect an ad from miles away; you only need to be lowkey and subtle if you want to interact with a huge customer base. Make sure your content is authentic and that you are actually having fun. To make the most of TikTok’s creative center, explore its vast array of editing tools and effects that can elevate your content and captivate your audience. It offers an extensive range of tools and features that can be leveraged to enhance your content creation process. 

Keep up with the trends and challenges related to your niche. Once you have a well-established account with followers, you can create hashtags or trends. A move like this can gain popularity if you play your cards right.

Tag your videos with your products

You should start tagging your products in your videos when you find yourself familiar with Tiktok and, even better, famous Tiktok. Yes, Tiktok’s Shopify channel has a feature that will allow you to tag your product with a simple tap.

Not only will it keep a strong brand awareness, but it also means you can advertise your product without going down the typical path. Your videos can be in any form with the product tagged. It is a great way to sneak your products in front of users who don’t like falling for ads.

Promote your videos

Starting your TikTok page won’t be enough; you should promote your videos on other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. It will expand your customer base and will make your brand interesting.


The collaboration between TikTok and Shopify has opened up new opportunities for Shopify merchants to tap into this market. By working with a shopify development company, you can ensure a smooth launch and management of your system, while focusing on creating engaging TikTok content.

For digital marketers, this platform is a marketing channel with huge potential, considering it was the most downloaded mobile application in the year of its launch. 

With its huge user base, especially youngsters, easy installation, $300 credit offer, and more—Tiktok gives you many reasons to try it as a marketing channel. 

Open a completely free store with Shopify, launch it on Tiktok, and see your sales reach high.

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