Top Tips to Maximize your LinkedIn Ads Campaigns

Ever wondered what sets LinkedIn apart from other digital marketing channels? It is no secret that LinkedIn is the favourite marketing platform for many advertisers, especially for B2B marketers. A study has shown that 75% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn Ads, while 79% say LinkedIn Ads provide outstanding results. And who is not willing to gain exceptional results from their business ads?

LinkedIn is the platform to reach business stakeholders, decision-makers, and influential members, but not crafting a targeting ad strategy won’t bring the desired benefits. This brings in the purpose of this post, which will demonstrate how to run a LinkedIn ad campaign and discuss the best practices to maximize it.

linkedin ads campaigns person using linkedin on mobile

Before starting a LinkedIn ad campaign

For a LinkedIn ad campaign, it is necessary to optimize the business page fully and research before launching the campaign.

Business page optimization

How to ensure that a business page is optimized? It is simply by providing a good profile and cover photos customized to the platform standards and describing the business’ core interests. The business page should also present the company’s tagline, mission, and services. It establishes authenticity and transparency, so the page’s visitors will trust its credibility.

Do a research

Thorough research is always key to a successful project. Research before launching a LinkedIn ad campaign helps plan correctly and provides a clearer vision of several important factors. The first thing to research is the target audience.

  1. Who are they?
  2. What are they interested in?
  3. What is their language?
  4. Where and when are they most active? 

Asking these questions helps better understand your niche, hence attractively reaching them.

What people are saying about the business is another thing to look for. It is also called social listening, which means knowing what customers are saying about a brand. It helps measure brand awareness and consideration, which lets one know where to place the most focus.

Finally, we also advise sneaking at competitors’ strategies to stay in line with them or even getting some steps ahead if you find gaps to avoid. Another last thing we recommend doing is taking a look at some Linkedin bidding strategies guide to provoke further thoughts.

Running LinkedIn ads campaigns

There are a set of established steps anyone intending to start advertising on LinkedIn should know to conduct a successful LinkedIn ad campaign. Here are the steps to follow, with some significant points.

Identify the campaign’s objective

Defining the campaign’s objective is the first step in conducting a LinkedIn ad campaign. Generally, the goals of LinkedIn ads campaigns are to either build awareness and consideration or generate leads.

It depends on the targeted audience and their stage in the sales funnel to determine the suitable campaign objective. Knowing that ads don’t necessarily target a specific targeted audience in a particular funnel stage, different campaigns can be launched simultaneously to target different audiences for various purposes. 

Choose the targeted audience

After selecting a campaign’s objective, the next step is to narrow down the audience you want to see the advertisement. The platform offers more than 20 categories targeting the campaign’s specific audience, like the company’s name, size, member’s role, skills, etc. Selecting the right audience is key for reliable ROIs.

Decide on an ad format

There are four main types of LinkedIn ads, all of which provide the best results when used properly. They are Sponsored ads, Message ads, Dynamic ads, and Text ads. Each helps businesses meet their goals as long as they target the right audience in the right design.

Allocate budget

With the advantages of LinkedIn ads campaigns, ads are comparatively expensive. It is recommended to start with a tight budget for first-time launching ads. Then, after reviewing its results and making the needed modification, one can invest more funds.

Analyze and track results

After having all set up and the ad is shown to the public, the last step is to keep tracking the ad’s performance and use LinkedIn Insights to get detailed reports. Third-party analytic tools are also helpful in monitoring ads and optimizing them.

Top tips to maximize LinkedIn ads campaigns

In addition to the previous step to run a successful LinkedIn ad campaign, here is a list of handy tips to keep in mind:

  1. Use helpful tools to enhance audience targetings, like Lead Gen Forms and Audience Expansion.
  2. Make sure to include a short and compelling headline, a clear CTA, and a descriptive driving copy.
  3. Visuals play a great role in attracting ad viewers and ensuring they have a title that will make them stop. 
  4. Use A/B tests to figure out the format that is working the best.
  5. Ensure that your landing page works well and offers what the ad promises viewers to see.

Finally, the significance of LinkedIn as a professional platform makes it appealing for marketers to leverage their services in front of quality leads. Though running an ad campaign on LinkedIn costs a pretty penny, the value and results will prove to be worth it when using the right techniques.

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