Top 10 Best YouTube Online Courses

Are you looking for the best YouTube online courses? Well, we’ve got you covered. According to 2020 statistics, the total YouTube users are about 1.3 billion. Additionally, almost 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day, while the average mobile YouTube video view per day is 1 billion. 

For years, YouTube has continuously been changing our world, especially the business sector. Content creators, such as those who vlog, have different ways on how to monetize their YouTube channel. Marketers and advertisers these days prefer YouTube to television because it is the world’s second-largest search engine and the second most visited site after Google. Thus, their customer reach is broader.

So whether you are a content creator or a business owner, if you are wondering how you can make money on YouTube, here are the best YouTube online courses that you should study.

1. YOUTUBE: How I Make $2000 A Month On YouTube With No Filming

The great thing about being a YouTube content creator is that you can earn even if you don’t have videography experience and a camera or any equipment. You can also earn an average of $2,000 a month by just using free videos. In this online course, you will learn strategies to make money on YouTube from working only 30 minutes a day.

Find out how to use titles and descriptions the right way, where to get free music for your videos and access millions of top quality free videos, how to get YouTube to advertise your channel for free, and more.  

2. YouTube Masterclass: Complete Guide To YouTube Success

Are you a content creator, business owner, entrepreneur, or someone who wants to build a successful brand on YouTube? Do you want to make a career out of YouTube and earn up to six figures of revenue a year? Then, this online course is for you. 

You will learn how to start a YouTube channel, create high-quality videos, generate subscribers, grow your brand, and have a firm grasp of the YouTube platform.  

3. How To Start A YouTube Channel: Teach Your Passion

Discover how to set up your YouTube channel that is eye-catching and start making money by ranking your videos in search engines to gain organic traffic. You will also learn in this online course how to create your own inexpensive filming studio, map out a publishing schedule, and strategies to rank your videos to get more views and subscribers.  

4. Vlogging: Learn Youtube Secrets To Become A Success

Are you planning to be a vlogger and build a successful YouTube channel, but are on a tight budget and have no technical knowledge? Fret not! This online course will help you become one as it covers the A to Z of building a YouTube channel, including what camera to use, how to edit videos, and all the essential topics to help you become a vlogger.

Whether you want to launch a gaming, business, travel, or beauty channel with the content that you’re passionate about, this course will discuss all of the things you need to learn to help you get started.

5. YouTube For Business: Create A YouTube Channel

Start promoting your products and services in your YouTube channel using video marketing and advertising campaigns for sales. This online course will teach you how you can increase your channel views and subscribers by planning, creating, and promoting YouTube videos that will attract potential customers. Set your business apart from your competitors with the use of marketing and branding strategies that will instantly reach thousands of potential customers around the world.

6. YOUTUBE: How To Successfully Promote Your Business On YouTube

Ever wonder why some YouTube videos promoting business instantly get millions of views and get new subscribers in just a few days? Find out techniques in endorsing your business successfully using YouTube in this course.  You will learn what video descriptions to use, the appropriate tags and keywords, building a YouTube playlist, how to convey messages to subscribers, and more. You will also be introduced to different free tools and YouTube advanced features.

7. How To Vlog On YouTube

If you are new to vlogging want to learn the basics of vlogging on YouTube and build a following, then this online course is for you. Learn what camera to use, how to edit your video, how to upload it on YouTube, and what thumbnails, titles, descriptions, and tags to use. You will also discover the use of free editing software that will be provided in this course.

8. YouTube Secrets: Your Thumbnails And Graphics Are Crucial

Increase your success on YouTube by learning better how to use thumbnails and graphics. Thumbnails are one of the most important components of a YouTube video. A compelling thumbnail attracts the attention of a viewer, helps you get more views and subscribers, and helps you make money. You don’t need to have Photoshop installed or to be a graphic artist or designer to come up with an attention-grabbing thumbnail. All you need is the lessons in this online course to get started.

9. YouTube Video Search Engine Optimization: Boost Views, Engagement And Subscribers

Make people find your videos when they search for a product or service and become an expert in ranking your videos on YouTube by learning YouTube Search Engine Optimization. In this online course, you will have a better understanding of how to do keyword search, optimize and rank videos, and structure higher engagement rates in YouTube video marketing. Also, you will discover the five steps on how to rank YouTube videos:

  1. Do YouTube keyword research
  2. Create high-retention video content
  3. Keep track of your progress
  4. Optimize your YouTube videos
  5. Promote your videos

10. YouTube Advertising For Beginners

Last, but definitely not the least in our list of the best YouTube online courses is “YouTube Advertising For Beginners.” This online course is designed for those who want to learn how to run YouTube advertising even if you do not have the experience, subscribers, or even a popular YouTube channel. The curriculum includes lessons on how to correctly set up YouTube advertisements, targeting the right market, testing your advertisements, and navigating through Google Advertising platform. So, if you want to drive more traffic and make more profit using YouTube advertising and marketing, try this online course.

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