The Power of Morning Ritual Mastery for Entrepreneurs

Ever wondered what top leaders do differently every day and why they are so successful compared to other people? Do you want to learn what kick-off morning rituals mastery these leaders have been using?

How you start your day determines the rest of it, as well as how it will end. Most of the world’s successful leaders are early risers, so they have a lot of time to accomplish more tasks and make their day more productive. They have rewired their brains and cultivated good habits which start from the moment they wake up.

According to research, 57% of Americans are snoozers. Hitting your alarm on snooze will only promote procrastination and snoozing your button will also screw up your entire day. You will not only be delaying the start of your day, but it is also bad for your health and overall function of your brain as you make yourself groggier than well-rested.

Setting the tone for a positive day is the first step to have complete self-control so you can calmly face the challenges that come your way throughout the day.

Here are 7 morning rituals of well-known successful leaders.

Steve Jobs (Co-founder of Apple)

Every morning, Steve Jobs looks in the mirror and asks himself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” and if the answer is “No” for consecutive days, he knows he needs to change something. 

Dark as it might sound, thinking that we will die at some point in our lives will help us come up with big decisions and unmask what is truly important to us. 

Bill Gates (Co-founder of Microsoft)

With a net worth of $110 billion according to a report last November 2019 by Business Insider, Bill Gates is once again the richest person in the world. 

Gates makes sure that he gets seven hours of sleep every night and reads the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal every morning, which helps him boost his creativity. He is also known for starting his day with a treadmill workout for one hour while watching courses from the Teaching Company.

Richard Branson (Founded the Virgin Group)

On a CNBC interview, Richard Branson said that he plays tennis every morning at six and does it again in the evening. He also does 40-minute weight lifting and kite surfing when he is on his island. 

Having a consistent routine of waking up around 5 a.m., exercising, and spending time with family is Branson’s secret in achieving more goals. He even quoted, “Over my 50 years in business, I have learned that if I rise early, I can achieve so much more in a day, and therefore in life.

Mark Zuckerberg (Co-founder and CEO of Facebook)

Mark Zuckerberg was hailed the youngest self-made billionaire when he was 23-years-old in 2008. According to Forbes as of December 17, 2019, his net worth is now $73.4 billion.

Compared to other successful leaders who wake up very early in the morning, Zuckerberg wakes up at around 8 a.m. since he sometimes chats with programmers up to 6 a.m. He also checks Facebook daily, of course, as he is the co-founder and CEO. 

Despite his busy schedule, he still manages to squeeze in a quick workout or run in the morning. He does not skip breakfast as he is not picky on what to eat–plus he wears the same style of jeans, gray t-shirt, and pair of sneakers almost every day. He does not want to complicate his mornings on small decisions like what to eat or wear.

Tony Robbins (Life coach)

Tony Robbins is a renowned life and business coach. After having three to five hours of sleep, he wakes up between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. He then takes his adrenal support cocktail, does his workout, and eats his breakfast.

He introduces his morning routine called “Priming” that, according to Robbins’ website, “It’s a ritual that involves powerful and directed breathing and movement to center yourself so that you’re primed for whatever the day brings.

This Priming routine includes:

  • Performing a breathing exercise
  • Expressing gratitude
  • Experiencing connection
  • Visualizing success
  • Performing a 15-minute intense workout using the OsteoStrong machine, the 4-Minute Machine, and the Torture Machine
  • Using a sauna and then taking a cold plunge
  • Doing back inversion

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Barack Obama (44th U.S. President 2009-2017)

Former U.S. President Barack Obama is an early riser. During his stay at the White House, he usually wakes up at 5 a.m. before his scheduled events, giving him time to exercise, eat breakfast, read the New York Times, and watch ESPN.

In a Vanity Fair interview, Obama told the interviewer that he only wears gray or blue suits because he does not want to complicate things. He has a lot of big decisions to make rather than deciding on what he should wear or where to eat. This habit simplifies his life and saves time.

Jack Dorsey (Twitter CEO)

Jack Dorsey’s morning ritual is quite unusual. Every morning at 5 a.m., he performs a hydrotherapy in 3 cycles. This hydrotherapy includes 15 minutes in a sauna barrel then a 3-minute submerging into a 2°C ice bath. For him, doing this makes him feel that he can do almost anything because it unlocks his mental confidence. He also does one hour of meditating each morning.

Oprah Winfrey (Television Personality, Actress, Philanthropist, and Entrepreneur)

Oprah Winfrey is one of the most successful women in the world. According to Forbes, her net worth as of December 17, 2019 is $2.7 billion.

She wakes up between 6:02 a.m. and 6:20 a.m. without using an alarm clock. Her morning ritual includes performing a series of spiritual exercises, meditating, and exercising. She spends 20 minutes each morning for meditation and 15 to 30 minutes in the treadmill for her exercises. 

You can create your morning ritual by just following the 5-step system. Morning rituals can help you escape life on autopilot because it is the time that you can have full control of your life and you can shift your focus to more important things.

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