Spice Up Your Instagram Feed with These 7 Post Ideas

Generating new ideas and creating engaging posts can be a struggle, especially for a small business related to a specific niche. Having a start business or brand is difficult to manage on social media. Because you don’t have any idea what sort of posts will excite your followers and what sort of content they can ignore?

First, you need to understand your targeted audience and then post content according to their interest. For that, you can look for several strategies and try to implement them in your posts. With the right type of posts, you can attract new visitors to become your followers and then permanent customers. Instagram is all about posting visual content to attract new users to your account. Posting ad contains all the time can divert the attention of your audience and you’ll end up losing them.  The below ideas will spice up your Instagram feed and benefit your company in the long term:

instagram feed mobile view

1. Regram

Instagram is all about sharing your ideas and messages with others in an innovative way. People get inspired by each other, you can also repost someone’s photo or video. Just like shoutouts on other platforms, you can regram on Instagram. In that way, only your audience will get more spotlight and you wouldn’t feel like selling. Having a strong community on social media can benefit you in several ways. It’s better to buy Instagram likes for fast growth of your account. As this can provide you with permanent customers who can respond to you back whenever you post a new thing and buy your services and products. Building a good relationship is necessary as this keeps your customers as friends and not like a formal company that is just trying to sell its products.

2. Offer exclusive deal

No, we’re not discussing paid advertisements! And certainly, folks who read your organic postings can still benefit greatly from them!

Running a limited-time offer for readers of particular posts (like this one) keeps your feed interesting and your fans waiting for more of these unique discounts! You may use this exclusive IG offering to increase engagement rates, just like companies do when they offer special discounts to subscribers of their email newsletters.

Additionally, you’ll gain a better understanding of how many of your followers are genuine clients, which will help you refine your future social media initiatives. You could embed a QR code in a carousel post for your followers to scan the code and get the deal. QR codes are easy to create.

3. Show your true culture

What kind of culture does your company have? What sets it apart from others? What do you do uniquely or differently? What components of the corporate culture are you most proud of? You can use Instagram profile viewer to know the interests of your followers.

Post about them and let your followers know. By doing this, you may showcase the ideals of your company and give some insight into the culture of your workplace. Be ready to increase your fan base by showcasing what makes your brand special and cool in its non-commercial facets. People appreciate openness.

4. Share content of your niche

Gather some of the information from authors in your niche that you have found to be beneficial, and then share it with your audience. We frequently assume that to market ourselves, we must create our blog posts and videos, but sharing the work of others is also an effective strategy. In the end, curating content implies that your company lacks all the answers but can still help you find them.

Additionally, it will motivate your audience to interact with and follow your postings because they will get so much more from doing so than just receiving updates on your promotions. When you curate content, just remember to give credit!

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5. Look for the opinions of people

Give them a place to voice their ideas since they enjoy doing so, especially on social media. You can either ask a straight question or use the comments as an answering board by posting a photo with options and asking your followers to select one in the part below.

It doesn’t need to be serious or explicitly sales-related. After all, the goal of this dialogue is to learn more about your audience. Additionally, if you have any variations of your product or service, it’s a great way to showcase them.

6. Share quick tips

An excellent strategy to provide important information appealingly is to create straightforward pieces that share quick suggestions and offer your audience succinct counsel. It’s better to keep it simple and concise.

These posts don’t necessarily need to be linked to in-depth explanatory blog posts or videos. They could just be occasional, helpful tidbits that you share with your audience for their advantage. You can use this expert advice as a hint or a clue about your upcoming new product or service!

7. Repost the old one

While creating content you have to invest a lot of your time to generate new ideas and create uniqueness in your posts. So posting it for once and then forgetting it is not a good option you should reconsider it for later use. You should create several versions of that content so you can use it later in a different way. You can share the previous content with your followers because some of them might have missed it. It’s better to create content at once and keep it in your drafts, you can use it later. This can prove to be a time-saving and efficient way of producing content.

Final thoughts

You shouldn’t forget your competitors and their work as this can be the best source of success on Instagram. This doesn’t mean that you should copy their content instead notice what they are doing and how they are doing it. Post regularly and keep your content relevant to your niche, keeping a theme for your account will be more helpful. Make a strong relationship with your audience and keep them as your friends. This will bring loyalty and you’ll end up having permanent customers. To achieve all this you have to work on your content to attract and engage new users. 

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