15 Signs You Should Quit Your Job

Many professionals have a solid resistance to quitting their jobs. To quit a job is hard, especially when you are in a long-term position because it always has a negative association, such as not trying hard enough or not being good enough. When quitting your job, you need to consider things such as if the timing is correct, if you already have a replacement job, and if you have enough money in the bank to fund your job search. 

There are many reasons why employees quit their jobs, but how would you know if you really should quit your job or if you're having a bad time and should give your role another chance? When you feel that you are on the brink of submitting your resignation letter, you should seriously consider these 15 warning signs to help you know when you should quit your job.

15 Signs You Should Quit Your Job

1. You are exhausted all the time: mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Perhaps you have heard of this famous quote "Do what you love, and you'll never work another day in your life." Sometimes we get stressed and overwhelmed, but it does not mean that we are in the wrong line of work. Feeling stressed is normal in the workplace, and there are simple ways to handle stress at work and ways to eliminate stress. 

  • About 33 percent of people report feeling extreme stress.
  • Seventy-seven percent of people experience stress that affects their physical health.
  • Seventy-three percent of people have stress that impacts their mental health.
  • Seventy-six percent cited money and work as the leading cause of their stress.
  • Forty-eight percent of people have trouble sleeping because of stress.

If your work is giving you chronic stress, it can take a toll on your wellness. Some common effects of stress include anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, social withdrawal, and angry outbursts. So if you feel your job is toxic, making you sick, affecting your physical and mental health, then you should consider resigning. Health is wealth, and no job is worth losing your health over.  

2. You are not growing (professionally).

Having a career allows you to earn and helps you develop, hone, and gain new skills, knowledge, and experiences. These will all help you go further in your career. You will recognize yourself in a situation where there is no professional growth if you feel stuck in a rut and fall behind your professional development. It's time to quit your job when it does not offer you opportunities to advance your career.

3. You are bored.

Do you feel that you are dragging yourself to work every day and that there's nothing you find engaging about your day-to-day tasks? This feeling is preceded by boredom, dissatisfaction, and frustration. Of course, everyone gets bored with their work once in a while, but prolonged feelings of boredom can lead to anxiety and depression. Boredom can be characterized by low mood, emptiness, and a constant state of being unhappy.

If you find yourself spending most of your workday checking newsfeed on social media, browsing the Internet, and checking the time frequently at work, then consider these as critical indicators that you should quit your job.

4. There is no work-life balance.

Finding yourself working overtime constantly and being desperate for a balance between work and personal life is one reason why you should quit your job. Work-life balance is crucial because it leads to a meaningful life. You have time for other things that are important to you, like your family and your hobbies. 

When you spend more time on these essential things, you become less stressed, which will result in improved physical and mental health. It also helps improve your relationships with those you love and develop a connection which is the key to happiness. If your job is taking all your time and you are having a hard time establishing boundaries, you should find a job that will give you opportunities to have a better work-life balance.

5. You are overworked and under-compensated.

According to Indeed's salary report, 19% of the American workers are comfortable with their current salary, and 60% said they would want to earn an extra $6,000 a year. Also, 54% of the respondents consider changing jobs to get a raise. In addition, some professionals accept a lower salary in exchange for other non-financial fringe benefits, like time off, tuition fee assistance, flex-time, and gym discounts. 

You should consider leaving your job if you feel (or are really) under-compensated. This feeling can negatively affect how you perceive yourself professionally. It is also an indicator that you are less satisfied with your work or not paid what you deserve. Staying in the situation can lead to frustration, stress, and even depression. 

6. You are not fulfilling your responsibilities at work.

Suppose you cannot fulfill your job responsibilities because you are doing tasks not in your job description, or because of the changes in your personal life, or you are just not that motivated. In that case, you should consider quitting your job. When you cannot perform your duties, your job position is being compromised, and you are vulnerable to getting terminated. Furthermore, when you get fired, it will harm your ability to find another job.

7. You become angry towards your job or your employer.

Are you starting to talk about your job or employer negatively? Are you complaining a lot about your work, boss, colleagues, and even the simple problems you encounter at work? Although it may feel gratifying to trash your employer, colleagues, or job role, remember that you can never take back the hurtful words you've already said. It is better that you leave your job before burning bridges and developing tensions in the company.

8. You don't get to pursue your passion.

Many professionals succumb to settling in jobs that could better compensate financially than a job that's meaningful to them. While some may wholeheartedly accept this, some people will somehow realize they want to pursue passion over a good-paying profession. If you start feeling this and have thought about it substantially, maybe it's worth the shot. 

When you want to pursue your passion, you might lose interest in performing your current job. And before you sabotage your career with disengagement, it's better to inform your employer about your plans formally. Sure enough, the organization will be more than happy to support you in your future endeavors.

9. The work environment is toxic.

In some cases, the work environment has an immense impact on employees' performance. If the environment or culture starts to take a toll on your mental health, productivity, and more, it's time to quit and consider other career options.

It's difficult to thrive in a place that stifles your peace of mind. However, if the working conditions and culture are too much to bear, you have the choice to prioritize your happiness. Leaving a situation like this is worth it when you finally find a workplace that brings you the right vibes and treatment.

10. You found better opportunities elsewhere.

If you feel undervalued or exploited in your current work, better opportunities outside are easy to tempt you. And if you secure one that seems a lot more promising than your current job, that's great. After all, better opportunities are suitable for your career. Moreover, your current employer may even be supportive of this decision.

11. You dread going to work.

When you start to lose interest or motivation to work, you start dreading to go to your work. This is because you don't have the driving force to continue working. Lacking this results in your disengagement and the fear of coming to work. This is a sure sign that something wrong's going on. Upon checking what will truly resolve this fear of going to work, one of the optimum solutions is resigning. 

When something's fundamentally wrong with your work, your mind will align to this. This results in a lack of interest in doing your job with utmost dedication. And sometimes, the best way to halt this from sabotaging your career is by quitting.

12. You don't receive any form of appreciation.

Appreciation comes in many forms. These include affirmations, acknowledgment, monetary and other rewards. At the same time, these are not a requirement for employers. Employees feel motivated when they receive these forms of appreciation. And when you feel like you're doing a lot for the company, but they don't express gratitude, this could impact your drive. You may feel disappointed and unmotivated, leading to considering just quit. 

Appreciation is crucial for employees, and no one can blame you if you feel underappreciated. Your work deserves to be recognized just like anybody else's. If your employer refuses to acknowledge achievements, maybe you're at the wrong place.

13. You always justify your job.

Do you always catch yourself justifying some work conditions you experience? Chances are, you are finding some red flags, yet you defend them with something that will console you. And this is just plain wrong. You are fooling yourself to justify something you know you don't deserve.

If you constantly complain about your work yet see the good things, that's toxic positivity. And who does this impact? You. And it's your call if you're going to allow this to continue for the rest of your career or look for better opportunities with better work conditions.

14. You get publicly shamed.

Feedback is suitable for your professional development. It only becomes damaging when you get shamed publicly for it. If your bosses allow other people to witness how they scold you over something, that's a major red flag. They should be aware of how uncomfortable and unprofessional that is. If they don't care about other people hearing them scold you, it's time to quit and get your act together.

You deserve respect in the workplace. Provide feedback to them that you feel uncomfortable knowing others see how you got scolded while appreciating the input. And if they don't change, consider leaving for good. 

15. You can't see yourself in the company for the long term.

If you can't see your future in the company, what good will it give you when you stay? Chances are, you don't feel committed because you discovered something that doesn't match your objectives, ethics, vision, and more.

It's time to leave when you don't see yourself growing and thriving with the company anymore. But, on the other hand, you might find the one you're looking for somewhere else if you take the chance.

These are the 15 signs you should quit your job. Even if you are navigating an unconventional career path, choosing the right career path is the best answer to avoid the long and winding detours and stops in your career. In addition, having a career path will give a sense of purpose and a clear picture of your ideal job.

Saw the signs proving you should leave your job? Click here to get started.

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