Reasons Why People Make A Career Change

Why people make a career change? A change in our career gives us a new beginning. Research shows that the total workforce who make a career change every 12 months is approximately 30%. An average person changes his/her career in his/her entire lifetime about 5-7 times. 

5 Reasons why People Make a Career Change

Here are the main reasons why many people change careers.

1. Unhappy with their salary.

This is probably one of the main reasons why people make a career change. It can be frustrating because they feel that they are not getting paid for what they think they are worth, for the workload that they have, and for their performance. 

Before you quit your job for this reason, take the following into consideration:

  • Analyze why you are under-compensated. Check any online resources, like Glassdoor, how much is the estimated salary of your job position, work experience, and your geographic location. You might realize that you are getting paid fairly and that quitting your career and looking for a new one is not a good option.
  • Maybe you are compensated on other areas. Although you are not satisfied with your salary, you might want to take a look at your compensation package. Does your company have a great health plan? Performance bonuses? Paid leave credits? Flexible work schedules? These compensations are worth money also. 
  • Ask for a raise. If you feel that you are underpaid, why don’t you try to ask for a raise? Again, you should do research on your estimated salary and list down the factors why you think you should be given a raise and present it to your boss. You can try asking for a raise during your annual performance review or when you’ve successfully completed your project.

2. When their job is too stressful.

According to The American Institute of Stress, 40% of workers reported their job was very or extremely stressful and 75% of employees believe that workers have more on-the-job stress than a generation ago. Sometimes, our job can be a little bit stressful and challenging, and it is a good thing because it helps us grow as an employee. However, when the stress is a bit too much to handle and it is starting to affect a person’s well-being, people tend to do the following actions to manage their stress:

  • Taking short or long breaks. Short breaks like extending their lunch, or going for a walk to distress. Long breaks like going to a vacation or just staying at home doing no work.
  • Quitting their job and changing their career. 

3. Unchallenged and bored in their current job.

Most employees become unmotivated because of the following:

  • When they feel that they are not challenged with their job.
  • When they are not passionate about what they are doing.
  • When they are not learning enough. 
  • When there is no career growth in their company. 
  • When there is too much work or when there is not enough work.
  • When the tasks are repetitive. 

Before quitting your job, try talking to your supervisor and manager if they can find a better role for you. Ask them if you could lead a project or if you can take new tasks. 

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4. Being underappreciated or lack of recognition.

Majority of employees feel underappreciated. According to a US survey reported by Forbes, 66% of employees quit if they feel that they are underappreciated at work. 

When you feel you are being underappreciated and not being recognized, you can do the following:

  • Make everyone recognize your contribution. Stop being a wallflower and show off your accomplishments graciously. You can remind you boss on the project you are currently doing and give him/her an update of your progress.
  • Be proud and tell your boss, supervisor, manager, and colleague what you have accomplished for the company, but remember that you should not talk about your accomplishments excessively as you might sound arrogant. This is the only thing you can do for yourself when nobody is recognizing your efforts. 
  • Speak up. Don’t be afraid to bring this up to your boss if it is bothering you. Your boss might not realize that you are feeling underappreciated. 

5. Bad management. 

This is probably the most stressful thing an employee had to deal with and often leads them to quit their job. Your work environment suddenly becomes toxic when you have a poor relationship with your boss. 

You can try these tips to get along with your boss:

  • Try to see things from your boss’s perspective.
  • Supporting your boss and give assistance where possible. 
  • Instead of getting affected by your boss’s feedback on you, move on and focus on what you need to do and improve at the present. 
  • Anticipate what is needed from you and get it done. 

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