Almost every person requires signing and notarizing documents from time to time. With the need to exercise due diligence increasing with time, the demand for notary signing agents also keeps rising.
As of 2021, there were 4.4 million notary signing agents in America, a tiny group for an over 300 million population by all standards. So if you are looking for a part-time gig or something to replace your nine-to-five, you may consider becoming a notary signing agent.
But every venture needs some motivation, so you could wonder why you should consider being a notary signing agent. This guide highlights some fun and inspiring reasons for doing so.
Who Is a Notary Signing Agent
A notary signing agent is a person that is commissioned to authenticate and witness the signing of important documents and transactions. The role of the notary signing agent includes verifying the signer’s identity, establishing that the signer fully understands their responsibilities in the subject matter, and that they are legally capable of signing such documents.
Examples of documents that require a notary agent include mortgage documents, residency affidavits, power of attorney, deeds, contracts, adoption papers, and advance medical directives. Different states have different requirements for notaries, with some requiring that notaries get training and take exams. But all states require that notary signing agents get a license.
Reasons to Become a Notary Signing Agent
1. There is high demand for signing agents
The demand for notaries has not been so high in past decades because issues of fraud and identity theft were not as common. With increasing fraud and identity theft cases, the demand for notary signing agents has increased significantly over the last few years.
Increased demand means more opportunities to make money. However, it is important to note that the amount of money you can make varies with the industry and whether you incorporate other chargeable accompanying services. Also, some states limit what signing agents can charge for their services.
For example, some states have limits of up to $2.50 per document. You may not make much money through document signing at such a rate. So, the secret is incorporating other charges such as transport fees, document printing, and processing fees, etc.
2. You work on your schedule
If you like having a say on when to work and when not to, becoming a notary signing agent is among the careers that allow you to do just that. The ability to choose when to and not to work works best for signing agents who offer their services as a side hustle because they can see clients on days when you aren’t as committed.
Choosing when to work or when not to also works great for full-time notaries. For example, if you are a workaholic and build your customer base, you can take in as much work as you can, meaning more money coming in.
3. It’s easy to become one
Most notary agents venture into this business as a side hustle. This is because becoming a notary signing agent is fairly simple and affordable, meaning you can handle this venture alongside another job.
However, some states may require signing agents to get training, while others may not. So you may want to confirm your state requirements. But even in the states where training is a requirement, it is not extensive training, so you do not need to worry about finding the time.
Besides training, other requirements are being over 18, being a US citizen, being a target state resident, and having no felony conviction.
4. You become your own boss
Every employee dreams of becoming a boss. Unfortunately, those opportunities can be quite limited while in employment. Even when you could reach the executive level, you still won’t have complete autonomy because there will always be someone at a higher level telling you what to do.
Like other business or private practice ventures, becoming a notary agent makes you your own boss. You set the rules in all matters of your career. But there may not be much money in notary signing to sustain you full-time as a beginner, so you have to be patient and hold on to your current job as you wait for your notary signing agent side hustle to pick.
But if you live in a big city and network with the right people, becoming your own boss as a notary signing agent is easy.
5. It’s an opportunity for personal and professional growth
Like every other career, being a notary signing agent gives you an excellent opportunity for personal and professional growth. As a signing agent, you learn something new with every document you sign, which is critical in opening your mind to new possibilities and opportunities for venturing.
For example, working with legal experts such as paralegals could inspire you to venture into the career to broaden your scope and, consequently, your money-making opportunities. You also get to know the niches that you are best in and what to do to maximize your productivity.
Lastly, you get something to add to your resume, which can boost you when seeking employment opportunities.
Crafting the Perfect Resume as a Notary Signing Agent
Crafting a professional notary signing agent resume is crucial in establishing your credibility and expertise in the industry. Your resume is your marketing tool and an opportunity to showcase your skills and qualifications to prospective clients.
The perfect notary signing agent resume should highlight your extensive knowledge of loan documents, familiarity with real estate processes, attention to detail, and excellent communication skills. It should also include any relevant certifications, experience, and training.
Risks of Becoming a Notary Signing Agent
Notary signing agents ensure the authenticity of important documents, such as loan and real estate contracts. As such, they are held to a high standard of care and can be held liable for mistakes made in the notarization process. For example, they could be sued if they fail to correctly identify the signer of a document or notarize a fraudulent document.
Notary signing agents are also at risk of fraud and violence. For example, fraudsters may use a notary’s seal to legitimize forged documents, denting their reputation and opening them up to legal challenges. Also, notary signing agents may have to travel to homes or businesses to notarize documents putting them at risk of violence.
Key Takeaways
Late payments can be a significant hurdle to overcome when trying to improve your credit score. By following these tips and taking a proactive approach to addressing late payments, you can work towards rebuilding your credit and achieving your financial goals.
Remember, it’s essential to be patient and consistent in your efforts, as building a strong credit history takes time. With determination and discipline, you’ll be on your way to a healthier credit score and a brighter financial future.