How to Write an Effective Sales Pitch for Better Conversion?

Marketing has always been an important part of businesses. Letting people know about your brand and then showing them why it’s useful to them is called marketing.

A sales pitch is a form of marketing in which a sales representative reaches out directly to prospective customers (leads) and tries to convince them to buy their products/services.

When technology was not so widespread and smartphones were still in their infancy, sales representatives had all the time in the world to make a pitch and present it to leads. But nowadays, people’s attention spans are short and they are not very inclined to listen to long presentations. 

Hence, sales pitches need to be very concise while being very compelling at the same time. This is a difficult task to accomplish, but it’s not impossible. Keep reading to learn some tips on how to write an effective sales pitch for better conversions.

sales man shaking hands with customer

How to write an effective sales pitch for better conversions?

1. Research Your Leads

Leads are basically prospective clients, who may need your services or products. These leads can either be individuals or they can be companies. But even if it is a company, there would be a representative of some sort who will initially receive the pitch.

You need to research your leads and find out exactly what their business does. This is required so that you can find pain points that relate to them, and effectively describe how your product/service can provide a solution for them. 

Another reason why you need to research leads is to find common interests that they may have with you. A common interest can go a long way in building a rapport, and it can also be something that you can address in your pitch. 

Researching leads may also lead to finding unexpected personal connections with them, which can decrease the difficulty of pitching to them. It allows you to take advantage of these factors and increase the likelihood of a successful sales pitch.

2. Appeal with benefits

When writing a sales pitch, keep in mind that at the beginning stage, leads are not interested in the details of your product or services. So, what you need to show them is what kind of benefits they can get from your product/service. 

You can use some data from your other clients as an example and tell that to your pitch recipient. 

If you can prove to them that your product/service can somehow increase efficiency, or reduce costs, or save time and effort, then you may get a better response.

The quickest way to bomb a sales pitch is to just ramble on about your product’s/service’ features and specifications. Letting your buyer know about your product/service is necessary, but it comes at a later stage when the prospective buyer is more interested.

3. Make it a conversation

Your sales pitch should not have a tone in which the recipient feels as if they are being talked at rather than talked to. Your chances of having a successful pitch become much better when your content is conversational, and it makes the reader feel like they are having a conversation with you.

Now, this tip is more suited to cold calling and direct messaging, but even if you are just writing an email, you should try and make it conversational. At this stage, you have already done your research on the lead. So, use any common interests and/or personal connections you may have with the lead to build a relationship.

Using personal connections or common interests can make the reader more invested in the pitch than they initially would have been. However, do take care to not become overfamiliar at this stage as that can come off as creepy and off-putting.

4. Use simple language

A sales pitch can be easily ruined by going into technical details and using fancy words that make it sound like you are saying something thoughtful.

However, such behavior is not good and should be avoided. It was mentioned earlier in this article that prospective clients are not ready to discuss details of any kind at the initial stage. 

So, you should use simple language, and explain everything in layman’s terms. Discussing technicalities during a sales pitch is a sure-fire way of making your lead tune out and not pay attention.

To make sure that you are writing in a simple, readable way, you can use a paraphrasing tool. A Paraphrasing tool can paraphrase text while changing its words, phrases, and sometimes even tone while keeping the meaning intact.

Quite a lot of these tools come with the option to make rewrite text in order to make it more readable. With such tools, you can ensure that your pitch is easy to understand.

5. Include a CTA

CTA stands for “Call to Action”. CTAs are basically anything that asks the lead/prospective buyer to take some sort of action. This can involve asking them to simply call you back, reply to the email, or set a time and date for another meeting, etc. 

In your pitch, you should have a definite CTA, because first pitches are almost guaranteed to be unsuccessful. Following up on them is what usually converts leads from prospective buyers to customers. 

At this stage, it is very important for you to not be vague. Be very specific and straightforward when writing a CTA in your sales pitch. 

You should have a clear idea of what you want your lead to do after the pitch is over. Obviously, they won’t be willing to strike a deal right after the first pitch. So, your CTA should be along the lines of asking for another meeting or asking for a time and date for another meeting, etc.

6. Check for mistakes before finalizing the pitch

Before you can finalize your pitch, you should always check it for mistakes. It would be a shame if a great pitch was simply not taken seriously on account of a few silly mistakes.

However, small grammatical errors and missed words are common mistakes that even professional writers can make. Thus, proofreading and editing any kind of writing before sending it to the intended recipient is necessary. 

Sales pitches are more sensitive in this regard, as they are the cornerstones of converting leads. So, sales pitches need to be very spick and span.

You can use tools for checking your write-up for mistakes, or you can use a real editor. Editors are expensive though, while a lot of tools can be used for free. So, tools can be a better choice if spending money is an issue for you.


Converting leads does not refer to only closing a sale. As long as you move forward in the sales funnel, each successful step can be considered a conversion. 

In this article, we discussed six tips for writing effective sales pitches in order to increase conversion rates.

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