How to Write a Winning Proposal Letter

Writing an effective proposal letter is important in a business because it could make or break a business opportunity. Using business communication skills in crafting and utilizing a proposal letter effectively and wisely can be one of your greatest assets as it helps open doors and helps a business grow and succeed.

In this article, you will find out what a proposal letter is and tips on how to structure and write a compelling proposal letter.

What is a proposal letter?

A proposal letter is a written document that presents yourself, your business or the organization you are part of, products or services, and your ideas to someone. The recipient could be a potential client, investor, customer, or business partner. This letter is used to convince and persuade them that your business, organization, ideas, and products or services are the best and that they can benefit from it.

Just like a business letter, a proposal letter has some fundamental parts. But an effective proposal letter needs to be detailed, concise, persuasive, and clearly convey that the letter recipient can benefit from what you recommend. 

How to write a proposal letter

The content of a proposal letter varies on the project. You can look to the following guidelines in structuring your letter and customize it based on the scope of the project.

1. Understand and identify the client’s needs

You can capture the reader’s attention by bringing up your knowledge about their needs and how you can provide help in the first paragraph of your proposal letter. Offering something they need and how you can solve the challenges in their business is the best way to grab the attention and persuade your proposal letter recipient.

To determine what their needs are, try to answer these general pain points or questions:

  • What does the business worry about?
  • What are the challenges that keep them up at night?
  • Why are they requesting from your proposals?

Some clients will provide a guideline on writing or presenting the proposal letter. When the procedure is available, you should follow that guideline to help them keep reading the document.

2. Introduce yourself and provide background information

The first paragraph of your proposal letter should also contain the basic information about you or your company. This paragraph should also have an overview of your proposal letter so that the recipient will already know what they will expect and the purpose of your writing.

If you already interacted with the recipient you can mention this in your opening statement. You can reiterate briefly what you have discussed or agreed on in your first conversation.

3. Explain your recommended solutions and highlight what sets you apart

After identifying the pain points and briefly introducing those to the recipient, you can talk more about them and recommend solutions.

Use this paragraph to outline your plan on how you will meet your objectives and how you will establish to achieve your goals for their company. An effective way to relay this is by including specific figures, for example, “We will increase your sales by 40% over the next quarter…” Provide a broad overview of the favorable outcomes the client is looking for.

Make sure that you also highlight your qualifications in a sentence or two, explaining why you are well-equipped for the job. You can also use bullet points so you can make your qualification section clearer. You must convince the other party of the uniqueness of your solutions and that you are the best choice.

4. Briefly discuss the utilization of budget and funds

This depends on the purpose of your proposal letter. If you will use your proposal letter to obtain a loan or find investors, then you probably need to provide a general idea of your budget or funds so that the investors can have a better look at the project. Providing a rough idea of the cost involved in the project with the client or investor should be provided because cost plays a major role in the financial-making process.

5. Address potential objections or doubts

Do you feel the client is hesitant to choose you? Or, are you offering the same products or services as your competitor? Analyze your client and deal with their possible objections. This will demonstrate to your client that you are thinking thoroughly about what you are proposing. Think about a question that they might raise and answer them right away. Don’t be afraid to raise issues as long as you have the answers to the possible questions.

6. End with a call to action

A call to action helps increase the chances of getting a response because it sets an invitation for the reader to take your desired action and creates urgency for them to move forward. Giving your reader a straightforward request for action also shows that you are serious about your proposal, and you are letting them know that you are encouraging them to take the next steps towards your request. You may also mention that you will follow up on your proposal.

7. Thank them for their time and provide your contact details

Personalize a thank you note at the end of your proposal. Show the client that you appreciate their time reading your proposal letter and the opportunity to present your ideas. Encourage them to contact you if they have any questions by providing your contact details.

Proposal letter template

Here’s a template that you can use following the tips that were provided.

[Your name]

[Company if applicable]

[Your address]


[Recipient’s name]

[Recipient’s company]

[Recipient’s mailing address]


[First Paragraph: Introduce yourself by stating your name and your company and overview of your proposal letter. If you want to be more creative, you can start this paragraph with an introduction of your knowledge about their needs]

[Second Paragraph: Explain your recommended solutions by outlining your plan and how you will meet your objectives]

[Third Paragraph: Highlight your qualifications and why you are well-equipped for the job in a sentence or two, or in bullet points]

[Fourth Paragraph: If you need funds or loans, briefly provide a general idea of your budget or funds]

[Fifth Paragraph: Include questions and answers to potential objections or doubts]

[Sixth Paragraph: Provide your call to action and when you will follow up on them]

[Seventh Paragraph: Thank the recipient for their time reviewing your proposal and include your contact details]

[Sign off]


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