If you want to write a good essay, you need to think about it very carefully, make a plan, make a lot of notes, and only in this case will you get the highest score. You must put your thoughts in a logical sequence. This is not easy. You can buy research paper and get a perfect score. Professional writers will help you with the essay, which will have both structure and a personal style.
Specify the target audience
Are you writing for a professor, classmates, experts in the field or for newcomers? If you write for professionals, you do not need to disclose the meaning of basic concepts and can use complex terminology, but if you write for people, for example, if you write a review of the film for those who have not seen it, you need to include more general information in the novel.
But if you write a study on a topic unknown to the reader, you should describe your findings in the most detailed. If you are aiming to provide comprehensive information to a broader audience, consider hiring a professional Wikipedia writer. Their expertise can help ensure that your findings are presented in a detailed yet accessible manner for readers with limited prior knowledge on the subject.
You want to write it for the sake of writing it
Do you want to bring people some information, set it in a certain way, compare, analyze some phenomena or facts, share history, or just talk? It is very important to determine the purpose of writing, select the necessary arguments, and to reach the readers. For example, if your goal is to build readers against a phenomenon, you must select arguments in a logical sequence in order to convince them that you are right.
- If you want to analyze your position, you need to select quotations that illustrate your position.
- If you are writing a comparative analysis, you should be well aware of the differences and similarities of the speeches you are writing about.
- If your main goal is to write a short statement on a topic, you must be well versed in these topics in order to affordably describe them to readers.
Consider the style of writing
- The style of the sheet is significant for writing a good essay. Most of the time it will be public: neutral, informative, and laconic. If you use overly exclusive vocabulary in an attempt to convince everyone of the correctness of your research, it will not have credibility. But if you descend to the use of slang phrases or swear words, your research will not look professional. But if you are writing a memoir, you can use more informal vocabulary.
- The style of the paper expresses your attitude toward the subject. It can be skeptical, apathetic, cynical, suspicious, or neutral. But no matter what emotions you have caused the object of research, the style of the sheet should be consistent with the order of writing the work.
- If you are writing a novel about the study of stovepipes, you must be objective in your evaluations and have a neutral style of presentation, and not give any evaluations. However, if you are discussing an online lecture, the style may be more flexible.
Remember that the main purpose of writing an article or essay is to grab the reader’s attention. This means that you must have the last word. That’s what professional writers learn. You can look up “essay writing services review” on Google, and you are sure to find the essay writer who is right for you!
Do your research
- Despite the fact that you may want to start writing your work without having a clear idea of what you yourself have to say, it is still better to conduct research to prepare the ground for their thoughts. Get the necessary material, make notes, and then reread them in order to understand the topic and get enough information in order to write a novel or at least make up your mind about the arguments. Seeking research paper writing help and conducting thorough research provides a solid foundation for your thoughts, enabling you to gather the necessary material and develop cohesive arguments.
- Make sure that the information is from a reliable source and comes from the experts in this field. Do not rely on articles on Wikipedia.
- Take notes so as not to forget anything.
- Learn the rules of citations, so that you can include them in your work.
Thesis statement
After conducting the study, you need to thesis outline your work, is identified the main ideas around which the discussion will be carried out, or the point of view you want to voice in the text.
This is necessary in order that you were able to clearly understand exactly what you want to bring the reader through the text, as well as logically structure their thoughts. For example, the thesis could look like this: “The standard of living in New York City is higher than in San Francisco because of the peculiarities of the climate, more developed infrastructure, and the presence of a wider range of opportunities for self-fulfillment”. And from this position you can further on in the text to reveal their thoughts, describing and comparing these cities for given indicators.
Overall, the thesis statement must meet a number of requirements, such as:
- Clarity
- Controversial
- Illustration
- Possibility of further specification
- Thought must come from a third person
Thesis statement
Write a thesis statement that clearly and concisely expresses an opinion that can be used as an overriding argument. You cannot write a thesis about how the unicorns live, because you cannot back it up with facts, just like you cannot write about the harm done to the fallen, simply because it is difficult to cross. Instead of this, try to select a valuable argumentation for their subjects, which you can bring and counterarguments. Here are examples of theses for different kinds of works:
- Thesis for the analysis work: “The three main themes that permeate the film. The Great Gatsby “self-sufficiency, the power of wealth over people, and the loss of true love.”
- A thesis for the essay: “Admission to college should not be based on an average score, since grades are not an indicator of intellect, but rather a social and economic factor.”
- A review theme: “Most students spend their free time doing their homework, going out with friends, and visiting various sections.”
Think about the structure of your essay
Once you have outlined the thesis statement, think through the outline, which will become a guide to the creation and will help you put your thoughts into a bubble and break them into paragraphs. This will make the work thoughtful and logical and allow you not to deviate from the theme and not change your mind in the middle of the text. The plan of the work consists of the introductory part, the main part and the conclusion. Here is an example of a plan for an essay on “New York is the best place for young professionals because of its distinctive memories, climate, and market”.
- Introduction: 1) title and introduction 2) three main ideas 3) thesis.
- First paragraph: Memories: 1) restaurants 2) clubs and pubs 3) museums.
- Paragraph two: the weather: 1) beautiful snowy winters 2) warm springtime 3) grass thunderstorms.
- Clause three: the labor market 1) opportunities for doing business 2) opportunities for self-actualization in creativity 3) the sphere of IT – professionals.
- Conclusion: 1) conclusions, 2) repetition of the key positions.