How to Develop the Best Video Advertising Strategy: Video Production for Mobile Audiences

As a business owner, you know that powerful advertisement is important to reach new customers and grow your business. But with so many options available, it can be difficult to know where to start. Well, not really. Statistics show that 2023 is the year of video content, as it is projected that adults will view at least 80 minutes worth of video content on a daily basis.

If that sounds like fun, you are probably ready to get the cameras out and start creating content. Unfortunately, the way people consume content is different. They no longer spend time in front of their desktops; they prefer the convenience handheld devices offers. 

That’s why we will help you create the best video advertising strategy for mobile audiences below.

video advertising - video camera equipment

Why you should care about creating videos for mobile audiences

In today’s digital age, video advertising is an essential marketing asset for businesses. Not only does creating videos allow you to get creative, but it can also have a powerful impact on your mobile viewers. Especially with the continuing rise in mobile internet usage, producing engaging and compelling video advertisements is incredibly important to reach potential customers wherever they may be. 

With eye-catching visuals and captions, you can make an impression on users scrolling through their social media or searching for something specific on Google. In addition, video advertising can help to humanize your business and build trust with viewers.

However, your approach should be very idiosyncratic regarding mobile audiences. To put things into perspective, if you plan to deploy interstitial ads on your website, you don’t really worry about the ad size too much. However, if you are planning the same strategy for your mobile channel, you always look for the right mobile ads size so that handheld device users do not feel overwhelmed by the ad. Likewise, you should take this type of approach when you create video content so that it’s accessible to mobile device users, enabling them to enjoy content without a hitch.

The challenges of video production

With so many different types of smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices, it can be difficult to optimize a video for each properly. In addition, different devices are comprised of various operating system types and versions, along with unique display sizes and capabilities. So you have to find something that works for all universally.

However, with the right techniques, you’ll be able to make sure your product looks great for all viewers regardless of the type of device in their hands. First and foremost, your video must be optimized for all resolutions, from low-end models up to those expensive high-end models we all love. 

Additionally, using standardized file formats—like .mp4 or .webm—will help ensure smooth compatibility and enable users on any device to enjoy your content without interruption. Ultimately, by following best practices for video production on mobile devices, you’ll have created an enjoyable viewing experience that will impress both existing and potential viewers alike.

That being said, it can take a lot of time off your hands and be very stressful if you are not an expert editor and producer. To make the whole process easier for your business, consider hiring a video production agency to ensure your videos emit professional quality and keep viewers engaged throughout the viewing experience so that you can focus on other business-related tasks.

Make your content trendy

Short-form videos tend to perform better on mobile devices. So it’s important to keep all of your video output concise. Aim for videos that are no longer than two minutes. In addition to that, shorter videos are more likely to be watched and can be shared more easily on social media platforms.

But, sometimes, you have to take a break from technicalities and focus on what your audiences want. As a content creator, you must keep an eye out for the latest trends and monitor your audience’s behavior. Always try to cover topics that are making serious headway to maximize your chances of receiving a lot of views, and never forget to engage afterward. Not giving your opinion on a matter will make you look like you are a brand that wants to push promotion after promotion. Show your human side by actively exchanging words with your audience and watch as your conversion rates grow.

Share your video content

If you want people to watch your videos, the first step is getting the word out. Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are all excellent places to share a link to your video. Make sure to post it on different accounts, group pages, and forums related to your video’s topic. 

Furthermore, reaching out directly to smaller groups of influencers or communities builds awareness in a more targeted audience than a larger platform like YouTube can reach. Include compelling thumbnail images, short descriptions, and tags when posting your videos, so potential viewers know what the content is about. 

It could also be helpful to comment on other related posts or make relevant posts of your own before or during posting the video link in order to get more attention for it when people click through. Finally, track viewership closely so you can tweak future uploads for better visibility.

Bottom line

Video content advertising is the future. While this does not mean that written content will be sidelined, most individuals simply prefer watching an informative 2-minute video rather than spending 20 minutes reading a long text. Future-proof your advertising strategy by following the tips we outlined for you above. That being said, we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

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