5 Effective Teaching Methods and How to Use Them

Teaching is like the foundation for all jobs. It is a way to share knowledge and values with students. How good a teacher is depends on how they teach. Kids only like learning when they find the topic interesting. Teachers have to make hard stuff easy to understand and keep kids interested. But first, you need to know different teaching methods to be a great teacher. This article talks about cool teaching methods to make learning fun for your students.

1. Visualization

Visualization refers to the ability to create a mental picture based on what you can hear and read. It brings a concept to life and encourages learners to stay connected to the real world. You can implement this teaching method by using audio-visual aids such as videos, songs, and photos. Mind maps, diagrams, and charts are also a great way to help students create a mental picture. 

When necessary, you can try modeling while teaching for students to see a visual representation. Most learners tend to understand better when they see what you are teaching rather than hearing the concept.

2. Differentiated Learning

Different students have different needs and differentiated learning embraces this by ensuring you teach every student based on their individual needs. It is an effective method for instructors working with mixed-ability classes as it ensures every learner gets the most out of the lesson.

However, it needs careful implementation to work. For instance, when teaching a class composed of students with different learning abilities, you may choose to teach different content based on student ability. However, some students may be embarrassed. Fatigue also becomes an issue since you try to teach too much at the same time.

You can implement it effectively by teaching in different ways such as verbal presentations, books, videos, and images. Every student will pick a learning aid that suits them the most and understand the subject content.

teacher in a room full of college students

3. Blended Learning

Blended learning combines both the traditional face-to-face teaching and technology. It is an effective teaching method in the current world that creates a middle ground between tech-based and traditional methods. It uses technology to keep students interested in the subject matter and retain focus. It also offers them an opportunity to interact with educators and other students in a face-to-face setting.

Blended learning is likely to become more popular in future. As an educator, you can adapt your teaching programs to this teaching method using technologies like Teach ‘n Go to manage school data, schedules, and more. You can also integrate technologies like virtual reality to immerse students in an environment.

4. Game-Based Learning

Lessons don’t have to be boring. You can make them more interactive and engaging through game-based learning. Gamification integrates game-like elements into non-gaming activities to boost motivation. 

Gaming can boost dopamine production and integrating gaming elements in your lessons can improve the mood of the students and keep them determined. However, gamification is not ideal for all situations. Overusing this method could also undo the motivation and fun learners feel during lessons.

Cooperative Learning

This method is quite common in both traditional and online classes. Teachers put students in groups and ask them to complete assigned tasks through cooperation. It is a great way to increase concentration, knowledge acquisition, and association. It makes lessons interesting and teaches students how to excel in a team setting.


Teachers these days need to try out fresh ways of teaching so students can learn and develop in today’s world. Spend time understanding your students and pick a teaching style that fits them. Don’t forget to bring technology into your lessons to stay current with the world’s changes.

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