7 Most Common Small Business Mistakes

Embarking on your journey as a small business owner can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. The fear of making mistakes and failing often looms large in the minds of aspiring entrepreneurs. However, it’s important to remember that mistakes are an inevitable part of any business journey. To help you navigate this path with greater confidence and success, we’ve compiled a list of common mistakes small business owners make, along with valuable insights on how to avoid them.

Bonus: Recommendations from our library of the best online business courses to help you navigate your small business towards sustainable success

1. Neglecting to Establish a Business Plan

As Benjamin Franklin wisely said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Skipping the crucial step of creating a business plan might seem tempting when you’re eager to dive into the startup mode. However, a well-thought-out business plan serves as your guiding light, providing numerous benefits:

  • Focus: A business plan keeps you focused on the essential actions required to achieve your short-term and long-term goals.
  • Decision-making: It acts as a roadmap, helping you make sound decisions that align with your business objectives.
  • Viability assessment: A business plan helps you determine if your business idea is viable and sustainable in the long run.
  • Funding acquisition: It serves as a powerful communication tool, allowing you to effectively convey your ideas to potential investors or lenders.
  • Self-awareness: By analyzing your business’s strengths and weaknesses, a business plan enables you to make informed adjustments and improvements.

Remember, a business plan doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Start by using your critical thinking skills to assess your current business status and envisioning where you want it to be in the future. Then, list the necessary steps and actions required to turn your vision into a reality. Remember, execution is key to bringing your business plan to life.

2. Undervaluing Your Products or Services

The concept of “value” in products or services extends beyond their price. It encompasses the perception of your customers and their willingness to pay for what you offer. Some businesses falter because they set prices too low, often due to lack of confidence or fear of inadequate demand. To establish an effective pricing strategy, consider the following approaches:

  • Superior quality: Offer products or services of better quality than your competitors to justify a higher price point.
  • Appealing presentation: Invest in attractive packaging designs and compelling advertisements that enhance the perceived value of your offerings.
  • Speedy delivery: Aim to provide faster delivery or service completion, emphasizing convenience and efficiency for your customers.
  • Exceptional customer service: Create a customer-centric culture, ensuring your clients receive unparalleled support and assistance.

Remember, your prices should strike a balance between profitability and customer satisfaction. Carefully assess market trends, competitor pricing, and your own production costs to determine an optimal price point.

3. Shouldering the Entire Burden Alone

Starting a business on your own can be an invaluable learning experience, particularly in the early stages when you aim to understand various aspects of your venture. However, clinging to the “do-it-all” mentality can hinder your growth and lead to burnout.

Most small business owners aspire to expand and become successful companies. To achieve this efficiently, it’s crucial to embrace delegation. Many entrepreneurs initially struggle with this concept due to concerns about losing control or a lack of trust in others’ capabilities. However, delegating tasks is a powerful tool for effective time management and prioritization, allowing you to focus on critical business development and growth strategies.

Put this in mind: Leadership isn’t about doing it all. Leadership is about delegating and empowering your team so you can achieve your goals together.

To delegate effectively, hire the right individuals who not only possess the necessary skills but also demonstrate initiative and a commitment to excellence. By building a reliable team, you can delegate responsibilities with confidence, knowing they will contribute to your business’s success.

4. Overlooking Solid Business Agreements and Contracts

While verbal agreements can suffice in some cases, it is generally recommended to formalize agreements in writing to ensure clarity and enforceability. Even when collaborating with friends or family members, a written agreement can help prevent misunderstandings and safeguard relationships.

One common mistake is hastily entering into business dealings without documenting the agreed terms and conditions. Verbal agreements, no matter how enthusiastic or exciting, can lead to future complications or disputes. By clearly stating all terms in written contracts, you can preemptively address potential issues and avoid future headaches or legal entanglements.

5. Falling into the Trap of Overspending or Underspending

When launching a small business, some degree of spending is unavoidable. Depending on the nature of your enterprise, you may need to invest in equipment, physical store construction, or raw materials. However, both overspending and underspending can pose risks to your business’s financial health.

On one hand, overspending on unnecessary expenses or extravagant assets can strain your resources and hinder long-term growth. Prioritize investments that directly contribute to your business’s success and delay luxury expenses until your venture is firmly established.

On the other hand, excessive frugality and underinvestment can stunt your business’s growth potential. Recognize that prudent spending and strategic investments are essential to propel your business forward. Allocate funds wisely to areas that will yield the greatest returns, such as marketing, talent acquisition, or product development.

6. Failing to Conduct Market Research

Understanding your customers is vital for boosting sales and delivering products or services that meet their needs. Conducting market research provides invaluable insights into your target consumers, where to find them, and how they will respond to your offerings.

Market research doesn’t necessarily require hiring expensive teams. Personal interactions with customers, seeking feedback, and leveraging social media platforms can provide valuable information. Actively listen to your customers, analyze their feedback, and incorporate it into your business strategies. By aligning your products or services with customer expectations, you increase your chances of business success.

7. Neglecting to Adapt to Technological Advances

In today’s digital age, embracing technology is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Utilizing technology can significantly enhance productivity and customer service, giving your business a competitive edge. Consider the following avenues for technological integration:

  • Online presence: Establish an interactive website and utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote your products or services.
  • Task management: Leverage technology tools for efficient task management, ensuring you stay updated on crucial business operations. Some platforms looking into are Asana and Asana alternatives like Monday.com, Wrike and Jira.
  • Customer service: Implement virtual customer support channels to provide round-the-clock assistance and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Marketing automation: Harness the power of email marketing and automated customer relationship management (CRM) systems to streamline your marketing efforts.
  • Collaboration and data sharing: Utilize cloud storage solutions and collaboration platforms to securely store and share files with colleagues, partners, clients, and vendors.

By embracing technology and staying abreast of the latest tools and trends, you can optimize your business operations, enhance customer experiences, and position yourself for success in the digital landscape.

Recommended Business Courses

Screen Shot of How to Delegate Without Stress Course

How To Delegate Without Stress: Everything You Need To Know

If you’re feeling overwhelmed because it seems like you’re doing everything yourself—this course is for you. It teaches you how to delegate with confidence by overcoming possible blockers and learning the delegation process. You’ll have a more productive team, and you’ll get more time for yourself. It’s a win-win!

Before this course, I suffered frequent burn outs. I thought I was being “hands-on” with my business, but the truth was—I wasn’t delegating enough. I was teaching my team to be unproductive and I was depriving them of opportunities to grow. So I took this course and it changed the way I run things in my small business. Because I can now delegate with confidence, our small team is capable of doing mighty things.


  • The instructor explains the lessons in a clear and easy-to-understand manner
  • The course really drills down to the root causes that hinder you from delegating
  • The course broke down the delegating process into five actionable steps


  • The course isn’t as interactive as other courses I’ve taken in the platform
  • There are some aspects of delegation that weren’t covered in this course
  • The course can be a bit expensive if you don’t sign up for an All Access Pass

I highly recommend this training for managers, team leaders, entrepreneurs, and anyone who feels overwhelmed by their workload and wants to learn how to delegate tasks effectively.

How To Create A Business Plan

This online training course teaches you everything you need to know in creating an effective business plan. First and foremost, it helps you understand the impact of having a business plan. Then, it teaches you the essential components and how you can put them together to make an actionable business plan that you can use for your small business.

I have formal education in business so I know how to create a business plan. However, I still decided to take this course hoping it would give me a fresh perspective—and it did! The insights I’ve gained from the instructor are practical and more up-to-date than what I’ve previously learned. I’m sure aspiring entrepreneurs would find it extremely helpful.


  • There are a number of templates to help you get up and running
  • There’s also a sample business plan to give you an idea of what the finished product should look like
  • There are no specific requirements, other than having an idea for your business and the drive to transform your brilliant idea into reality


  • Some of the units can be a bit long especially for people who are short on time
  • The course can be a bit expensive if you don’t sign up for an All Access Pass

I recommended this course for entrepreneurs, business owners, aspiring entrepreneurs, and anyone who is interested in learning more about business planning.

Bookkeeping For Small Businesses Using Google Sheets

Struggling with keeping a record of your finances? Your first step to effective financial management starts with taking this course. This is a simple training particularly for small business owners who want to learn how to record their finances and make sense of their numbers. The only requirement for this course is some familiarity with using Google Sheets. 

I personally struggle with using robust financial tools, so I prefer to use Google Sheets. However, when the numbers get too many, it gets too complicated and confusing. This course was a life-saver for me! In it, Viktoria makes everything seem so easy with templates and examples. I never expected I’d learn bookkeeping that fast!


  • There are a number of Google Sheets templates for bookkeeping
  • There’s a video teaching you how to read your Profit and Loss statement
  • There’s also a bonus video showing you how to create charts and visualize financial information


  • Some learners who aren’t familiar with financial terms might experience a steep learning curve
  • The course doesn’t cover advanced bookkeeping topics
  • The course doesn’t include any live Q&A sessions with the instructor 

The course is especially well-suited for small business owners, freelancers, and anyone who wants to learn the basics of bookkeeping.

Key Takeways

Starting a small business is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor, but by avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase your chances of success. Take the time to create a comprehensive business plan, carefully price your products or services, delegate tasks to capable individuals, establish solid agreements, allocate resources wisely, conduct market research, and leverage technology to your advantage. By navigating your entrepreneurial journey with a strategic mindset, adaptability, and a commitment to continuous improvement, you can build a thriving business that stands the test of time.

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