Chat GPT or Assignment Writing Services: What to Choose?

Life seems to be very hard for students, so they started looking for ways to simplify it. Many people believe that artificial intelligence can help them, and it is already changing the education system. On the one hand, services like GPT Chat can help students finish their assignments faster, which should allow them to sleep more. On the other hand, some people are sure that they reduce students` motivation. But the main question is whether it is worth using these services or it is better to go for an assignment writing service.

Being a student, you have to deal with a lot of stress, so there is nothing wrong with looking for a tool that can help you. But you should be sure that the chosen option will not make things worse—nobody wants to get expelled. That is why we should figure out which variant is more suitable.

Are AI Writing Tools Legal?

Legitimacy is one of the most important factors when it comes to assignments. The thing is that students already have a lot of issues to solve, and they need something to simplify their lives. That is why it is important to figure this aspect out before you decide which option you are going to choose.

If you decide to use assignment writing services, you can be sure that everything is legal. They are able to provide high-quality content that will pass through any plagiarism checker. The thing is that they will check everything before they send it to you. The most important aspect here is to only opt for reliable services. According to the essaypro com reviews, for example, you are not likely to face any issues.

Speaking of AI writing, you can get an article on any topic you want. The tool may even be able to write at a college level with no mistakes in writing style or grammar. But the problem is that there are a few services that are able to identify Chat GPT and other similar tools. Furthermore, there have been several cases when universities expelled students due to the use of this service.

chatgpt 3d logo versus assignment writing services

What About Uniqueness?

Every student knows that it is critical to provide unique content, or the work will not be accepted. If you decide to use an assignment writing service, you can be sure that each and every piece of the article will be unique. The thing is that they will even provide a plagiarism report to prove that.

In the case of AI writing, things are a bit more complicated. You can use a service to write your assignment and may even check it with the help of a tool or even a few of them. At the same time, you might still fail because there are services that detect AI writing tools. The well-known Chat GPT, for example, can be found by GPTZero, which was launched by a senior at Princeton University. It implies that the piece of an assignment created with this service will be detected by the tool.

Which Option Is More Expensive?

The price of an online service is critical for any student because most of them do not have time to work to get some additional money. As a result, they tend to search for the cheapest options, which may not be smart. Let`s figure out why.

Currently, OpenAI is offering its services for free; consequently, you will not have to pay to get your article done. At the same time, you should never forget that this content may not be original, which will definitely cause issues.

If you opt for assignment writing help, you will have to pay a certain amount of money. The price will depend on a few factors, including the difficulty of your assignment, the deadline, and the number of pages. It is recommended to choose this variant because such services guarantee 100 percent original content.

What Are the Drawbacks of ChatPGT?

Even though GPT Chat seems to be a great solution, it has several significant drawbacks, and some of them are:

  1. Length limit: The limit of this service makes up 4096 characters. It implies that it will not be able to help you if your assignment is longer. That is why you should consider an assignment writing service, as they can provide as many pages as you need.
  2. Poor quality: Even though they claim that Chat GPT is able to write outstanding content suitable for universities, many people have noticed a different tendency. The thing is that not every text generated by this service has high quality.
  3. Network error: ChatGPT requires a stable internet connection because it stops working if it is lost. It means that you will have to start it all again. In the case of assignment help service, this issue will not be there.

Final Words

Being a student, you are highly likely to face a lot of challenges, so some help might be required. You will have to write a lot of assignments, which may cause a lack of sleep and some health issues. You might think that AI writing tools will help you spend less time on studying, but this solution is not good. The thing is that it puts you at greater risk. Using assignment writing services, you will not only be able to save some time for yourself, but you will also be sure that your work will be original.

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