Best Method to Learn Spanish at Home

Bilingual people are more likely to get hired and get better pay, according to sources. If you want to enjoy the advantages of being bilingual, one of the best languages to learn is Spanish because countries in Latin America are some of the most important traders for the USA. Want to find out the best ways to learn Spanish? Read on below.

Learn from a professional

One of the best ways to learn Spanish is to learn it professionally. There are plenty of resources available for learning this language. It is a common subject in many schools, so you can easily avail yourself of face-to-face classes.

However, if going to school seems too much for a language class, you can always enroll in an online language course. With an online course, you can learn right at the comforts of your own home and at your own pace.

Here are some of our top picks for online Spanish courses:

Learn Spanish for Beginners

If you’re just starting out with your language learning, this beginner course will give you a good foundation of Spanish fundamentals. At the end of the course, you will be able to learn to speak basic Spanish confidently and move up to more advanced lessons with the right foundation.

3 Minute Spanish

Not everyone has the luxury of unlimited time to set aside for learning a new language. If you feel too preoccupied with work or other obligations on a daily basis, this 3-minute Spanish course will be perfect for you. It works because it gives you all the basic principles you need to be able to speak the language without having to memorize too many phrases and words.

Complete Spanish Course

If you prefer a more conventional language learning approach, this complete course will load you up with all the basic expressions and useful phrases you need to learn to speak Spanish quickly. If you’re planning a trip to Spain soon, having an arsenal of valuable statements will help a lot.

Find a native speaker

Another one of the best ways to learn Spanish is to talk to a native speaker. It may feel like taking a sudden dive into the unknown, but it will encourage you to cope up and teach you in a more realistic manner throug=h actual conversations.

If you have a colleague, friend, or family member who speaks the language, ask to converse with them in Spanish to help you learn better. If you don’t personally know anyone, there are several online services and apps that can connect you with other people for language and culture exchange purposes. 

You can also browse online for international events that are taking place in your area. Some events are focused on Spanish culture and language. These are fantastic opportunities to get to meet new people while learning more about their culture and brushing up on the tongue.

Use flashcard apps

Almost anything worth learning about comes with apps that can help you learn faster, better, and more conveniently. Some of these apps only require a smartphone, so you can study anytime and anywhere.

Flashcard apps are perfect for learning new words, memorizing, and retaining vocabulary. Make it a habit to set aside time every day to practice with flashcard apps. Delegating thirty minutes a day is already enough for as long as you do it consistently and make it a habit.

Listen to Spanish podcasts

One of the best ways to learn Spanish or get acquainted with the language is to listen to podcasts. If you hear other people talking in Spanish, it gives you an idea about correctly pronouncing words in their accent, the proper intonation, and the correct use of expressions.

Here are some of the most popular podcasts you can find online:

Watch Spanish movies

Telenovelas are somewhat cliche quirks for Spanish characters in a movie. But did you know that watching them yourself can help you improve your Spanish? Watching a film in a language, you don’t yet understand can give you some visual context of what a word or phrase actually means.

Not only are they some of the best ways to learn Spanish, but also an idea (although exaggerated) of how Spanish culture works and how Spanish people interact with one another verbally and physically.

Read Spanish books

If you’re not that much into screens, books may offer more help for your language development in Spanish. There are plenty of Spanish classics to choose from. For example, “Love In the Time of Cholera” was initially written in Spanish by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Its original title read “El Amor en Los Tiempos del Colera.”

If you’ve already read the English translation, you will have a better context of the literature once you read it in its original language. Here are other literary classics that were originally written in Spanish:

  • Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
  • Ficciones by Jose Luis Borges
  • La Vida es Sueno by Perdo Calderon de la barca
  • La CIudad y Los Perros by Mario Vargas Llosa
  • El Lazarillo de Tormes

Write in Spanish

After listening and reading all of those Spanish materials, the next best way to learn the language is to make use of it. Aside from talking to someone, you can write instead. Write letters to your Spanish friends in their language. You can also make diary entries in Spanish or write stories in Spanish.

It does not have to be groundbreaking literature or something grand. A blog or simple short story for kids is a great way to apply your Spanish language skills since it is not that intimidating and makes use of easy and conversational language that is easy to read and understand.


Ready to learn Spanish at home? Click here to get started.

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