7 Reasons Your Company Needs an Employee Assistance Program

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Ensuring the mental health of your whole team is critical to the success of your organization. Without this, you might expect lower and worsened productivity, less collaboration, and poor outputs.

As a result, you must take steps to prevent such circumstances. Implementing an employee assistance program is one way to do this.

This program allows you to assist and support your workers who are experiencing personal or workplace challenges that are affecting their performance, well-being, and mental or physical health.

Continue reading to learn more about it. In this post, we will explore seven reasons why your organization needs an employee assistance program. Let’s get right to it.

employee manager discussing about assistance program

What is an employee assistance program (EAP)?

Before delving into the benefits, it may be useful to first address a more basic and relevant question: what is an employee assistance program?

An employee assistance program (EAP) is a confidential service that allows you to support your employees with personal or professional difficulties that may be interfering with their performance, happiness, and mental or physical health.

EAPs are no longer limited in what they can help workers with and now address a wide variety of difficulties, including child care, interpersonal problems, and financial or legal issues.

7 Benefits of an employee assistance program

Now that you know what an employee assistance program is, it is time to learn about the benefits it provides and why you need one for your company. Here is a list of some of the most important.

1. It improves productivity

When employees are distracted by pressures or problems in their personal lives, they are less productive, motivated, and creative at work. This indicates that your company’s quality of production and well-being will suffer, resulting in lower profits and achievements.

On the contrary, by adopting an employee assistance program, you will provide your workers with the chance to resolve personal issues that are distracting or impeding their ability to be productive and responsive at work. As a consequence, the output will be increased and hastened, and accomplishments and sales will grow.

3. It reduces and avoids the impact of employee burnout

Employee burnout is a kind of work-related stress characterized by physical or emotional tiredness, as well as a sense of diminished accomplishment and loss of personal identity.

This frequently occurs when individuals are dealing with personal issues that hinder them from completely concentrating at work and completing their daily chores and long-term goals.

If this occurs, such actions will have a detrimental influence on your company, resulting in slower output and success. Instead, by implementing employee assistance programs, you can avoid this from happening. Your employees will feel more relaxed and focused on their tasks, enhancing efficiency and production.

4. It helps you promote mental health in the workplace

Mental health in the workplace is critical if you want your employees to be collaborative and productive. In general, when individuals have difficulties in their life, they bring them to work, producing animosity in the team, unhappiness, and destroying the environment and culture of your organization.

As you can expect, in the absence of teamwork and a good mood, your team will be less productive and inventive, and your company will suffer. Instead, the use of EAPs will modify and enhance your employees’ moods, allowing them to be more collaborative and productive with one another.

5. It allows you to balance your employees’ financial wellness

Financial wellness is a condition of financial well-being in which employees can pay their obligations, meet their immediate requirements, weather unforeseen financial emergencies, and prepare for long-term financial objectives such as saving for education and retirement.

People’s financial well-being is inextricably linked to their mood and productivity, since when they are emotionally calm and tranquil, they are more focused on the job, resulting in greater collaborative and productive vibes.

6. It helps you reduce absenteeism

When employees have life issues of any type and are unable to deal with them readily, the effect is that they are increasingly absent.

As you can expect, absenteeism has a significant influence on your company’s productivity and continuity, and you’ll likely have to pay extra to replace them by recruiting new workers.

Employee support programs are fantastic strategies to avoid such situations since they will help your staff deal with their everyday concerns and be more present at work.

7. Improve teamwork

As previously noted, troubles in employees’ personal life can have an influence on their mood and attitude, which can reflect on colleagues and the workplace in general.

If this occurs, your staff will be less motivated to collaborate and be more productive, resulting in less and less high-quality outputs. Instead, EAPs may assist employees in resolving issues and becoming happier and more collaborative.

team talking about eap

Examples of employee assistance programs

There are several types of employee assistance programs, making it difficult and time-consuming to select the best one. To assist you, here is a list of the greatest and most beneficial employee support programs that you might consider introducing in your company:

  1. Stress management programs – This program provides ways to assist people to cope with or reduce the physical and mental repercussions of daily life stress. Controlling and lowering the tension that develops in stressful situations requires mental and physical adjustments.
  2. Child care or elder care referral – Child care referral services assist parents of babies and children (up to the age of 12) in discovering appropriate child care by providing information and referrals to child care providers.
  3. Counseling for crisis situations – The goal of crisis therapy is to help people focus on stressful circumstances, treat their current needs, and learn coping skills so they can face similar or identical situations in the future.
  4. Advice specifically for managers/supervisors in dealing with difficult situations –  managers speak directly to the person about the specific problems.
  5. Wellness programs – A wellness program is intended to improve and promote health and fitness.

How to implement your EAP successfully

1. Understand what your employees need

Make a list of all the issues that your staff is currently dealing with at your company.

It’s never a bad idea to check in with your employees and get anonymous input on how they’re doing and how you might help them. Here are some of the questions you should ask your employees:

  • On average, how many days of the week do you feel stressed?
  • On a typical workday, how stressed do you feel?
  • On average, how many hours do you work every week?
  • How many hours of work did you miss due to mental health issues or physical sickness this quarter?
  • In order of preference, which of the following benefits would you like our organization to implement?

For example, if employees miss several days every quarter due to mental health issues, an EAP that gives simple access to employee counseling may be beneficial.

2. Determine your goals

Now that you have a better idea of your employees’ needs, it’s time to determine your EAP goals. Here are some EAP goal examples:

  • Reduce absenteeism and presenteeism
  • Increase productivity
  • Increase employee morale
  • Increase employee engagement
  • Attract and retain top talent
  • Improve company culture
  • Improve employee mental health
  • Reduce stress and burnout
  • Improve work-life balance

3. Set a budget

An EAP or wellness program would typically bill you depending on the number of employees you have—per employee per month (PEPM).

Some EAPs charge more the more employees utilize them, while others charge less. In most cases, the latter is the superior alternative. Choose a wellness benefits provider that prioritizes your employees’ health and matches your budget.

4. Research the top EAPs

Now that you’ve gathered all of your data, it’s time to choose the best EAPs. The following are the most relevant characteristics of EAPs:

  • Are scalable
  • Are easy to use
  • Provide quick access to care
  • Provide utilization and progress data
  • Offer a variety of care options and languages to meet everyone’s needs
  • Provide services to employees regardless of their location.

5. Tell the team about your EAP

It’s now time to inform your employees about the programs you’re implementing and delivering, giving them the opportunity to participate.

6. Evaluate your EAP

Once you’ve implemented your employee assistance program, it’s critical that you continue to analyze its progress and identify areas for improvement. You might leverage feedback from others who have used the service to do this.

You may also utilize external sources to assess its performance, such as organizations that are already running a successful program in a comparable environment to yours.


Employee assistance programs are beneficial and necessary for all types of businesses and organizations. Failure to execute them may result in a loss of productivity, cooperation, and more, as well as general misbehavior of your business, as demonstrated in this blog post.

Implementing EAPs, on the other hand, will improve your workers’ mood, serenity, and more, allowing them to be more collaborative and productive at work.

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