6 Best Online Businesses to Start Now

Online businesses have sprouted left and right ever since the quarantine began. Although online businesses have had a fair share in the market, they have become even more prevalent and relevant these days. One of the reasons is the ease and convenience online transactions can bring you. In this article, get an idea or two for the best online businesses you can start now.

Whether you always had a passion for entrepreneurship or are looking to maximize your time, online business is the way to go. People are online for hours—you can find your target market in a snap. Plus, there are lesser costs to cover the whole startup.  

Here are the best businesses you can start now to get your ideas running. 


Dropshipping is listing other people’s products in an online or e-commerce store and getting a commission for each sale. In this online venture, you won’t have to create your products, maintain inventory, nor process orders. You will only make a purchase from the third-party seller once a customer buys from you. It’s the drop shipper’s responsibility to process orders and send items to customers directly. You are just in charge of advertising and marketing products.

Sounds cool, right? It offers you lesser costs to operate while providing you a higher chance of earning. You will just have to find a trusted third-party drop shipper who can provide you good quality products to retain customers. It is highly recommended to conduct thorough research before you start dropshipping.

Amazon FBA

Quite similar to dropshipping, Amazon FBA stores business owners’ inventory. However, the difference with the former is that you send your product to Amazon while it takes care of storing, processing, packing, shipping, and tracing orders for you. There is a point of investment for inventory and a charge for FBA services. 

It’s the perfect business if you want to start a new product line, but you don’t have space and people to accommodate inventory and orders. Amazon even handles customer service and returns/refunds, so you won’t have anything to stress about.

Information products

Since the internet is a digital platform, it paves the way for a more significant need for digital information products. These refer to audios, podcasts, videos, graphics, ebooks, write-ups, and more. Selling information products is one of the best businesses you can start if you are tech-savvy or highly knowledgeable in a particular industry or niche.

Digital content has become a staple in this digital era. There is a big market if you ever decide to produce your content for consumers. Your investments are your knowledge, effort, and some specialized software in creating content. 

Food delivery

More of a foodie? Why not turn that love for food into a startup business? You have more platforms to market your products since there is social media. Even more, online food deliveries are all the rage right now. You can start up your business, market it online, and partner up with a local on-demand delivery like Postmates and Uber Eats. 

This minimizes the need for an actual restaurant set-up for customer accommodation. You just have to list your items online and directly deliver your products to customers nearby.

Blog or vlog

Although starting up a blog or vlog will take some time to gather an audience, it will be worth the effort once you start monetizing it. It is a good business to start since you can earn passive income over time, get sponsors for your content, and get started with affiliate marketing.

You will only have to build up your following before you get to see the fruits of your hard work. In creating your profitable blog, this online course can guide you big time.

Stock trades

Stock trading is a good business to try out. You can start with as low as $5 to buy your first stock and sell it off at a much higher price. But before you begin with this venture, it counts to know how stock trading works. You’ll need ample guidelines to ensure you gain wins and avoid losses since it is said that only 10% make it successful.

Fortunately, there are top-reviewed Skill Success courses to take in learning the realms of stock trading. There are Stock Trading Basics and Stock Trading: Options Trading Strategies to help you ace the stock market.

Recommended courses for you

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